love education

Chapter 42 January

Chapter 42 May (6)
And this premonition is still lingering in her mind. For many days, she struggled between the painful choice of going or staying, always worried that she would hear some unfortunate news.This constant worry greatly aggravated her condition, and a serious illness finally broke out. She had a stricture intestinal hernia and had been bedridden for more than two weeks. Now she desperately needed a surgical operation to save her life.At this moment, Marco was also trying to call his mother.The hostess and mistress of the house were also at her bedside, gently advising her that she should undergo the operation, while she expressed her resolute refusal with tears.A reputed doctor had been here a week before, but she still disagreed. "No, my dear master," said the woman, "don't count on that. I have no strength to fight for my life. I'd rather die like this than die under the doctor's scalpel. Anyway, I don't want to." I'm alive, nothing matters to me now, let me get this over with before I know what happened to my family."

Her mistress and mistress objected to this, and urged her to have courage and agree to the operation, and she would soon receive an answer to her last letters, which were sent directly to Genoa. , all this was done for her family, and the mention of her children in their words made the woman even more discouraged, and this pessimism had plagued her for a long time, and she heard this After speaking, he began to cry.

"O my sons, oh my sons!" she cried, her hands wet with tears.

"Maybe they are all dead. I might as well die with them. I thank you. You are good people. I thank you from the bottom of my heart. I think I will die now. I already knew this in my heart." This operation will definitely not cure me. I thank you for taking care of me. Thank you for being such good people. It is useless for the doctor to come back the day after tomorrow. Just let me die. This is my life. My life makes me die. Here, I don't want anything else."

The hostess and his wife tried their best to comfort her, saying this and that, "Don't be too hard on yourself!" They held her hand to make her less emotional.

Finally, she closed her eyes sleepily and fell into a coma, looking as if she were dead, while her master and hostess looked at the venerable man with concern and sympathy under the dim light. Mother.In order to save her family, she traveled thousands of miles to a foreign country, but now she is going to die in a foreign land after exhausting her last strength, poor woman!She is so honest, so kind, and yet so unfortunate.

The next morning, Marco walked into the city of Turkmenistan, bent over, limping, and carrying a bundle. This is one of the youngest and most prosperous cities in the Argentine Republic. He seemed to see Cordova, Roserio and Buenos Aires have the same extremely straight and narrow streets as those cities, with the same low white small houses on both sides of the street, but there are very beautiful small houses on both sides of the road. The gardens, those gardens seemed just made, and the air in the gardens was filled with the scent of flowers.The sun was shining brightly here, and the sky was so clear and deep that he had never seen such a beautiful scene in Italy.

And as he walked through the streets of Turkmenistan, the frenzy he had experienced in Buenos Aires seized him again, he looked in every window, every door, he Carefully observing every woman who passed by him, he was full of hope to see his mother, he really wanted to ask everyone if they had seen their mother, but he didn't dare to do so.All the people standing at the door cast attention on his back. The boy was dressed in rags and dusty, and he could tell he had come from far away, and he was looking for a familiar face among the crowd. , a face that can make him regain confidence, a face that can answer countless questions in his heart.At this time, his eyes fell on the signboard of a small hotel. The signboard of that store was written in Italian. Inside the store stood a man wearing glasses and two women.He walked slowly into the hotel, summoned up his courage, and asked firmly:

"Sir, can you tell me where the McGinnies live?"

"Is it Engineer McKinney?" asked the shopkeeper.

"It's Engineer McKinney."

Marco's voice was almost as thin as a thread, "The engineer McGinnie's family doesn't live in Turkmenistan." The shopkeeper replied. After hearing this sentence, Marco screamed in despair as if his chest had been pierced by a sharp knife. , The shop owner and the two women stood up immediately, and several neighbors also ran over.

"What's the matter? What's the matter with you, boy?" the shopkeeper called to the boy, and helped him into the shop, where he sat down. "Come on, you don't have to be so sad, because Maggie The Ni family lives not far from here, only a few hours' drive from Turkmenistan."

"Where is it? Where is it?" Marco screamed, as if resurrected. "It's about fifteen miles from here," said the man, "on the Saladiro River, where a large sugar factory is being built, and there are a lot of houses around there, and Mr. McKinney's is over there, Everyone knows this, and you're only a few hours away from there."

"I was there a month ago," a young man said to him, who had just heard the boy's cry when he ran up.Marco looked at him with wide eyes, and couldn't wait to ask him, his face turned pale when he spoke:

"Did you see Mr. McGinnie's maid? The Italian woman?"

"The Genoese? Yes, I saw her." Marco began to cry convulsively. The people around him couldn't figure out whether he was crying or laughing. Suddenly, Marco shouted resolutely. shouted:
"Which way shall I go? Hurry up, show me the way, I must go at once, tell me which way it is."

"However, it will take a day's journey." They all said to him in unison, "You are too tired, you have to take a good rest, you should go on the road tomorrow."

"No! This will not work!" replied the boy, "Please tell me which way it is, I can't delay any longer, I must start at once, or I will die on this way." Everyone saw that he was determined to go. , and stopped him no more, "God be with you!" they said to him, "see the road through the woods? That's where you're going, and have a good trip, little Italian! "A man accompanied him out of the city, pointed out the way for him, and gave him some advice, then stood there watching the boy's back as he went away.The boy walked on the road with one foot deep and one foot shallow, with the burden on his shoulders, and disappeared behind the thick tree trunks in only a few minutes.

