love education

Chapter 6 Month

Chapter 6 October (3)
Alas, my loving teacher, I will never forget you!Even when I grow up, I will always remember you.Every time I look for you among the group of students; every time I pass by a school, I will listen to the voice of the female teacher there, and I will feel that it is your voice; I also miss my time in your class In the past two years, I have learned countless valuable knowledge; I also often see that you become so weak and tired due to illness, and you are always so enthusiastic about the students and tolerant of everything about us.Whenever we write with the incorrect way of pushing the pen, you are very worried; whenever the judges interrogate us, you tremble all over; and whenever we perform well, you are always so happy, you Always love and care for us like a mother, I will never forget you, my teacher!

in the attic
Friday the 28th

Yesterday afternoon I went with my mother and sister Sylvia to deliver some linen to the poor woman in the paper.I was holding the package and Sylvia was holding the little note with her name and address on it.We climbed to the top of a tall building, went up to the attic, and came to a long corridor with many doors.My mother knocked on the last door and it was answered by a young woman with fair hair and a thin build, and I suddenly had a strong feeling that I had seen her somewhere before, and that she wore a The blue square scarf is also very familiar.

"Are you the one in the paper? We know a lot about you!" said my mother.

"Yes, ma'am, I am the one."

"Well, we got you some linen."

The woman began to thank and bless us non-stop, as if she couldn't thank and bless us enough.Just then, I noticed a dark room next to it. In an empty corner of it, there was a boy kneeling in front of a chair with his back facing us, as if he was writing something.He was actually writing, for he had put the paper on the chair and the inkwell on the floor.Alas, how could he write in such a dark room?I was thinking, and suddenly recognized, isn't that Cross?The greengrocer's son, Cross with the stumped arm, I whispered to my mother what I had just seen while the woman was packing up.

"Keep quiet," replied the mother, "don't let him know you're giving to his mother, he might be ashamed of it, don't talk to him."

But at that moment, Cross turned around, and I was so embarrassed that he smiled at me.Seeing this, my mother pushed me and told me to go over and hug him quickly, and I went over and hugged him.He stood up, grabbed my hand and said "here I am."

The poor woman said to my mother at this time, "I am alone with this child. His father has been in the United States for seven years, and I am still sick. I can no longer sell vegetables to earn a few small money to support myself. There were no desks left, and poor Cross had no place to do his homework. There used to be a long desk by the door, and he could manage to do his homework there, but then it was taken away, and while he was doing his homework, Not even a lamp, but it ruined his eyes. Anyway, I can get him to school, thank God, and the government sent him books and exercise books. My poor Rickino, he I am so happy to be able to study, alas, I am so miserable!"

My mother gave the mother the last penny in her purse and kissed the boy.When we came out of his house, my mother was on the verge of tears, and she took the opportunity to say to me:

"Look how poor that boy is, having to do his homework with difficulty, while you don't have to worry about anything, but think it's hard work for you to study, alas, my Enrico, he studies The hard work you put in in a day is more than what you study in a year, he should be awarded a medal."

Dedicated to pre-school and extra curricular
Friday the 28th

My dear Enrico, what a hard job studying is for you, as my mother said, I have never seen you go to school willingly every day, and I have never seen you with a smile on your face. smile, you are still so stubborn.But listen, think about how miserable every day is going to be if you don't go to school, how boring it will be.When the week is over, you're bound to be clasping your hands together, praying to go back to school, because you know your life is being eaten away by boredom and shame, and you're going to live for your loafing and doing nothing And feel disgusted.

My children, start studying, think of the laborers who have a hard day's work and go to night school at night; think of the girls who work all week and go to recharge their batteries at weekends; Or think about those soldiers who are exhausted after a day of training, and have to open their books and exercise books at night to continue studying; there are also those children who are blind but still keep studying; otherwise, think about So could the criminals, even if they were all learning to read and write.

Every morning, before you go out, think about it. At that moment, in the city you live in, thirty thousand students like you are going to school; Students like you, at this moment, start from different places around the world in the same direction - school.They walked through the quiet country roads, through the streets of the busy city, along the banks of rivers or lakes, either under the hot sun, or through the fog, or rowing boats; In the countryside, or on horseback in the endless grasslands, or on sleds in the snow; through valleys, over mountains, across forests, across rapids, and through secluded forest paths; they are alone One person, or two or two, or three or four groups, all holding books under their arms.Wearing different styles of clothes and speaking accents from different places, they traveled from the most remote places in Russia to study through the snowfields that make people lose themselves;Under the shade of leaves, thousands of students are all busy studying, although the content of knowledge they learn may be different.Consider this large group of students who may come from hundreds of different clans.You are a part of this grand movement.Think about it, if this movement stops, human society will return to the barbaric age, how sad it would be.This movement means progress, it means hope, it means the glory of the world.

