love education

Chapter 16 January

Chapter 16 January (2)
"Now, I can see all of Italy, I can see the Apennines, stretching all the way to the Ionian Sea, with rivers flowing everywhere, those white cities, those abysses, those blue bays, and many Green islands." He could name so many of them correctly, in sequence, and so quickly, it was as if he were reading them from a map.We just watched him standing there, his head full of blond curly hair was raised slightly upwards, his eyes were closed tightly, and he was dressed in bright blue clothes with golden buttons on the clothes, his figure was tall and straight It looks like a statue.At this time, my heart was full of admiration for him.In just an hour he had the three-page manuscript by heart, for he was going to read it the day after tomorrow for King Victoria's funeral anniversary.Lian Nelli looked at him with surprise and admiration, and while stroking the folds of his black cloth apron with his hands, he smiled at Dros with his big clear and sad eyes.

This interview made me very happy, and it left little sparks in my mind and heart.It was funny when they left, too, Nellie was carried out on his arms between two tall, strong guys, laughing like I've never heard him before.

When I got back to the dining room I realized that the picture of Rigreto, the hunchbacked clown, was gone, and my father had taken it away so little Nellie wouldn't see it.

Funeral of King Victoria Emmanuel

Tuesday the 17st

At two o'clock this afternoon, the head teacher called Dros to come into the classroom as soon as he entered the classroom.Dross immediately went to the back of the lectern, facing us all, and in his melodious voice recited the King's Funeral Message.At first, his voice was still a little trembling, but gradually, his voice became clear and clear, and his face became rosy little by little.He recited:
At this moment four years ago today, the hearse carrying the jade coffin of Victoria Emmanuel II stopped in front of the Pantheon in Rome.Victoria Emmanuel II was the first monarch after the unification of Italy, and he ruled Italy for 29 years.During these 29 years, the great land of Italy was divided into seven small states, and was continuously invaded by foreign enemies and enslaved by tyrants.It was the tireless struggle of the great Victoria Emmanuel II to reunite Italy into a free and independent state.

During these 29 years, he used his bravery, loyalty, courage and wisdom to survive and develop Italy at critical junctures, and to promote national prestige. He also used his indomitable spirit to overcome various natural disasters and man-made disasters, allowing people to live and work in peace .

When the hearse full of wreaths drove slowly through the streets of Rome, flowers continued to fall from the sky like a torrential rain. At this moment, all of Italy was immersed in a mournful silence.The streets of Rome were crowded with people who came from all over Italy to see him off.Walking in the front of the hearse is a team composed of generals, ministers and crown princes, followed by a team of honor guards that best represent the prestige of the country and the glory of the whole nation. There are only forests of pennants and ribbons flying, and there are [-] towns and cities in Italy. Representatives of the Communist Party of China and countless disabled soldiers followed behind the guard of honor.

The hearse passed through the avenue of Rome and stopped before and after the majestic Pantheon. The twelve guards immediately took the jade coffin out of the hearse.And at that moment all of Italy said a final "farewell" to her most beloved king.This farewell is to my warriors, my father, and the happiest and most grateful days and nights in the history of Italy for 29 years.What a great and solemn moment this was. Everyone's expressions and hearts trembled emotionally when they saw the jade coffin.

At this time, the [-] officers who had been waiting in line to raise the flag of the legion lowered the flag together.These military flags are all tied with black silk ribbons, they are the symbols of Italy, they record thousands of sacrificed soldiers, those blood that flowed into rivers, the most sacred and glorious deeds of the motherland, the most holy sacrifice of the people, and the deep suffering of our nation.

When the jade coffin was escorted by the soldiers of the guards, all the flags were thrown forward to pay tribute. There are flags of the newly formed legion here, as well as those old and incomplete flags, like Gaotuo's flag , Pastrengo, St. Lucia, Novara, Crimea, Ballestero, San Martino, and the flags of Castrofe.

Eighty black curtains came down, and countless medals violently hit the flagpole, making a loud noise, as if thousands of people were shouting in unison. Everyone's blood boiled and trembled because of this, farewell, Our great king, our loyal sovereign, as long as the sun shines over Italy, you will live forever in the hearts of Italians.

After the jade coffin was placed, the flags once again pointed to the direction of the kingdom of heaven. King Victoria was buried in the glorious temple that symbolized immortality.

Franty is expelled from school
Saturday 21th

If anyone had the audacity to chuckle as Dross recited King Victoria's funeral speech, it was none other than Franty.I hate that guy because he's an evil man who gloats whenever a father comes to school and scolds his little ones; he must be laughing when other people cry; Writhing and pissing at Galen; he bullied the little mason because he was short; he tortured Cross on purpose because he had a stumped arm; Plus; he even teased Robert, the third grader on crutches, who was crippled by saving children; Become very vicious, always ready to hurt others.

Just under his flat forehead, in those cloudy eyes, there was something so evil that was hidden by the brim of his batik cap, it was barely perceptible, and whenever you saw him That kind of thing in the eyes makes people shudder.

He has never been afraid of the sky and the earth, even if the class teacher is present, he dares to laugh at others; whenever he has the opportunity, he will steal other people's things, and when he denies it with a big word, he will put on an elusive look. His face; he always quarreled with people, and brought pins to the school to stab people around him; he not only took off the buttons on his own clothes, but also those on other people's clothes; his paper His books, books, and exercise books were all dirty, deformed or torn by him, his rulers were jagged, his pens were worn out, and his nails were broken. It was bitten to pieces, and there were patches of stains on his clothes, as well as scratches from when he fought with others.

