love education

Chapter 5 Month

Chapter 5 October (2)
After the introduction, the class teacher stood up from the chair, pointed out the location of Calabria on the map on the wall, and then he shouted: "Ernest Deross!" .1 student, he stood up.

"Come here," the head teacher said to him.Dross left his seat, stepped up to the narrow podium, and stood face to face with the boy from Calabria.

The class teacher said to Deros: "As the most outstanding student in this school, I hope you can represent the whole class and give this new classmate a welcome hug, which is the hug of a child from Piedmont to a child from Calabria."

Dross hugged the Calibura boy and said loudly, "You are welcome!" and the latter simply kissed Dross on the cheek, and everyone started applauding.

"Quiet!" ordered the homeroom teacher. "Don't applaud inside the school!" But obviously, he was happy to see it, and so was the Calibura boy.The head teacher arranged a seat for him, and walked with him to the desk, and then said:

"Students should remember what I just said. I hope to see such a scene in the future: a boy from Calibraia can find the warmth of home in Turin; and a child from Turin, You can also get meticulous care in Calibura. Our country has sacrificed 50 Italians in the past [-] years of war, so you should respect and love your compatriots even more. If any of you Whoever offends a fellow man because he is not from our province will not deserve to look up at the tricolor the next time he passes by it."

Before this little Calabria could sit still, the students around him couldn’t wait to give him pens and seals, and a boy sitting on the last bench even gave him a Swiss postage stamp. .

my classmates

Tuesday the 25st

The boy who delivered stamps to the Calabrian boys was my favorite Galen of all the boys in the class, and he was the biggest of all the boys in the class.He has a big head and broad shoulders, and when he smiles, he is very affectionate, but at the age of 14, he often thinks like an adult.

I now know most of the students in this new class.Among these students, there is another student who left a very good impression on me. His name is Kleti, he wears brown trousers and a cat fur cap. He always looks cheerful and very happy. Funny; his father was a lumber merchant who had served in Prince Amberto's cavalry when the war broke out in [-], and was awarded three medals, some say.

There was a little boy named Nellie, a very small boy, a poor hunchback, frail, with a thin face.Also, there is the richly dressed Wattini, who is always in the best Florentine plush.

The boy sitting in front of me was nicknamed "Little Mason" because his father was a mason, and his face was as round as an apple, and his nose was like a pair of little balls on top of an apple; There is a very unique trick that no one can match, that is, he can make a rabbit face, which always makes his classmates laugh; the old hat he often wears is always rolled up by him Stuck in a pocket like a handkerchief.

Beside the little mason sat Garofy—a slender, thin fellow with an owl-like beak, nose, and tiny eyes; Heads, various cards and matchboxes; also write words on their nails to cheat secretly.

There is also a very gentlemanly young man - Carlo Nobis, who seems a little arrogant.On either side of him sat two schoolmates, which seemed to me a very poor pair: one of them was the son of a blacksmith, who was always wrapped in a knee-length jacket, pale and sickly and timid. , and he never smiled; the other had red hair, a crippled arm that hung loose from the bottom of his neck, his father had gone to America, and his mother lived by selling wild vegetables day and night.

To the left of me was a fussy boy named Staddy, he was short, bushy, with a short neck that was almost gone, and he was a rough guy who never talked to anybody.But whenever the class teacher spoke, even if he didn't understand anything, he always listened carefully, without blinking his eyes, his eyebrows were pulled into a ball, wrinkles were visible, and his teeth were tight. bite together tightly.If the head teacher asked him some questions, he would definitely not answer immediately, but would pause, pause again, and then come up with an answer.

Beside him sat a crafty, daring-looking fellow, full of tricks, named Franty, who had been expelled from another school.Plus, there's a pair of twin brothers who always wear the exact same clothes, seem to have the same hair, and both wear Calabrian hats with a feather from the farmer's logo.But the most handsome and talented person in the whole class, who will definitely be the champion again this semester, must be Dross. The class teacher seems to have realized this, so he always asks Dross questions.

But I also liked Prikos, the blacksmith's son, the sick-looking kid who always wore the long jacket.It is said that his father often beat him. He was very timid. Every time he talked to or met someone, he would always say: "I'm sorry." And look at the other person with his kind and sad eyes.But the boy who was the strongest, and the friendliest, was Galen.

