Teach your wife to live for a thousand years

Chapter 993 Nine Heavens Knife Appears

Chapter 993 Nine Heavens Knife Appears
Most of the people have already chosen their sword weapons, and they are all satisfied with their sword weapons from the looks of their faces. The secret contest is over, because it is now clear.

"Yo, the sword weapon of the lower class level? It looks very powerful, why don't you compare it with me? Let's see which one of us is the strongest, can we compare?"

"Get out! Who wants to provoke you!"

The bright fights between the holy lands of the four directions are all genius disciples of the holy lands, and they are willing to give up only when they can't decide the outcome.

"Nanzhou is worthy of being a strong continent. Three of the disciples have obtained swords of the heavenly level. Beizhou Wannian's second child is strong. Xizhou is also good this time. It opened our eyes. It is even stronger than Dongzhou Holy Land. sharp."

"That's awesome. Didn't you know they invited foreign aid? Academy! That's an academy. It's normal to have a genius. If Xizhou Holy Land can win these people from the Academy, it will definitely surpass Dongzhou Holy Land in a few years."

Someone from the Holy Land of Nanzhou quit, humming a few times: "Then you have to have this ability. Besides, the location of the academy is not in Xizhou, but in Nanzhou. Who would go to a place like Xizhou to suffer? People from the academy You're not a fool, why would you do that?"


Ye Yuye stared at the abyss not far away, resting his elbows casually on his knees, occasionally touching his chin a few times, as if thinking about it.

Except Ye Yuye.

Jiang Yi also sensed it.

There is an inexplicable connection between weapons, especially swords, which are the existence of opposition between the two. When one side is strong, the other side can sense deep hostility, and thus have to be vigilant.

Shen Yi sensed it.

It's just that the breath of the knife is not deep.

For Shen Yi, there is no danger.

The disciple who got the sword was satisfied.

But the Holy Master of the Quartet is not.

They stood on the top of the abyss, and finally took out a stone they had prepared in advance. This stone was not ordinary. There was a deep mark on it, which contained the breath of a sword. It was cut by Emperor Xiaoyao in ancient times.

This object is a precious object of the Nanzhou Holy Land.

Anyone who is gifted in the Dao of the Sword will have the right to borrow it once. It can also be said that there are the most sword cultivators in the Nanzhou Holy Land, and even the Nanzhou Holy Master himself is a sword cultivator. It doesn't matter.

If it weren't for being able to use this method to lure Jiuxiaodao out, it would be impossible for the Lord of Nanzhou to take this thing out.

So, will Nine Heavens Knife appear?

The Lord of Nanzhou put the stone on the edge of the abyss, and retreated like everyone else, and did not stop until he retreated 100 meters.

Ye Yuye stared at one place, and finally landed on a rock, raised his eyebrows, a little interesting, trying to use this method to lure Jiu Xiaodao to appear.


As long as the sword is there, the sound of the sword's cry will still be there.

The blood-red moon dyed half the sky scarlet.

After the disciples of the Holy Land ended their resonance, there were not many swords left around, except for the swords they had recognized their masters in their hands. Everyone looked at me and I looked at you. When the excitement in their eyes gradually disappeared, they were puzzled. up.

It stands to reason that it's over, shouldn't the whole team be brought back to the Holy Land?

But why hasn't it been arranged yet?

Is it not over yet?
"What's the matter, I plan to share this good news with other people, and let me go back?"

"Hey, what are they doing? Could it be that there really is Emperor Xiaoyao's weapon here?"

"Maybe there is, let's take a look and talk, maybe we can really see the Jiuxiao Dao of Emperor Xiaoyao,

I heard that the knives used by Emperor Xiaoyao are very strong, even a dozen strong men can't shatter the Nine Heavens Knife. If we can see it, it means that we have made a lot of money! "


There were quite a few people talking about it, and the Holy Masters of the Quartet were all focused on the abyss beneath their feet, and they didn't bother to care about other things.

Ye Yuye got up slowly, with an extra jug of wine in his hand, lifted the wine cloth familiarly, drank a few sips, and threw the jug into Jiang Yi's arms.

Those eyes that were like ink and deep pools sank a little.

next moment.

Just when the Quartet Lord was disappointed.

In an instant.

The entire Sword Tomb is trembling!
Not just the ground, but the space they are in!


I don't know what happened.

"Fuck, what's wrong with the sword mound? Is it about to explode?"

"Damn it, don't you guys in Dongzhou be useless! Can you shut up? Can you stop talking like a crow?!"

"Elder! When can we leave the Sword Tomb? If we don't leave, there will be a real problem! Is it because the energy of the Sword Tomb is not enough?"


Not to mention the disciples, even the elders in the Holy Land were taken aback. It was not the first time for them, and it was precisely because it was not the first time that they panicked more than these disciples.

Because this is something that has never happened before.

But now the Holy Master is not far away, and there is no order, even the elders in the Holy Land dare not act rashly, they can only protect the disciples in the Holy Land.


The Holy Master Dongzhou stared down, suppressing the greed in his heart, and suddenly shouted, "Nine Heavens Knife is definitely under the abyss! Everyone back up! Back up!"

Nine Heavens Knife!

There was an uproar all around.


Unbelievable has it all!
Even the Lord has spoken, how could it not be true, Emperor Xiaoyao's weapon is in the sword mound!They will see you soon!
Immediately afterwards, the elders in all directions began to roar anxiously.

"Back! Back all!"

"Nine Heavens Knife is a fairy weapon, if you don't want to die, back away quickly! Hurry up!"

"That's a fairy artifact, no kidding! Everyone retreat! The elders whose cultivation base is below the sixth heaven of the earth rank also retreat quickly! Protect the disciples of the Holy Land!"


The holy master of the four directions flew to the other side of the valley at an extremely fast speed, not as if he wanted to snatch the Nine Heavens Blade, but was fleeing, fleeing from this place.

In the confusion, the green horse grabbed Shi Shi by the back collar and threw him onto his back. The fat cat was also hugged by Shi Shi, neighing, and ran to a safe place.

boom -

There seemed to be a flash of lightning in the sky.

There was another bang.

And this time it wasn't the sound of thunder.

It was the movement from the abyss.

Listen carefully.

It seems to have the sound of dragon chant.

The wind is completely lifted!

Howling wind!

Everyone's robes were tumbling crazily, their feet were firmly on their feet, and there were only 1 crap screaming in their hearts, the wind almost swept them away!

A slender white light rushed out from the abyss!

Everyone felt a stab in front of their eyes, and opened them after their eyes got used to it.

Above the abyss.

A knife with a black upper handle and a red lower handle is floating!
There was a faint white air around the blade.

At first glance, it is domineering!


It seems that even the wind can be cut apart!
It's shocking!

 My hair is oily, so I don't want to take a shower. . . . .what's the matter
  After washing, I have to catch up with homework again, so I am sober.

  I was going to be a dandy, but it seems that I can't do it again
  I'm useless

(End of this chapter)

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