love education

Chapter 17 January

Chapter 17 January (3)
"Look here," said the captain, pushing him towards the window, "on the meadow, near the house in Villefranca, where the bayonets shine, that's where our troops are stationed. There, I order you to take this note, tie yourself to a rope, go down through the window, and run quickly up the slope, across the fields, to find our troops, and give this note to the first you Officer you see, take off your belt and knapsack now."

The boy obediently took off his belt and backpack, and stuffed the note into his breast pocket.The sergeant then threw the rope out of the window and gripped the other end of the rope tightly with both hands.The captain helped the boy climb up the small window.He climbed out from there, with his back to a field outside the window. "From now on, you must be careful," said the captain. "Whether our team can be saved depends on your courage and your legs!"

"Please trust me, Captain." The drummer boy replied while sliding down.

"When you go down the slope, you must bend down." The captain instructed, and then he and the sergeant grabbed the rope tightly, "Don't be afraid, God is with you."

After a while, the boy fell to the ground, and the sergeant retracted the rope so he could not see him.

The captain anxiously paced back and forth in front of the window, and he saw the boy rushing down the slope like flying.The captain hoped that he could escape quietly, unnoticed by the enemy.But when the captain saw half a dozen places in front of and behind the boy covered in dust, he realized that the boy was being targeted by the Austrians, who were shooting down at the boy from the very top of the plateau.However, the boy still ran forward desperately with his head down, and suddenly, he fell headfirst to the ground. "He was killed!" the captain roared, gnashing his teeth on his fist.However, before he could finish his sentence, he saw the boy get up again, "Ah, I just fell down." He murmured to himself, letting out a long sigh of relief.

In fact, the boy was running as fast as he could, but he was limping. "He twisted his ankle," thought the captain.At this time, another burst of smoke and dust flew up around the boy, but it was not as close as last time. He is safe now, the captain muttered. He knew that the boy had succeeded, but he never took his eyes off the boy. move away.His whole body was trembling with tension, and he understood that life and death are just a matter of a moment at this moment, if he can't run to a farther place with the little note requesting emergency rescue in the shortest time , Then, not only all his soldiers will be killed, but even the boy himself will have to become a prisoner of war like his own soldiers.

The boy sprinted for a distance, then slowed down, limped, and started running again, but more often than not he felt tired, and after a while he stumbled and had to stop for a while Son. "He may have been bruised by a bullet," thought the captain, who could notice his every movement, whose body was trembling with excitement, who encouraged him silently in his heart, and spoke to him as if It was as if the boy could hear him.His eyes were fixed on the boy unrelentingly, with lights shining in his eyes, and he kept measuring the distance between the boy and the shining bayonets.Those shining weapons are between the rice fields on the endless plain, and the grains are all framed with gold because of the sun.

At this moment, the captain's ears continued to be filled with noisy sounds, the whizzing of bullets, the sound of shells exploding in the downstairs room, the angry roars of sergeants and officers, and the piercing screams of the wounded. The sound of wailing, the shattering of furniture, and the sound of falling bricks and tiles. "Come on, be brave!" he yelled, his eyes following the running of the boy in the distance. "Go ahead, keep running! How did he stop, the damn boy, oh, he Started running again!"

Panting heavily, a sergeant ran over to report the situation of the enemy army to the captain. The enemy did not weaken their firepower at all, and even showed a white flag to signal our army to surrender. "Don't pay attention to them!" he shouted, still keeping his eyes on the figure of the boy. The boy had reached the plain at this time, but he stopped running. Move your body. "Quick, run!" cried the captain, clenching his teeth and clenching his fists. "They're going to kill you, you're going to die, you little bastard, run!" the captain sighed In a sad tone, he said, "Ah, you despicable coward, you actually sat down!"

In fact, just now the captain could still see the boy's head looming above the vast rice field, but now he couldn't see it, the boy seemed to have fallen.After a minute or so, however, his head could be seen again, and finally he disappeared behind the hedge, unfortunately the captain did not see all this.He hurried down the stairs, bullets pouring down like a storm.

The rooms were full of wounded, and some of the wounded soldiers turned over as if they were drunk, clutching the furniture tightly, and the walls and floors were splattered with blood.Many bodies blocked the doorway, a lieutenant was wounded in the arm by a bullet, and smoke and dust hung over everything. "Be brave!" the captain shouted, "Stick to your posts, the rescuers will arrive soon, you just have to hold on for a while!"

The Austrians are getting closer, their distorted faces are clearly visible through the thick smoke, and their barbaric and provocative language can be heard, they are loudly insulting our soldiers, asking us to give up resistance and go out Surrender and threaten us with massacres.Some of the soldiers were frightened and shrank back from the window, but the sergeant pushed them forward again.However, the gunfire of resistance has weakened, and everyone's face is full of despair. They understand that any resistance is meaningless.At this moment the Austrian fire suddenly died down, and a thunderous voice shouted, first in German and then in Italian:

"No!" The captain shouted from a window, and immediately, the firepower on both sides increased again, faster and more violent than before.More soldiers fell, and more than one window was lost. The fatal moment was imminent, and the captain forcefully squeezed out a nearly distorted sentence through his teeth:

"Rescue soldiers haven't arrived, rescue soldiers still haven't arrived!" He ran around in a hurry, holding the hilt of his sword with both hands as if cramped, and waving them wildly.At this moment, a sergeant rushed down from the attic and shouted in a high-pitched voice:

"They are coming, help is coming!"

