love education

Chapter 43 January

Chapter 43 May (7)
At last the doctor stopped making any more efforts, and no one said a word. The woman turned her head to her mistress, and told her her last wish before death, "My dear and kind lady," she said. Talking with difficulty, weeping while talking, "Please help me to send the little money I earned and my belongings back to my home through the embassy. I hope all my family members are still alive, I feel better now that my time is numbered, you will write for me, won't you? Just write that I will always think of them, I have suffered for them all the time, for me My children have drained me to the last drop, and the only thing I'm sad about now is not being able to look at them again, but because of them, I will die without fear, and I couldn't be more confident ...I want to say to my husband, to my older son, my younger son Marco, I was thinking about them until my last breath."

Suddenly, the woman's emotions became very agitated, and she screamed, her hands clenched tightly together:
"My Marco, my darling, my darling, my lifeblood!"

However, when she looked around with tears in her eyes, she found that her mistress was no longer there. She had been secretly called away just now, and she continued to look for her husband, only to find that he had also disappeared. No one remained with her except two nurses and a doctor's assistant.At this moment, she heard hurried footsteps coming from the next room, someone was talking in a low voice and anxiously, and from time to time there were suppressed exclamations. This sickly woman was staring at the door closely, her eyes shining , my heart is full of expectations.A few minutes later, she saw the doctor appearing in front of her with an unusual expression on her face, followed by her master and hostess, their expressions also changed, and all three of them stared at her strangely, and then they After a few words in a low voice, she seemed to hear the doctor say to her mistress:

"I think it's better to hurry up." She didn't understand the meaning of the doctor's words. "Josephine," the hostess said to the woman with a trembling voice, "I have some good news for you, you have to be mentally prepared!" The woman looked at her intently. "A piece of good news," continued the hostess, her voice more agitated, "that will surely please you very much."

The sickly woman's pupils suddenly dilated. "Be prepared," the hostess continued, "someone is coming to see you, and he is someone you like very much."

The woman raised her head in a jerk, and then quickly looked around, first her mistress, and then the door, her eyes flashing light frequently. "A man," said the hostess, "who has just come here, and no one expected it."

"Who is that?" The woman screamed, her voice was very strange, as if she was about to suffocate, and it was like a person who had just been frightened, and then she screamed in horror, the whole body She sat up on her bed, motionless, her eyeballs protruded, and she pressed her hands on her temples, as if she had seen a ghost.Marco, ragged and dusty, stood at the door, held back tightly by the doctor's hand.The woman screamed three times:

"God! God! My God!" Marco rushed forward, and the woman stretched out her skinny arm to the boy, and hugged the boy with all her strength. chest.She burst into a fit of violent laughter, mixed with deep, tearless sobs, which took her breathless and collapsed on the pillow.But she soon regained her senses, wild with joy, screaming as she kissed her son's head.

"How did you get here? What's the matter? Is it you? Oh, you've grown up so much, who brought you here, you didn't come here alone, did you? You ain't sick Is it you, Marco, this is not a dream! My God, please speak to me quickly!" After that, she suddenly changed her voice:
"No, stop talking, wait a minute!" She turned her head to face the doctor and said hastily:
"Hurry up, doc, let's start now, I want to recover physically, I'm ready, please don't waste time, take Marco away so he can't hear our conversation. Marco, My little darling, it's all right, I'll tell you later, let me kiss you again, go, I'm ready, doctor."

Marco was taken away, and the host and hostess and the maids also hurriedly left. The doctor and his assistant stayed behind and closed the door. Mr. McKinney tried to take Marco to a room farther away. However, this seemed unlikely, as his entire figure seemed to be nailed to the ground.

"What's the matter?" the boy asked. "What are they going to do to my mother? What are they doing to her?"

Mr. McKinney spoke softly to him, trying to get him out of here, "Okay! Listen to me, I'm telling you now, your mother is sick, and she's going to have an operation right now, and I'm going to take everything I told you everything, come with me."

"No," the boy struggled, "I want to stay here, just tell me here."

The engineer dragged him further into the room while explaining to him bit by bit.After hearing the engineer's words, Marco's heart tightened suddenly, and his whole body trembled.Suddenly, a shrill cry, as if someone had been stabbed to death, resounded through the house.Then came another cry of despair, "My mother is dead!" At that moment the doctor appeared at the door and said to Marco:

"Your mother was saved." Marco stared at the doctor's face for a moment, then knelt down at his feet, crying, "Thank you, doctor."

The doctor lifted the boy up and said to him:
"Stand up quickly, it's not thanks to you, you are a brave child, you saved your mother!"

Wednesday 24nd

Marco, a Genoese boy, was one of the protagonists of the last two heroic stories we met this school year.There are two monthly exams in this school year, 26 days of classes, six Thursdays and five Sundays for holidays.The breath of the end of the school year can already be felt gradually.All kinds of trees in the campus are already luxuriant, and flowers of various colors are in full bloom, casting cool shadows on the sports equipment.The students also put on summer clothes. When school is over, if you stand at the gate, you will see how different everything is now from a few months ago. This is really a rare thing.The long shoulder-hanging hair has been cut short, and the feet and neck are completely exposed. Small straw hats of various shapes are tied with long ribbons and flutter behind the child's back; shirts and ties of various colors are dotted with red Red and green trinkets, or collar pins, or tassels, or tassels, and so on.These beautiful trinkets are put on by hard-working and beauty-loving mothers for their sons. Even mothers from poor families will put together a beautiful pattern on their children's clothes with pieces of cloth of different colors. I also want to dress up my children to be cute.Lots of kids came to school without hats, as if they had come from home in a hurry, and lots of kids in tracksuits.One boy in teacher Del Caddy's class was dressed head-to-toe in red like a freshly cooked crab, and some students were in sailor suits.

