love education

Chapter 29 January

Chapter 29 March (4)
Why, Enrico, have you been so disrespectful to me that your father has reprimanded you for your bad treatment of your fellow students?You can't imagine how much pain I felt when you treated me like this!You don't know that when you were a little baby, I used to stand by your cradle for hours on end, ignoring my little friends.And when you are sick, I have to get up every night to touch your forehead to see if it has a high fever.Don't you understand?Although you are making your sister feel so sad now, if one day a great disaster befalls us, I will still take care of you like a mother and love you as if you are my own Like a son.

Don't you know that when neither of us is alive, I will be your best friend, the only person you can talk about our lives and deaths, and look back at your childhood?And at that time, I also had to work hard for you.So, my Enrico, you'll have a bite of bread and we can go on to school.And I'll always love you, even when you're grown up, even when you're far from home, I'll always feel the same way you do, forever and ever, because we grew up together, because we The same blood runs through the body!O my Enrico, when you grow up to be a real man, please remember that even if misfortune happens in your life, even if you are alone, please come to me, please Do come to me and say to me, "Sylvia, my sister, let me be with you, let's talk about the happy days before, don't you remember? Let's talk about our Mother, our home, and those wonderful childhoods that have long since left us."

O my Enrico, you will see that your sister's arms are always open to you.Yes, my dear Enrico, my sister also asks you to forgive me for blaming you at this moment, and I will never hold grudges against you, if one day you don’t know why you hurt you Sister, what does that matter?You will always be my brother, nothing has changed.In my heart, you will always be the little baby in my arms, the one who loves our father and mother with me. I watched you grow up little by little.I have been your most faithful friend and companion all these years, but can you also write down a tender word in this exercise book so that I can pick it up and read it before evening?Because, I also want you to know that I'm not mad at you, I know you must be tired right now, and I've already copied your monthly story, the one called "The Bloodstains of Romagna" , the monthly story you copied for the little mason.Look at the left drawer of your desk, I worked for you last night while you were sleeping, please don't be so hard on your sister, Enrico, I'm waiting for you.

your sister silvia
I don't even deserve to kiss your hands.


The Bloodstains of Romagna (Story of the Month)

That night, Fallucci’s home was quieter than usual.His father, who owns a grocery store, went to Foley City early in the morning to do his shopping, and his mother, who had brought his younger sister, Regina, into town for an eye doctor's visit to his sister's Only the sick eye is operated on once.They would not be able to return home until the next morning.It was already midnight, and the maid who came to help the house during the day had returned as early as dusk, and now only the old grandmother with paralyzed legs and her 13-year-old grandson, Fallucci, were at home. .

Fallucci's home is a one-story house that stands alone by the road, away from Romagna Street.There is only one abandoned house near this house. It used to be a small hotel, which was just destroyed by a fire two months ago. In the pile of ruins of that house, the signboard of the small hotel can still be seen faintly.At the back of the Fallucci house was a small patio surrounded by a small vegetable garden surrounded by a hedge with a gate for entry and exit.The door of the store is facing the road, and the family members come in and out through this door.The house is surrounded by a stretch of sparsely populated grassland. Most of the grassland has been reclaimed into farmland and covered with mulberry trees.

It was nearly midnight, and with the wind and rain outside, Fallucci and his grandmother were up in the dining room together.Just between the dining room and the small vegetable garden there is a closet-like room filled with all kinds of old furniture.

Fallucci stayed out for hours, returning home at eleven o'clock.His grandmother had been waiting for him to come back with her eyes wide open, eyes full of anxiety, her body seemed to be nailed to an armchair, unable to move.She was used to spending the whole day and sometimes the whole night in that armchair, unable to lie flat on the bed because of difficulty breathing.

The rain kept falling, and the wind kept blowing the raindrops on the window panes.It was late at night, and Fallucci came home exhausted, muddy, torn in his jacket, and with purple-blue bruises on his forehead from the stones.He mingled and fought with his cronies again.He did not only do these good deeds, he also participated in gambling, lost his last copper coin, and even threw his hat in the gutter.

The only light in the room was a small kerosene lamp, which stood on a small table next to the grandmother's armchair.Despite the poor lighting in the kitchen, the grandmother immediately noticed her grandson's dirty clothes.She already roughly guessed what he did, and she forced her grandson to confess everything.

The old man loved her grandson wholeheartedly. When she understood what had happened, she couldn't help crying:
"Oh, no!" she said after a long silence, "you don't feel sorry for your poor grandmother at all. Your father and mother are away, and you start to misbehave, worry me, make me sad, you don't care at all. Do you have a conscience? You left your grandmother alone at home all day, and you have no mercy for her? Be careful, Fallucci! You are going down a wicked path, this This road will ruin your life. I have seen many children like you, and I have seen how they turn bad little by little, and how they end up. If you are still like this, you always don’t go home and talk to the bad If children get together to fight and gamble with others, then slowly, starting from fighting with stones, you will stab others with knives, starting from gambling, you will do other evil deeds, once you start Do other bad things, and you'll start stealing." Fallucci stood three steps away from his grandmother, listening to her lecture, leaning against a cabinet, his chin resting on his chest, his eyebrows drawn together, Still hot from the fight, a beautiful lock of chestnut hair fell across his face from his forehead, and his blue eyes didn't blink.

"You gamble first, and then you steal from others!"