Act of Chivalry
Wednesday 26nd

Until today, we don't know what a noble person Galen was.I got to class later than usual today because the female teacher in the second grade class stopped me and asked when I would be home.The head teacher hadn't come yet, and three or four little boys were tormenting poor Cross, the one with the red hair, the crippled arm, and the mother who sold vegetables.Someone poked him with a ruler and threw chestnut shells in his face, and they imitated him and hung their arms down the sides of his neck as if he were a monster.As for Cross, sitting alone at one end of the bench, his face was pale, he couldn't bear what he had suffered, and looked at the people around him with pleading eyes, hoping that they would stop bullying him.But instead of stopping, they intensified, and the poor boy was trembling and flushing with rage.The boy named Franty jumped up from the bench, pretended to have a basket on his arms with a disgusted expression, and imitated Cross's mother at the school gate like an orangutan. Waiting for his son's appearance, but the mother is now sick.Many students were amused by this nasty joke, bursting into bursts of loud laughter.At this time, Cross couldn't bear these malicious jokes anymore, he grabbed an ink bottle like crazy, and threw it at Franty's head with all his strength, but Franty avoided the ink bottle bottle, and it hit the head teacher who had just walked in the door.

Everyone rushed back to their seats like flying, too scared to say a word.The head teacher walked to the podium with a gloomy face, and asked in a calm voice: "Who did this?" No one dared to speak.The head teacher yelled again, his voice was even scarier than before, "Who did it?"

Galen began to sympathize with Cross in his heart, he stood up suddenly, and resolutely said to the teacher: "It's me!"

The teacher looked at him, then at the students who were dumbfounded, and said calmly, "I know it's not you."

After a while, the teacher said: "Students who make mistakes will not be punished. I hope he can stand up!"

Cross stood up and said in a crying voice: "They beat me and scolded me just now, and I couldn't control myself and threw the ink bottle at them."

"Sit down," said the teacher in charge, "then ask those students who bullied him to stand up." All four of them stood up, bowing their heads.

"You," shouted the class teacher, "you bully a classmate who didn't provoke you, you mocked an unfortunate child, you beat a weak and defenseless person. This is the most shameful act, the most despicable act, this is your The moral stain shows that you are a bunch of despicable people."

After speaking, he walked off the podium, came to the students' seats, put his hand on Galen's chin, lifted it up slightly, stared straight into his eyes and said, "You are a noble person. "

Galen took this opportunity to whisper something to the teacher.After that, the teacher turned to the four mischievous classmates and said seriously: "I forgive you this time."

my second grade female teacher
Thursday the 27th

My second grade female head teacher fulfilled her previous promise and came to visit our house today.My mother and I were going out to deliver some linen to a poor woman who had been featured in the paper.

It's been a year since I last saw this female teacher in my own home, and we all respect her.She was the same as ever, so petite, with a green veil over her toque, and she was dressed carelessly, and her hair was not neat, and perhaps she hadn't had time to dress up at all.Moreover, her complexion is not as good as last year, and she has more gray hair, and she coughs twice from time to time.My mother greeted:

"Old friend, how is your health recently? You haven't taken good care of yourself!"

"I'm fine," the teacher replied, with a half-joyed smile on his face.

"You talk too loudly," my mother went on, "and you worry too much about the children."

It's true, I can always hear her voice.I still remember when I first went to school, she was always talking and talking, so that her students would not be distracted.And she never sat idle in her chair for a moment, and I always had a hunch that she would come, because she never forgot her students.She has been able to remember the names of her students for several years. Every month in the exam, she will go to the principal to ask the principal how many points her students have scored. What progress has been made recently.Up to now, many of her middle school students will come to see her.

Today she came to my house with great interest. She just came back from the exhibition hall. Every Thursday in the past, she would lead us there, and then take the trouble to answer all kinds of questions raised by the children.The poor creature looked older than she was, and too thin to look like.But she is always so lively, and whenever she talks about school, the whole person is full of enthusiasm.

She wanted very much to see that bed, the one where I had a serious illness two years ago, and now it belonged to my brother, and she stared at it for a long time without saying a word.She had to see a student in her class at once whose father was a saddler and who had recently developed a rash; besides, she had a stack of papers to grade which would take her all night; Before going dark, she also had to give a math lesson to the female owner of a shop.

"Well, Enrico," she said to me as she was about to leave, "now that you can solve difficult problems and write long essays, do you still like me as a teacher?" She kissed Kissed me, and stepped up the steps on the way up again, "You can't forget me, Enrico, you know?"

(End of this chapter)

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