The funniest of all was the little mason, who wore a huge straw hat that made him look like half a candle with a lampshade on it, and it was hilarious when he made a rabbit face under the hat.Kletti also gave up his pussy cap, and put on an old gray silk traveling hat.Wattini was dressed in a Scottish style, fully adorned.Cross showed his breasts, and Prikos wore a blue blouse, the clothes of iron dealers.

And Garofi, who now has to take off his robe, under which he used to hide all his gadgets, is now exposed, bulging with all kinds of street The hawker's utensils, even his lottery ticket are exposed to everyone's eyes.Everything in his pockets has been seen, a fan made of half a newspaper, a slingshot for hunting birds, and various herbs, and small bugs will slip out of his pockets and crawl a little bit on his jacket.

Many children also brought bouquets to their female teachers, and the female teachers also put on refreshing and beautiful summer clothes of different colors. Only the "little nun" was still dressed in black, with the hat on The female teacher with the red feather was still wearing her hat, but it was tied with a red ribbon around her neck, and she stumbled along behind the little feet of her students.Her students always make her laugh and jump for joy.

This season also belongs to the fresh and attractive cherries, the dancing butterflies, the melodious singing in the streets and the romantic country excursions.Many fifth-grade children have gone swimming in the Po River. Their hearts have long been taken away by the holiday. Every day when they come out of school, they feel more impatient and more anxious as the holiday approaches. satisfy.The only thing that hurts my heart is seeing Galen still in mourning, and my poor junior female teacher, she is thinner and paler than before, and her cough is more frequent and severe than before She couldn't even stand up straight when walking, but she still greeted me so sadly.

life like poetry
Friday the 26th

Enrico, now you have begun to experience the poetic life contained in the school.However, at this stage, you can only experience these things from inside the school. If you accompany your children to school in 20 years, you will think that the school is a more beautiful and poetic place. Will observe it from outside the school, as I am doing now.Whenever I was waiting for school to close, I would pace slowly on the quiet street near the teaching building, listening to the sounds from the windows of the classrooms on the first floor, which were covered by Venetian curtains, as I When I went to a window, I heard a female teacher say this:

"What shape is this letter 'T' that you wrote? What would your father say if he saw it, children?"

A heavy male teacher's voice came from the adjacent window, and he said this:
"I want to buy 50 meters of this fabric at four and a half lire per meter, and then resell it..."

Further down, the female teacher with the red feather in the hat read aloud:

"So Piotro Mika lit the fuse of the gunpowder..."

At this moment, there was a chirping sound like a bird chirping in the classroom next door. The sound was like thousands of birds singing at the same time. The head teacher must have left for some reason at this time.I continued to walk forward, and when I turned the corner, I heard the cry of a child, and the voice of a teacher who kept blaming and comforting him.From the upstairs window, there are voices of children reciting poems and essays. These poems and essays are full of the names of great and outstanding people, as well as those chapters and passages that inspire people to forge ahead and teach virtue. Advocating bravery and so on.Afterwards, the teaching building would suddenly become silent again, so quiet that people would think that there was no one in the teaching building, but there were more than 700 boys here concentrating on their classes.However, after a while, there was another burst of laughter, maybe a certain teacher had just made a wisecrack.

At this time, people passing by here will stop and look enviously towards this pleasant building. Yes, what is here is full of youth and passionate hope.Suddenly, the sound of closing the books, packing the schoolbags, hurried footsteps came one after another, quickly passed from one classroom to another, from the lower floor to the upper floor, this is the janitor telling the teacher and students to leave school up.As soon as they heard this voice, the men, women, old and young people waiting at the school gate would push forward from this side of the gate, trying to find their sons, brothers or grandchildren.At the door of the classroom, the children seemed to be sprayed out of the nozzle one by one, and ran into the hall. They grabbed their cocked caps or round caps, and jumped up and down on the floor of the hall until they reached the patrolling school. The construction site drove them out one by one.They finally lined up in a long line and stomped out of the teaching building, and the family members began to ask this and that:
"What class did you take today? How much homework did the teacher leave? What subjects are you going to study tomorrow? When is the monthly exam?"

Finally, even those parents who can't read or write should open their children's exercise books, look at the homework questions, and ask:

"Only eight points?"

"Have you been praised?"

"Is nine points the score for this class?"

These parents began to become restless or happy, and some chatted with the teacher, discussing the upcoming inspection or monthly exam.

How wonderful it all is!What a contribution the school has made to the future of the world!
your father

Sunday 28th

It seemed like a good way to end the month of May with my visit.Early in the morning, when we heard the doorbell, and ran out to see who was coming, we heard my father say in a surprised voice:
"It's you, Zoggio." Zoggio was our gardener when we were in Gilly, and now the family lives in Candover.He had just returned from Genoa, the day before he had boarded a ship returning from Greece, where he had been working for the Greek railways for three years.He was holding a big bag in his hand. He was much older, but his face was still rosy and happy.My father wanted him to come in and sit down, but he refused. Suddenly, his face darkened, and he asked my father:
"How is my family? Is Jigia okay?"

"She's doing fine these days," my mother replied, to Zorgio's deep relief.

"Oh good God! I didn't have the guts to go to a school for the deaf until I heard she was there. I have to leave my bags here and pick her up there. I haven't seen me for three years. That poor little girl. For three years, I haven't seen any of my family members!"

My father said to me:

"Go with him."

"I'm sorry, but I have another question," the man said to my father again, standing on the stairs.My father went on to say:
"Is it about your debt?"

(End of this chapter)

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