The grandmother said it again, continuing to cry, "Think about it, my Fallucci, about the scumbags in this village, and about that Mozzani, who is nowhere in the village now. Homeless, wandering around like a bum, he's only 24 years old, already in jail twice. His mother, that poor woman, died of heartbreak, I know his mother Yes. And his father ran away to Switzerland because he had already despaired of him. Think of that shameful man. If he paid tribute to your father, I believe he would not bother to pay back. He is always with those who compare He hangs out with more crooked people, and one day he'll get what he deserves. Well, I've known him since he was a little boy, and he did the same things you did back then. Imagine if one day How terrible it would be for your parents to end up like his parents!"

Fallucci regained his spirits, and he felt no remorse in his heart; on the contrary, his mistakes were more due to his idleness and rough temperament than to malice.His father's discipline on him in this regard was very poor, but he himself had already understood his own nature in his heart. Once he broke free from the shackles and could participate in a hearty and reckless action, he would Start disregarding all the rules and regulations, to seek the freedom in your heart.The boy was not evil at heart, he was more obstinate than evil.However, even if he is very remorseful in his heart, it is not easy to ask for forgiveness by saying some kind words from his mouth. He will never say such things as:

"If I really did something wrong, then I will never do it again, I promise, please forgive me!"

His heart is always full of tenderness and kindness, but due to self-esteem, he cannot express his true thoughts.

"Oh, Fallucci," continued his grandmother, and the old man had noticed that he had stopped talking, "don't you even want to say a word of regret to grandma? Look at my bones are all broken now. In this way, I am no different from a dead person now, how could you have the heart to let me work so hard for you! Let your grandmother, who is so close to you, at such an age, still help you before she dies How unfilial weeping! Your poor grandmother has always loved you so much! When you were only a few months old, she used to stay up night after night just to put you to sleep; I don't eat, I just want to tease you, you don't know this. I used to say this: 'This child will become my soul's sustenance!' But now you are torturing me and even killing me Yeah. If one day I can see you become a good child, a filial child, just like before, then let me go to see the King of Hades now, and I am also willing.

I've taken you to a shelter in the past, do you remember?Fallucci, you used to stuff small stones and blades of grass into my pockets, and I would take you home. You were already sound asleep at that time, how close you were to me!Now that I'm paralyzed, I need your attention like I need air, because a poor, half-dead old man like me has nothing else in this world to think about, oh my god ! "

Fallucci was almost on his knees for his grandmother at this time, and he was quite emotional.However, at this moment, he heard a slight sound, which came from the room next door. The room next door was the one adjacent to the small vegetable garden behind the house, but he couldn't tell if the shutters were being closed. The wind blows and rattles, or something else.He lowered his head and listened carefully. At this time, the rain was falling, and the boy heard the sound again, and his grandmother heard it too.

"What's that sound?" Grandma asked, and she paused, unable to figure it out herself.

"It's raining," the boy muttered.

"Well, then, Fallucci," said the old man, wiping his eyes, "you promise me that you will learn well, and that you will never let grandma cry for you again."

Another faint sound interrupted her, "But, it doesn't sound like rain to me," she emphasized, her face turned pale, "Go and see!"

But she added right away, saying, "No, stay here," and she quickly took Fallucci's hand, and they both stayed there, holding their breath and listening to the noise outside. .But at this time they could only hear the sound of water outside the house, and both of them were trembling because they seemed to have heard footsteps coming from the next room.

"Who's there?"

The boy gasped and asked loudly, but no one spoke.

"Who's there?" Fallucci asked again, already shaking with fear.As soon as the words fell, they all screamed out.Two men rushed into their room, one grabbed the boy and gagged him with his hand while the other grabbed the grandmother by the throat.The first person said:

"Be quiet unless you want to die." The second man also said, "Don't talk nonsense!" and held up a knife.

The faces of these two people were covered with black cloth, leaving only two holes where the eyes were.For a moment, no one said a word, all they could hear was the breathing of the four people, and the patter of raindrops outside the window.The old woman's throat was rattling from time to time, and her frightened eyes almost popped out of her face.The man holding Fallucci put his mouth to his ear and asked him:

"Where did your father keep the money?"

Grinding his teeth, Fallucci replied, "Over there, in the cupboard." His voice was as thin as a mosquito's.

"Come with me," the man said.

He dragged the boy into the next room, and put his hands around his throat.There was a dim lantern lying on the ground at this time.

"Where's the cupboard?" the man asked.

Nearly smothered, Fallucci pointed to the cabinet.So that Fallucci would not resist, the robber pushed him to the floor in front of the cupboard, clamping his neck firmly between his legs.That way, if Fallucci yelled, he could snap his neck with his legs.The robber bit the knife between his teeth, held the lantern in one hand, and took out a sharpened iron piece from his pocket with the other hand, stuffed the iron piece in the keyhole, and carefully tested the , finally opened the lock.He opened the cabinet door, hastily turned everything out, pocketed the valuables, and hastily closed the cabinet door.Then he opened the cabinet door again and searched again.Seeing that there was nothing to gain, he firmly grabbed the boy's trachea again, and took him to another room where the robbers guarded the old woman.At this time, the old woman had already started to cramp, her head was thrown back, and her mouth was not closed.

Another man asked in a low voice, "Did you find it?"

His accomplice replied: "I found it."

The man said again, "Go and see what's happening at the door."

(End of this chapter)

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