love education

Chapter 7 January

Chapter 7 November (1)
brief introduction

chimney sweep boy
all souls day

my good friend galen

Charcoalman and Gentleman
The female class teacher of the younger brother's class

my mother
my friend kletti


Nelly's Patronus
Class No.1

Lombard Little Sentinel
poor people

chimney sweep boy
Tuesday the 1st

Yesterday afternoon I went to the girls' school next to ours and showed the story of the boy from Padua to the teacher of my sister Sylvia, who was eager to read it.There were seven hundred schoolgirls there!When I arrived at their school, school had just ended.The students came out, most of them excited because of the upcoming Halloween.

There, I noticed a very touching thing.Just across the road, right in front of the school gate, stood a very small chimney sweep, his whole face was black, carrying a large bag and a scraper, with one arm propped on the wall, And his head was buried in his arms, crying very sadly.Two or three third-grade female students walked up to him and asked:

"What happened, sir? Why are you crying?"

But he didn't answer, and continued to cry. "Well, sir, tell us what has happened to you, why are you crying?" continued the girls.In a moment the chimney sweep lifted his face out of his arms.This is a child's face, with tears on his face. He told the little girls that he had cleaned the chimneys of several families before and earned thirty copper coins.The sad thing is now he's lost the coins because he has a hole in his pocket and the coins slipped out of the hole and he showed the girls the hole and he dared not just do that Go back empty-handed.

"Master will definitely hit me hard," he said, and then wept, burying his face in his arms again, desperate.These children stood there, looking at him seriously.At the same time other girls, big and small, poor and upper class, came round with their little book bags on their backs, one hat with a blue feather in it. The taller girl took out two copper coins from her pocket and said:

"I only have two coppers left, let's raise money for him."

"I have two coppers, too," said another girl, all in red.

"If all of us contribute together, it will definitely be enough for thirty copper coins." Afterwards, they shouted together, "Amelia, Ligeia, Anina, whoever has copper coins, as many copper coins as you want , hand over all your copper coins here!"

Some students originally planned to use copper coins to buy flowers or exercise books, but they donated them when they heard the call.Some female students in the lower grades donated a few cents. The girl with the feather in the hat gathered all the copper coins together and counted them aloud:
"Eight, ten, fifteen!" But they needed more coppers.After a while, an older man who looked like a teaching assistant appeared next to the girls and gave them half a lire. Everyone thanked her, and now it was five copper coins short.

"The fifth grade students are here, and they will definitely have money with them." A girl said.

They came over and gave away their bags one after another. For a while, the copper coins poured down like a rainstorm.Everyone hastily gathered here.The group of girls dressed in different colors surrounded the chimney sweep boy, and the feathers fluttered and the ribbons fluttered around the periphery. It was a beautiful picture.

Thirty copper coins should have been collected long ago, but more copper coins were sent in a steady stream. The girls in the lower grades had no money, so they shuttled back and forth among the girls in the upper grades, trying to get their coins. Flowers are also donated to make a contribution within one's ability.

She didn't know when the janitor showed up, but she screamed, "The principal is here!"

The girls immediately scattered in all directions, like a flock of sparrows flying apart.Then I saw the chimney sweep boy, all alone, standing in the middle of the street, wiping his tears with joy, holding handfuls full of copper coins, and in his buttonhole There were flowers in his pockets, in his hat, and many more scattered at his feet.

all souls day

Wednesday 2nd

Today is a holy day to remember those who have passed away.Enrico, you know what?Today, you and all your classmates remember those who passed away, especially those who died for you, for all the teenagers and children, how many people have given their lives, and how many people are giving life!
How many fathers are slowly wasting their lives in the process of drudgery?How many hard-working mothers, in order to feed their children, dedicated their own youthful years, were bent by poverty, and entered the cold grave in their prime?How many fathers do you know who put a knife in their own chest because they couldn't bear to see their children suffer?How many poor mothers have lost a child, or drowned themselves, or died of grief, or lost their minds because of it?Enrico, think of those who died today!Think of those female teachers who died young, worn out from the hustle and bustle of school, unable to distract themselves from their own affairs because they loved their students.Think again about those doctors who died of infectious diseases, and they did everything they could to save the life of a child.Think again of the brave men and women in peril, the passengers who died at sea, the men who were threatened by fire or starvation, who gave up their last morsel of food, their last lifebuoy for their children, their last A rope ladder for escaping a fire is meant to give an innocent child a second chance at life so that their self-sacrifice can be justified.

Enrico, there are countless people who died like this. There are hundreds of such heroic souls lying in every cemetery. If they can wake up from the grave, they will definitely call out the names of those children, even if only For a moment they must have thought of those children for whom they had sacrificed their lives, their health in old age, the joy of life, their health, even their lives.Those young women in their early twenties, the tough guys in their prime, the octogenarians, the green boys, and those little heroes who are still ignorant and young—they are great in character, noble in soul, and the whole earth cannot be filled with enough flowers their resting place.

You are so loved and cared for by people, children, today you must pay homage to those who have passed away with a grateful heart, so that in the future you will be more courteous and more respectful to those who love you and suffer for you. love.My dear and blessed children, for their sake you too should be grateful in tender hearts on this special day!

your mother
my good friend galen

Friday the 4th

Even though the vacation was only two days away, it felt like I hadn't seen Galen for a long time.The more I saw him, the more I liked him, and everyone else felt the same way, except for the arrogant guys - they never talked to Galen, because Galen was never oppressed and bullied by them .Whenever a big guy raised his fist and wanted to bully a younger classmate, as long as the younger classmate called Galen's name, the bigger guy would not dare to hit him.