"They are coming!" The captain also cheered excitedly, and everyone cheered for the late rescue. The uninjured soldiers shouted, and the wounded also shouted. The sergeants and officers rushed to the window like flying. .At this time, the artillery fire became violent again, and after a while, some unrest appeared in the enemy troops, and their order began to become chaotic.Seeing this, the captain made a decisive decision and quickly assembled a temporary and small team in the room on the first floor, preparing for the final fight with the enemy.After gathering, he flew upstairs again, and before he could stand still, he heard a burst of rapid and heavy footsteps, accompanied by the overwhelming roar of charging.He flung himself to the window, and through the thick black smoke he saw the boat-caps of the Italian cavalry galloping forward, a squadron of soldiers advancing at full speed, shining sabers dancing in the air like lightning, and fell on the heads of the enemy , shoulders, and back.

Shangwei immediately ordered the newly formed small army to rush out of the house.The soldiers rushed to the enemy line with bayonets.The enemy began to waver, they were in disorder, and began to flee back.The battlefield outside the house was clear, and the house was now safe.In a short while, two battalions of Italian infantry, assisted by two cannons, took the place, and the captain, along with the remaining soldiers around him, joined the main force and continued to fight.In this last hand-to-hand battle, the captain was only slightly injured in his left hand by a rebounded bullet, and the day's battle ended with our army's victory.

However, as soon as the fighting began the next day, our troops were outnumbered by the Austrians, and despite our most valiant resistance, on the morning of the 27th we were obliged to retreat to Myintso .Although the captain was wounded, he still insisted on walking back to the camp with his soldiers. He looked so tired that he didn't want to say another word.As it was getting dark, they reached Gautuo on the banks of the Minso River.Immediately after reaching Myint So, the Captain started looking for his Lieutenant, who with his broken arm had been rescued by our ambulance team, who had arrived there long before them.

The captain was taken to a church, which was a makeshift emergency room of a field hospital, where he began to search for his lieutenant.The church was filled with wounded soldiers who were placed in two rows of sickbeds or placed directly on mattresses on the floor.

There were two doctors there, and countless assistants, who came and went to help them, and everyone was very busy, and the suppressed shouts and groans echoed.As soon as the captain entered the church, he immediately stopped, concentrated his attention and began to search around for his officers. At that moment, he heard someone calling his name in a faint voice:
"Your Excellency, Captain!" He looked back, and it was the boy who played the drum. He was lying on a small cot, and his body was covered with a poor-quality curtain with red and white checks, covering it up to his chest. Placed outside the curtain, she looked pale and thin, but her eyes still shone like black gems.

"Are you here too?!" the captain asked, quite surprised, his voice still sharp, "Good job! You have completed your task."

"I did everything I could," replied the drummer boy.

"Are you injured?" the captain asked, looking for his officer on the bed next to him. "Nobody expected this," replied the boy.After a few words with the captain, the boy seemed to have regained his courage. He even felt extremely honored and satisfied for his first injury. If it wasn’t for this, he wouldn’t dare to speak to him after seeing the captain. Woolen cloth.

"I was running so fast that I was on my knees, but, somehow, they suddenly saw me. If they didn't hurt me, I would have finished the task 10 minutes earlier. I was lucky. , and soon met a captain in the army. I immediately handed the note to him. I was really embarrassed by their compliments. I was so thirsty, I was really worried that I would not be able to complete the task. I would weep with resentment at the thought that another soldier would die if I delay any longer. But it is enough, I have done all I can, I am satisfied, but please Don't be surprised, you have to take good care of yourself, you see, you are bleeding!"

In fact, a few drops of blood were dripping from between the bandages on the captain's haphazardly bound palm. "May I re-tie the bandage for you? Just hold it like this for a while." The captain stretched out his left hand and then his right to help the boy untie the knot in the bandage.However, as soon as the boy sat up from the pillow, his face immediately turned pale, and he had to hold his head with his hands.

"Enough, enough," said the captain, looking at the boy and pulling his bandaged hand away as the boy tried to bandage him. "Take care of your own affairs first, and don't always think about others. If you don't pay attention to those serious problems, the consequences will be unimaginable."

The drummer boy shook his head. "And you," said the captain, observing the boy carefully, "you must have lost a lot of blood to be so weak."

"It's lost a lot of blood!" replied the boy with a slight smile on his face. "It's not just blood, look here." He opened the curtain that was used as a quilt all at once.The captain took a big step back in fright. The boy has only one leg!

His left leg had been amputated above the knee, and the remaining leg was bound up with a bloodstained bandage. At that moment, a short, plump military doctor in a long-sleeved shirt came over, "Ah, hello, Captain," he said quickly, and nodded to the boy playing the drum, "It was a very unfortunate thing, at that time, if he hadn't done those crazy moves, his body Can't take it, and won't amputate a leg, oh, it's all about the damn inflammation, we have to cut it off below, oh, but he's a brave boy, I assure you, he never shed a tear , I didn’t hear him cry out for pain. I swear by my personality. During the operation I performed on him, he was proud of being an Italian. As God testifies, he has noble qualities. "

After speaking, he trotted away.The captain frowned his thick and white eyebrows, stared at the boy in front of him, and slowly covered the boy with the quilt, as if he was unconscious, looked at the boy again, and raised his hands to his head Ministry, take off your hat.

"Your Excellency, Captain," the boy exclaimed in amazement, "what are you doing? Are you doing this for me?" Then, this captain, who was always rude, never said a word of thoughtfulness to a subordinate. The chief of the conversation said to the boy in a voice of indescribable concern:
"I'm just a captain, but you are a hero." After speaking, he opened his arms to the boy, hugged him, and kissed the boy's chest three times.

Tuesday the 24st

(End of this chapter)

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