love education

Chapter 30 January

Chapter 30 March (5)
The guy who was looking at the old woman ran to the door next to the garden to see if anyone was there, and yelled into the house from the side room.

"Come on!" The man who stayed behind, still holding on to Fallucci, pulled out a knife and pointed it at Fallucci and his grandmother, at which point the old woman opened her eyes again .

The man said to them, "Don't make a sound, or I'll come back and cut your throats."

He stared at the two for a while, and at this juncture, the chorus of a group of people came from the road not far away.The robber quickly turned his head in the direction of the door, and the cloth covering his face fell off due to his violent movements.

The old woman screamed out in amazement:


"You bloody old bastard!" roared the robber, finding himself recognized.

"It seems that you must die!"

Holding the knife in his hand, he jumped in front of the old woman, who was too frightened to move.Mozzani raised his knife and slashed down.Seeing this, Fallucci let out a cry of despair, and then he jumped up, and rushed to his grandmother's side with lightning speed, using his own body to block her.

The knife fell, and the robber Mozzani was also frightened. He turned around and ran away. When he was in a panic, he accidentally bumped into the table and knocked it over. The kerosene lamp was also knocked over to the ground, and the light went out.Fallucci slowly got up from his grandmother, fell to his knees, and remained in this position, with his arms around his grandmother and his head resting on the old man's chest.Time passed little by little like this, and it was pitch black all around, and the singing of the peasants from the grassland gradually disappeared.

The old man regained his sanity at this time.

"Falucci!" she cried, her teeth chattering almost inaudibly.

"Grandmother!" Fallucci replied, trying to speak to his grandson as best he could.But the horrifying scene just now still left her with lingering fears, unable to speak.She sat for a long time before she regained her composure. Although her body was trembling uncontrollably, she finally spoke:

"They're not here anymore, are they?"

"Yes, they're gone, they didn't kill me." The old woman was out of breath when she said this.

"No, they didn't do anything to you, you're safe," Fallucci said weakly.

"You are safe now, dear grandmother. They took some money, but father took most of it with him."

Hearing this, the child's grandmother took a deep breath.

"Grandmother," Fallucci said, still kneeling on the ground, while the grandmother still hugged her grandson tightly. "Dear grandmother, you still love me, don't you?"

"Oh, Fallucci, my poor boy," she replied, placing her hand on the boy's head.

"You must have been frightened just now. Oh, my good God, light the lantern. No, we'll just stay in the dark. I'm still scared."

"Grandmother," the boy went on,

"I used to make you sad."

"No, Fallucci, don't say that, I will never think that way again, I have forgotten all about the past, I still love you so much!"

"I'm always pissing you off," Fallucci continued, his voice trembling slightly as he spoke.

"But I have always loved you so much, will you forgive me? Please forgive me, grandmother."

"Yes, my dear boy, I have forgiven you now, and think, how could I not forgive you! Rise up, my boy, and I will never blame you again. You are a good boy, What a good boy, let's light the lights, let's be brave, shall we, stand up, my Fallucci."

"Thank you, dear grandmother," said the boy, in a weaker voice than before. "Now that I am free at last, you will remember me, won't you, my grandmother, you will? You will Always remember your grandson, your Fallucci?"

"My Fallucci," the grandmother cried, startled, and at the same time put her hands on the boy's shoulders and lowered her head, as if to see his face.

"Please remember me..." the boy murmured softly again, his voice made people feel that he had only one breath left.

"In my place, please give mother a kiss, and father, and Regina. Good-bye, my grandmother."

"For God's sake, what's the matter with you?"

asked the old woman in a shrill voice, while anxiously stroking the boy's head on her lap.Immediately, she exhausted all her strength and shouted out from her throat, her voice was extremely desperate:
"Falucci, Fallucci, oh, my Fallucci, my dear boy, my dearest child, you are an angel who flew down from heaven to earth, come back to me!"

Fallucci said nothing because this little hero, the kid who had saved his own grandmother's life, had given God back his beautiful, go-ahead life with a stab in the back.

little mason on hospital bed
Tuesday the 18st

The poor little mason was very ill now, and the head teacher called on us all to visit him.Galen, Dross and I have already decided to go to see him together, and Stadi originally planned to go together, because the class teacher assigned an assignment, asking us to write an essay to describe the Cavour monument, Stadi told In order to make his description more precise and accurate, he has to go there to see for himself.There was no other way, so the three of us decided to try our luck and invite the fat Nobis and the somewhat arrogant Vatini to go with us.As a result, Nobis just answered "No" and said nothing, and Wattini also found an excuse to excuse himself, maybe he was afraid that his beautiful clothes would be stained with paint.

After school in the afternoon, we went to the little mason's house together.At that time, it was pouring rain. While walking on the street, Galen stopped suddenly, stuffed his mouth with bread, and said to us:

"Should I buy something?" He reached out and weighed a few copper coins in his pocket.We each donated two copper coins and bought three super-sized oranges.Soon a few of us climbed to the top floor of the little mason's house.At the door, Dross took off his medal and put it in his pocket.I asked him why he did it, "I don't know," he replied, "It seems better that I don't wear the medal in order to make myself less visible."

We knocked, and his father, the big, giant-looking man, opened the door for us, his face contorted as if intimidated by our visit. "Who are you?" he asked us, and Galen replied, "We are Antonio's classmates, and we brought him three oranges."