Galen's father worked on the railroad as a train driver.Delayed by illness for two years, Galen started school late and became the tallest and strongest boy in the class. He could hold a long table with one hand.He never seems to be full, always chewing bread or other food in his mouth; his character is really good, no matter what other students borrow from him, pencils, erasers, paper, or knives, he never Don't begrudge.At school he didn't talk much, rarely smiled, and sat motionless behind a long desk.The distance between the table and the chairs was too narrow for him, so that he had to arch forward slightly, as if holding his head between his shoulders.

Whenever I look at him, he smiles at me with half-closed eyes, like, "Hey, Enrico, we're good brothers, right?" I can't help but look at him and smile , because he looks so strong.It's just that the clothes he wears don't always fit, the jacket, the trousers and the long-sleeved shirt, are too small and too short for him, and his hat keeps falling off his head, and his shawl is so worn out , the shoes are also very rough, and the tie is tied like a tied rope.

People liked him just by looking at him, though, and all little boys liked to sit near him.He was good at arithmetic, and would fasten his book with a red leather thong, which was very convenient to carry.He also has a paper cutter with a mother-of-pearl handle, which he picked up at an army drill range last year.On one occasion he cut his own bone with the knife.But no one at school envied his knife, and no one mentioned it at home, for fear of alarming his parents.

He always put up with our jokes and never got angry, but whenever someone denied something he tried to affirm, he would be unhappy, his eyes were on fire, and he punched the long table , almost smashed those tables.

On Saturday morning, he gave a sophomore to a second-grader who was standing in the street crying because he had lost the money he had paid for the exercise book.For the past three weeks, Galen had been writing an eight-page letter, decorated with pen drawings along the edges, to his mother for Halloween.His mother, who often came to pick him up, was also tall, strong, and sympathetic.

The homeroom teacher also always liked to watch him, and every time he passed by Galen, he would lightly tap his neck with his hand, as if Galen was a docile young steer.I really liked him and was happy to put my hand on his big hand, as if I was holding a mature man's hand.I'm sure that he has enough courage to sacrifice his life to save any of his classmates, and he will resist to the death in order to maintain his dignity. I can clearly read all this from his eyes.Although he always speaks loudly, I know that rough voice comes from a tender heart.

Charcoalman and Gentleman
Monday 7th
What Carlo Nobis said to Betty yesterday morning, Galen could never say.Carlo Nobis was a haughty fellow, for his father was a gentleman, tall and straight, with a black beard and a serious expression, and he sent his son to school almost every day.

Yesterday morning, Nobbies and Betty were arguing.Betty is the youngest child in the class, the son of a charcoal worker, and he doesn't know how to distinguish him from each other, and he has always been at a disadvantage.Nobis provoked fiercely: "Your father is a junk picker!" Betty's entire face flushed.It was red all the way to the top of my head, and I couldn't say a word, but tears welled up in my eyes.When he got home, he told these words to his father.Before class in the afternoon, this small charcoal worker with a dark body and his son came to the head teacher to comment on the matter.While he was speaking excitedly, everyone was silent.At this time, Nobis' father happened to be standing at the door, undressing his son as usual, and was about to enter when his name was mentioned, and he wanted to give himself a chance to explain.

"This gentleman has come," said the head teacher, "and complained to me that your son Carlo said to his son: 'Your father is a rag picker.'"

Nobis' father frowned, blushed a little, and then asked his son, "Did you say that?" His son lowered his head and stood in the middle of the classroom, facing He looked at Betty and said nothing.Seeing this, his father grabbed one of his hands and pulled him forward so that he faced Betty.Betty and his son were also a little upset, and Carlo's father yelled at his son, "Apologize!"

At this time, Betty's father dissuaded and said: "No, no!"

But Nobis' father ignored him, and said to his son, "Apologize to the people and say after me, 'I hope you will forgive me for what I said to you about your father. , If it is disgraceful, my father also hopes to have the honor to shake hands with your father.'”

The charcoal worker looked uneasy, as if to say, "I don't want to do that." The gentleman didn't approve of it, and his son kept his head down, looking away, slowly, with a A voice as thin as a mosquito moan said:

"I hope you will forgive me for the insulting, stupid, disgraceful things I said to you about your father, and my father also wishes to have the honor of shaking your father's hand."

As soon as Nobis had finished apologizing, his father held out his hand to the charcoal worker.Confused, the charcoal worker squeezed his hand hard, and then he pushed his son hard into Carlo Nobis' arms.

"Please do me a favor and put the two of them together," Nobbies' father suggested to the class teacher.

good idea!The head teacher smoothly transferred Betty to Nobis' bench.When they sat down, Nobis' father bowed and left.But the charcoal worker stood there thinking for a long time. After seeing the two children sitting next to each other, he approached the long table and looked at Nobis with love and regret on his face, as if he wanted to say something to him. Say something, but say nothing.He reached out to give Nobis a little caress, but he didn't dare to do so. He just touched Nobis' eyebrows with his thick fingers, then he walked to the door, turned around and took one last look, Then he left.

"Keep in your mind what you just saw, boys, this is the best lesson you've ever had this year."

The female class teacher of the younger brother's class

Thursday the 10th

(End of this chapter)

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