That night was quite terrifying for this woman. The huge pain caused her to scream in terror, almost causing her blood vessels to swell and burst, and it also made her nervous from time to time. Everyone was guarding her. Besides, she has completely lost her mind now, and her mistress also ran in in panic from time to time to see her condition.Everyone began to worry that even if she agreed to let the doctor operate on her, it might be too late when the doctor arrived the next day.When she stopped talking nonsense, it was obvious that physical pain was nothing to her, and her longing for her family was the greatest torment to her. Her body had gradually weakened and was worse than so forward that her countenance was changed, and she clutched her hair with both hands in agony and despair, and screamed:
"My God, my God, I'm going to die so far from home, and I won't be able to look at my children, my poor children, they're going to lose their mother, I'm sorry My dear children, my dear Marco, he is so young, he is only so tall, but he is so kind and sweet. You don't know what a good boy he is, if you did, sir , I will never leave them and come here independently, he cried so sadly, just wanted to beg me to pity him not to go, he cried so sadly, as if he knew that he would never see his mother again up.

My poor Marco, my poor darling, my heart is breaking, ah!If I had died then, when my children said goodbye to me, if I had died suddenly like that, my children, they loved me so much, so Need me, if I die like this, they must be miserable, they must be forced to beg.Marco, my Marco, he will definitely stretch out his hands to beg others, he will definitely starve.Oh my god, I can't die, I can't die, where is the doctor?Please call the doctor, let him come, let him cut me open, let him cut my chest, let him drive me crazy, but let him heal me, I I want to recover, I want to live, I want to get out of here, go home, tomorrow is tomorrow, hurry up!Doctor, save me, save me! The woman next to her grabbed her hands, comforted her, tried to calm her down a little bit, and kept talking to her about God and hope. She fell down again, her hands in her gray hair, Choking like a baby, the voice continued to elongate in his mouth and sighed:

"Oh my Genoa, my house, and the sea, oh my Marco, my poor Marco, where is he, my poor darling, my darling Son!"

It was midnight now, and poor Marco had been sleeping for hours on the edge of a great ditch, and all his strength was gone, and he was walking about in a forest full of strange trees.There are many strange plants growing there, like monsters and monsters. The thick trunks are like the pillars in the cathedral, soaring into the sky, and the crowns of the trees are intertwined, all covered with a layer of silver by the bright moonlight.Through the faint darkness, he saw a lot of tree trunks, some of those trunks stood straight, some leaned to one side, and some twisted their bodies, all of them were entangled in a strange way, and they posed various shapes Threatening or protesting postures, and some tree trunks simply fell to the ground, like a tower that suddenly collapsed.These trees were covered with a dense and complicated vegetation, like a group of angry people, occupying the entire land.

There are also some trees gathered together in large clumps. They stand upright, and the tops of the trees are jagged, like a bunch of spears inserted straight into the ground, soaring into the sky, with a majestic spirit. The overwhelming diversity and variety of categories is probably the most magnificent and shocking picture that the plant world can show.Sometimes he would be overwhelmed by a great stupor, but the thought of his mother, and the possibility of seeing her soon, lifted his spirits, even though he was exhausted, his feet were still bleeding, and he was struggling alone. In this dreadful forest.After walking a long distance, he found small houses under the towering giant trees. Compared with the trees in the forest, these houses looked like anthills. Like some buffalo lying down on the side of the road.He no longer had the strength to go on. Although he was alone, he didn't feel afraid at all. The majesty of the forest made his heart sublimate.Thinking of his mother not far away from him, his whole body was immediately filled with the strength and strength of a man.

Whenever he thought of the sea where he had come, of the threats, the pain, the hard work he had endured, and the steely willpower he had shown in it, he, as a Genoese, The strong and noble blood that flowed once again surged with joyful and brave passionate songs.He has been separated from his mother for two years, and the image of his mother in his heart has become pale and fuzzy, but at that moment, the image of his mother became clear again, and he saw his mother's face again, which was as clear as ever, like It's been a long time since he saw this face. He saw his mother's face a little closer to him, with a radiance on that face, talking to him. He even saw his mother's eyes, lips and her face All the most vivid expressions in the book, as well as her past voice and smile, her emotions, and her thoughts and feelings.Inspired by these successive memories, he could not help quickening his steps, and a new, unspeakable love rose up in his heart, and like this, soft and silent tears flowed from his eyes.As he walked through this sad, dark forest, he said to her what he could have said to her in a moment, "Here I am, mother, look at me, I I'll never leave you again, we're going home together, I won't leave you a step on the boat home, I'll be close to you, no one can take me away from you Go, as long as I live, no one else will be able to do this."

At the same time, he didn't notice that on the tops of some towering giant trees, the silvery white moonlight was slowly dissipating in the pale morning light.At eight o'clock in the morning, the young Argentinian doctor from Turkmenistan was already waiting at the sick woman's bedside, persuading her to accept the operation that might bring her back to life. On the sidelines, he kept persuading her with the most enthusiastic and warmest words.But nothing worked, the woman felt her health had passed away, she no longer had any confidence in her recovery, she was now pretty sure she would die during the operation, or even if she was lucky enough to escape In this catastrophe, after enduring more unnecessary pain, he will support for a few more hours and eventually die.The doctor reassured her tirelessly, saying:

"This operation is very safe. There is no doubt about your health. If you can be more courageous, but if you refuse this operation, your death will be very certain." These words meant to this woman , is of no use at all.

"No," the woman replied weakly, "I still have the courage to die now, but I don't want to do any more unnecessary struggles, so let me go with peace of mind."

(End of this chapter)

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