Be brave, come on, you are a little soldier in this great movement, your books will be your weapons, your class will be your cavalry regiment, and the field will be the world, and in the end, the victory will be for the progressive Human civilization, don't be a timid soldier, my Enrico!
your father
The Little Patriot of Padua (Story of the Month)

Saturday 29th

I am not a timid soldier, no, absolutely not!If the head teacher can tell a story every day, I will be more willing to go to class.He said to us this morning: "Every month, I will tell you a story, which will be sent to you in the form of text, and the theme of the story will always be a noble child and the noble things he did. deeds.

Today's story is called "The Little Patriot of Padua", and the plot is as follows:

A French steamship sails from Barcelona, ​​Spain, to Genoa, Italy.Passengers on board were from France, Italy, Spain and Switzerland.Among these people, there is an 11-year-old boy, who is ragged and lonely, always avoiding the crowd, like a stray beast, looking at everyone with gloomy and depressed eyes.

It's not without reason that he rejects people thousands of miles away.Two years ago, he was sold to the head of a street theater troupe by his parents who were farming in the Padua countryside.The people in the theater troupe were very unfriendly to him, punched him from time to time, and forced him to practice tricks.The troupe took him all over France and Spain, beat him at every turn, and never gave him enough to eat.After arriving in Barcelona, ​​he could no longer stand the abuse and starvation, took the opportunity to escape from the troupe, and went to the Italian consulate for help.

The consul who received him was full of pity for him, arranged for him to board the steamer, and asked him to bring a letter of introduction to the Minister of Finance of Genoa, asking the Minister of Finance to send him back to his cruel next to their parents.

The boy was badly wounded and extremely weak, and he was placed in a second-class cabin.All the people in the cabin looked at him curiously, some of them also asked him, but he didn't answer a word.He seemed to be filled with hatred and contempt for everyone, and the emptiness and torment of his heart made him extremely sad and angry.

However, there were still three passengers who were stalking and pestering him, and he finally let go, roughly speaking his life experience in a combination of Venetian, French and Spanish accents.The three passengers were not Italian, but they understood him.Perhaps out of sympathy, or intoxicated by alcohol, they gave him a few coppers, joked with him, and urged him to go on with his other stories.At this point, some ladies came into the bar, so the passengers offered him more coppers for a show, and they yelled, "Take this, take this too! "The copper coin made a clicking sound when it collided with the table.

The boy put them all in his pocket, thanked them in a low voice, his attitude was still gloomy, but for the first time a smile appeared on his face, and he looked a lot more friendly.After the performance, he climbed onto his bed, pulled down the curtains on the bed, and lay quietly, thinking about his life experience and future.This time he earned a lot of money. With this money, he could not only buy a lot of food on the boat, but he hadn’t eaten enough for two years. When he arrived in Genoa, he could even buy himself a jacket. And he hasn't worn a decent dress for two years, and he can even take the extra money home and give it to his poor parents in exchange for more humane treatment for himself. If he goes back with empty pockets, welcome I'm afraid it will be the same fate again.For him, this money is a fortune.Just behind that curtain, he basks in, and takes comfort in, a bright future.

And the other three passengers started chatting again. They sat around a dining table in the second-class cabin, drank wine, and talked about their journeys and the countries they had visited.One topic after another, and after a while, their topic shifted to Italy. One of them began to complain about the poor service quality of small hotels in Italy, and the other talked about the unsatisfactory railway conditions.Afterwards, they chattered more and more cheerfully and outrageously, complaining about everything they had seen in Italy.The first said he would rather travel to Lapland, the second claimed that there was nothing in Italy but liars and robbers, and the third went so far as to say that Italian officials were nothing but idiots.

"Italy is an ignorant people," said the first man again.

"A filthy people," added the second.

"Strong..." The third person was about to say robbers, but was interrupted. It turned out that many copper coins fell on their heads and shoulders like a storm, and fell on the table and the floor, making a piercing noise. sound.The three of them jumped up from their seats like crazy, glaring around, only to be thrown another handful of copper coins in the face.

"Take back all your stinking copper coins!" the boy shouted contemptuously, pulling his head behind the bed curtain. "I will not accept alms from those who insult my country."

(End of this chapter)

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