I heard from others that his mother fell ill because of the troubles he caused, and his father drove him out of the house three times.His mother occasionally came to school to inquire about his son's performance, but always left with tears in her eyes.

Franty hated the school, his classmates, and his teacher. Sometimes the class teacher pretended not to notice his hooliganism, but he was even more rampant.The class teacher tried to treat him gently, but he used this to taunt the teacher. He said something disgusting to the class teacher, and then covered his face with his hands, as if crying, but in fact, he was secretly laughing.He had been expelled from school for three days, but when he returned to school he looked even more of a rascal and more insolent than ever.Dross once couldn't help saying to him: "Stop it, can't you see how upset the teacher is?" and he threatened Dross that he would stick his finger in his stomach.

But, this morning, he was finally kicked out of school like a dog.At that time, the homeroom teacher was giving Galen a draft of the monthly story called "The Boy Drumming in Sardinia" and asked him to make a copy.Franty threw a string of firecrackers on the floor, and the firecrackers blew up. The whole classroom seemed to be shot by rifles, and there was an explosion sound immediately.The whole class was terrified by this move, and the class teacher jumped up in fright, shouting loudly:
"Franti, get out of school!"

Franti immediately retorted, "I didn't do that." After speaking, he couldn't help but burst out laughing.The class teacher shouted again:

"I'm not going to mess around anymore," he replied.

At this moment, the homeroom teacher couldn't bear it anymore, he rushed to Franty, grabbed his arms, and dragged him out of the seat.Franty resisted desperately, clenched his teeth, and the teacher had to use all his strength to get him away.He was about the same weight as the head teacher, and the head teacher just hugged him like that and took him to the principal's office.Not long after, the head teacher returned to the classroom alone and sat behind the podium. He hugged his head with both hands, panting heavily, and looked full of exhaustion and upset. We couldn't bear to see him like this.

"I've been teaching for 30 years!" he said sadly, shaking his head again and again, while everyone listened carefully.His hands were shaking because of the rage just now, and the vertical wrinkle between his brows looked so deep, like a deep wound, poor head teacher!All feel sorry for him.Dross stood up and said to him:
"My dear sir, please don't be sad, we all love you."

After calming down a bit, he said to us:
"Let's get on with the lessons, kids."

Drumming Boys in Sardinia (Story of the Month)
It was July 24, [-], the day the Custoza War broke out. Sixty soldiers of our infantry were sent to a highland to occupy an abandoned house.When they were approaching the house, they were suddenly attacked by two companies of the Austrians. The Austrians' bullets rained down from all directions without thinking, killing and wounding several soldiers at once.Our army had to leave the wounded soldiers where they were, rush into the empty houses, block the doors and close the windows.

Afterwards, our soldiers quickly ran to the windows on the first and second floors, and launched a fierce counterattack against the attackers.At this time, the Austrians are forming a semicircle to encircle us, approaching us little by little.Their artillery fire was very heavy.And our sixty Italian soldiers were led by two junior sergeants and an army captain.The captain was a tall, thin, stern-faced old man with white hair and a moustache.In addition to these soldiers, there is also a boy playing drums from Sardinia. He is just over 14 years old, but he looks like a child under 12 years old. His complexion is yellowish brown, and his eyes are small and sparkling. of light.The captain commanded the counterattack in a room on the second floor. Every order he gave was short and powerful like a bullet exploding, and there was no trace of personal emotion on his strong face.As for the boy playing drums, although his face was a little pale, his legs were still standing straight.He jumped onto a table, leaned on the wall with his hands tightly, and stretched out his neck to see what was going on outside the window.Through a cloud of smoke in the field, he saw the white uniforms of the Austrians, who were approaching the house cautiously.

This house is built on the top of a very steep slope, and on the wall facing the slope, there is only one tall window, which is connected to a hut on the roof.So that side of the house was not threatened by the Austrians, nor was there an Austrian guard on the slope, the guns threatened only the front and the two sides of the house.However, the artillery fire was extremely violent, and the lead shells slammed down like hail, splitting the walls outside the house and smashing the tiles.The roof, furniture, window frames, and door frames of the house have all been cracked, pieces of firewood, and clouds of gypsum powder are flying in the air, and pieces of kitchen utensils and glass are spinning crazily and bouncing everywhere Yes, the sound of everything crumbling has the potential to crush a human skull.

From time to time, a soldier who was shooting by the window was suddenly hit by a bullet, fell to the ground suddenly, and was quickly dragged aside by other soldiers.Others stumbled from room to room, clutching their hands to their wounds.There was already a soldier's body in the kitchen, his forehead was split, and the semicircle surrounded by the enemy was shrinking little by little.

At this time, the always indifferent and serious captain also showed a trace of uneasiness. He left the room with big strides, followed by the sergeant. Three minutes later, the sergeant trotted back into the room, and he gestured for the drumming boy to follow him.The boy quickly followed the sergeant, and they walked up the wooden stairs together to the empty top floor.The boy saw that the captain was writing something on a piece of paper with a pencil at this moment, his body was leaning against the small window, and a tied rope was placed under his feet.The captain folded the piece of paper and stared at the soldier standing in front of him with his cold, gloomy eyes. Everyone couldn't help shivering. He called the boy:
"Drummer!" The drummer boy put his hand on the brim of his hat and gave a military salute.

The captain continued: "You are a man of courage."

The boy blinked and replied, "Yes, Captain."

(End of this chapter)

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