"Oh, poor Taunino!" cried the mason, shaking his head, wiping his eyes with the back of his hand, and ushering the three of us into the house.We went up to the garret, and there we found the little mason, sleeping on a cot made of iron.His mother lay dejected on the bed, covering her face with her hands, barely looking up at us.On the other side of the bed were still hanging paint brushes, trowels, and paint screens, and the sick child's feet were still covered with his father's coat, with white lime still stuck to it.The poor boy was very weak now, he was very pale, his nose was turned up, and his breathing was short.Oh, my dear Taunino, my little companion, how sweet and lively you were once, how it pains me to see you now!Whatever it costs me, I'd love to see you make that rabbit face again, poor little mason.Galen put an orange next to his pillow, next to his face.The smell of the orange woke the little mason up. He grabbed the orange and then let go. He looked at Galen blankly. "It's me," Galen said to him, "I'm Galen, do you still know me?"

A forced smile flickered across the face of the little mason, and he lifted his short, stubby hand from the bed with difficulty, and stretched it out to Galen.Galen took the hand, held it between his own, put it on his cheek, and said to the little mason:

"Be brave, you have to be brave, little mason, you will recover soon, when you go back to school, the head teacher will put you and me together, will you be happy?" But , the little mason said nothing, and his mother immediately became distressed:

"Oh, my poor Taunino, my poor little boy, he is so brave, such a good boy, and God is taking him from us now."

"Don't quarrel," cried the Mason, "don't quarrel, for good God's sake, I'm going to lose my mind." And then he said to us again, full of anxiety:

"Go back, go back, children, I thank you, go, you can't do anything here, thank you, you go home!" The little mason closed his eyes again, as if already died.

"Do you need my help?" Galen asked, "No, my dear boy, thank you!"

The mason replied that he thanked us, pushed us up the stairs, and closed the door behind him.But when we had just come down half the stairs, we heard the old mason shout:

"Galen, Galen!" The three of us rushed back immediately, "Galen," the old mason's expression changed, and he shouted at Galen, "he called your name just now, it's been two days! It was the first time he spoke, he has called you twice, he wants to see you, come quickly, oh, my Almighty Lord, I hope this is a good sign!"

"Then let's say goodbye here first," Galen said to us. "I have to stay."

He returned to his home again with the old mason.Tears welled up in Dross' eyes, and I said to him:
"Are you weeping for the little mason? He can talk and he's recovering now."

"Well, that's what I thought too."

Dross replied, "But I'm not thinking of the little mason. I'm thinking of Galen. What a fine man he is, what a beautiful heart he has."

Earl of Cavour

Wednesday 29nd

Today, you are going to write an essay on the monument to the Count of Cavour, and I am sure you will do a great job.But who is the Count of Cavour?You don't quite understand it now, because all you know now is that he was Prime Minister of Pyrmont for many years.It was he who sent the troops of Pyrmont to support the beleaguered Italians in the Crimea, and finally won our victory at the Battle of Czernaya, after our army had suffered a disastrous defeat at the Battle of Novara; It was he who persuaded 15 French troops to cross the Alps and drive the Austrians out of Lombardy; During that difficult historical period, he created the great cause of our country's reunification by the most effective means with his inspiring wisdom, unswerving belief and hardworking and enterprising spirit that surpassed ordinary people.

Many generals have experienced the rigors of war on their own battlefields, but he faced more horrific moments in the cabinet decision-making process.The great cause he started is like a building with a weak foundation, which is in danger of collapsing at any time in the earthquake that hits from time to time.He worked day and night, and spent countless days and nights in the cruel struggle and extreme anguish.It was this great and busy work that dragged his body and shortened his life span by 20 years.

However, even at the moment when the high fever is about to send him to the grave, he still thinks about work and only wants to do more for his country:
"It's very strange," he said sadly as he died, "I don't know how to read now, I can't read."

When the doctor drew blood for him and his condition deteriorated to the extreme, he was still worried about his country, and he said hastily:
"Please be sure to cure me. My mind is not as clear as it used to be. My body can't make any mistakes, because I still have a lot of important things to do."

When the doctor had pronounced him helpless, all Italy was in turmoil, and the king was at his bedside.He said anxiously to the king:
"I have a lot to say to you, Your Majesty, I have a lot to show you, but I'm sick now, I can't do it, I can't do it!"

His mood became extremely excited, and he still couldn't forget the newly established Italian provinces, those provinces that had just been unified and were waiting for people to build and plan.

When he was delirious, he still shouted out of breath:

"Educate the children well! Educate the children and young people well, and let the people of this country enjoy their full liberty!"

Death had come, and he blessed General Garibaldi, who had always been at odds with him politically, with warm words, and then kept calling vaguely the names of places such as Rome and Venice that had not yet been liberated.He has already drawn a great and beautiful blueprint for Italy, and even the whole of Europe.He even dreamed of foreign enemies invading, and eagerly asked where the armies and generals of those countries were.Until now, he is still worried about our country and our people.His greatest grief is not that his own life is dying bit by bit, as I think you all understand, but that he had to leave when his country still needed him.For so many years, he has already devoted himself to his motherland, and his fuel is exhausted.

Before he died, he was still shouting battle slogans. He really lived great and died gloriously!

Think it over, my Enrico!How insignificant is our so-called heavy work, and the sorrows we face, in the face of the sufferings and hardships of those great men who have the world in their hearts, and even death is so insignificant!Remember these, my child!When you pass by that marble monument, say to it with reverence from the bottom of your heart: Glory!
your father
(End of this chapter)

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