Aspiring Food Supplier

Chapter 324 322. It also depends on what variety show it is!

Chapter 324 322. It also depends on what variety show it is!

After hearing Sun Yizhou's words, several people nodded, "It must be really delicious! How can it be that the dishes cooked by Brother Rui are not really delicious!"

"Xiao Rui never missed a shot!"

Ling Rui smiled helplessly, "You guys, everything smells really good."

"Yes, it is really fragrant!"


After a while, the water in the outer pot also boiled. As soon as the lid was opened, the aroma overflowed, and the red oil floated up and down in the tumbling. Ge cut ham slices into the pot.

"Mr. An, cut some celery with leaves." Ling Rui said, and then took three large bowls from the cupboard. To be honest, there are enough ingredients and enough to cook.

The big bowls were laid out in a row, and the previously fried bean sprouts were distributed among the three bowls, then picked up a big spoon, and started to pick up vegetables from the pot. The duck blood is fully covered on the top.

Then add red soup.

Then wash the pot, heat the oil in the pot, put in small pieces of dried chili and Chinese prickly ash, turn to low heat and fry the fragrance slowly, then pour it on Maoxuewang, and finally put a few celery.

In this way, the quantity is large and full, and the spicy Maoxuewang comes out of the pan.

"It's terrible!" Sun Yizhou wiped his saliva, "Three bowls! Does this other one have to sell the program group?"


"Don't sell it, I can pay for it all by myself!" Sun Yizhou quickly shook his head and said, "Really, I'm serious!"

Program group:  …

Live group: ...

Why is it so difficult to eat a meal?Why is there always someone trying to grab food from them?

Huang Lei was dumbfounded, "Three bowls are so big, can you eat them all by yourself?"

"In this way, you can eat one bowl, and I'll eat the other two bowls!" Sun Yizhou said seriously, looking at this Maoxuewang, he wanted to drool, and, is this bowl too big?For them, this is just a middle portion!

Ling Rui was also surprised, "Brother Yizhou, don't eat too much! Not good!"

"No, no, no! I'm really, not forced! Back then, Chichi and I..."

"That's not okay." Ling Rui shook his head, "If you really eat so much, you might have to go to the hospital at night, don't be kidding."

With that said, Ling Rui put the three bowls on the long table, and He Jiong quickly covered them with vegetable covers.

Immediately, Ling Rui didn't care about Sun Yizhou anymore, even though Sun Yizhou's words were surprising, instead he picked up the remaining pork belly and began to cut small cubes, preparing to make a pickled pork with preserved vegetables.

"Is this braised pork?" Zifeng asked expectantly.

Ling Rui smiled, "No, pickled meat with preserved vegetables."

"Ah, that's delicious too!"

"Eat braised pork tomorrow, braised pork every day, aren't you afraid of getting tired?"

"Cough, it's okay." Zifeng also blushed slightly.

An Ge laughed, and patted Ling Rui, "You should let my sister do it anyway, if she wants to eat braised pork, you can do it."

Glancing at An Ge, Ling Rui shook his head helplessly, "You want to eat too, don't you?"

"Yes." An Ge nodded confidently.

"Okay, braised pork!" Ling Rui cut the meat, then blanch the pork belly, cleaned the pot, heated the oil in the pan, poured the pork belly in, and stir-fried until both sides were slightly golden, and the aroma burst out immediately.

This is pure meaty aroma.

It caused everyone's stomach to growl.

Peng Peng clutched his stomach, he ate quite a lot at noon, really, he was suddenly hungry, it was his stomach that was hungry!He is so difficult!

Ling Rui's five senses have been strengthened. Hearing Peng Peng's stomach growl, he laughed, "Peng Peng, you eat a lot at noon?" Ling Rui added dark soy sauce, cooking wine, and sliced ​​ginger to the pot, and turned Fried, "Why do you have a stomach growl?"

Peng Peng blushed, "How do I know, I can't control him from barking! I'm hungry!"

"Brother, you get hungry too easily." Zifeng complained.

"I'm working hard this afternoon!"

"That's right, not to mention that Peng Peng is still growing." He Jiong made up the knife.

"That's right." Peng Peng nodded seriously.

Others: ...Can I laugh?
In the live broadcast room, the netizens laughed loudly, and did not expose Peng Peng's fig leaf.

"Work hard, Peng Yuchang!"

"Young body Peng Yuchang!"

"I can't control Peng Yuchang!"

"Gulu Guru Peng Yuchang!"


Ling Rui raised his eyes and glanced at the screen, and found that after the live broadcast, the interaction with the audience is indeed more direct, and there are more memes, and a new meme can be created in minutes, and the popularity is not high. Low, the trending searches on Weibo are also changing their rankings every minute.

Live variety shows are a form worth investing in.

Generally speaking, when doing variety shows, some stars may say things that should not be said, and the later program crew will definitely cut them out.What can be broadcast and what cannot be broadcast is the final decision of the program group.Now that there are live broadcasts, netizens can watch variety shows more intuitively, and understand some celebrities more intuitively.

Of course, knowing that it was a live broadcast, many celebrities also restrained their image.

Thinking of this, Ling Rui glanced at Li Yuxuan, he would not be a fool if he dared to be the first person to eat crabs, I am afraid that after this program, he has already been talking about many other programs.

Traffic, how should I put it, in this kind of information society, with traffic, you have the right to speak. This is the case in many industries. I just hope that the entertainment industry will not change too fast.

Ling Rui smiled, seeing that the pork belly was evenly colored, he added water and put the lid on.

Turning around, looking at the upright children sitting in this row, he laughed, "No, I just want to laugh when I see you sitting here."

"Why?" Zhang Ruoyun was puzzled.

"You guys are too funny!" Ling Rui had no choice but to say, "If you all have uniform outfits, each of you has a handkerchief in your pocket, and puts your little hand behind your back, then it will be interesting."

"Is that so?" Peng Peng began to learn directly, and then deliberately said in a childish voice, "Lao Xi, is dinner ready?"

The others laughed.

Ling Rui rolled his eyes, "Pretend to be tender!"

"It's not against the law to pretend to be casual."

"Can you pretend to be tender without breaking the law?"


"Look at what the netizens are saying."

Peng Peng turned his head and looked at the screen, "Don't netizens say I'm cute?"

Ling Rui: ... "Can you stop being so cowardly and tell the truth in front of others! I'm embarrassed by you!"

Netizens once again exploded with laughter. This feeling of being able to interact is really great, and they left messages one after another.

"It's very embarrassing, Chef Ling."

"Chef Ling was slapped in the face in seconds."

"Quick talk, Chef Ling."

At this moment, Peng Peng still doesn't know what the netizens said, but there are too many messages on the screen, and he can read them without looking at them. Now the screen is full of Ling Rui, so he smiled, " Say my lovely friends, where are you?"



"So many people?" Sun Yizhou looked at the number on the screen, counted it, and said in surprise, "Now live variety shows are so popular?"

"That depends on what kind of variety show it is." Zhang Ruoyun said helplessly, "Everyone said, right?"



A string is flying by.

 Chapter 3.

  I've been annoyed by the comment section lately.

  It is said that the whole book is just eating.

  Yes, this book is about food.

  It is said that the plot is flat, without ups and downs, and without conflict.

  When you look at the life you yearn for, is there any ups and downs in the plot?Still have a conflict?And pretending to slap your face?There are a lot of pretentious and slapping articles out there, can't I miss this one?
  What an annoyance.If you don't like it, go straight away, don't look for a sense of existence.

  By the way, ask for a wave of tickets.



(End of this chapter)

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