Chapter 73
"Yes, yes!" Yan Zile quickly ran to Chu Heng, pointing to the blood stains on his chest that hadn't fully dried, and said loudly, "Look, Ma Ma! This is the monster that hurt the pot!"

In fact, when Chu Heng and Han Ruoxin confronted each other, Yan Zile kept his eyes closed, but now he had the expression of witnessing the whole process of the crime with his own eyes.

Yan Xiaoxiao looked at the large bloodstain on the front of the boy's clothes, and was immediately surprised.

Didn't expect this seemingly weak guy to be injured in order to save himself?
Immediately, a little moved emotion filled her heart.

Thinking about being so rude to him just now, a sense of guilt arises spontaneously.

"Let me see if Yan is serious." The pool of blood was quite shocking, Yan Xiaoxiao walked up to Chu Heng, pushed aside a certain child who was in the way, and bent down to check the injury on his chest.

"It's okay, sister, I just suffered a little skin trauma." Chu Heng quickly raised his arms to protect his body, not letting her see.

"No! You were injured because of me, I have an obligation to know the severity of your injury!" Yan Xiaoxiao didn't allow him to refuse, grabbed his arm with one hand, and tore open his clothes roughly with the other hand.

Her movements were so fast that it was impossible to react.

So, Chu Heng's thin chest that was not yet fully developed was exposed in front of their eyes.

Just at this time, the night wind blew away the heavy dark clouds, and the moon gradually appeared.

There was a faint light in the originally dark forest.

The smooth and fair skin on Chu Heng's chest was properly presented in front of Yan Xiaoxiao's eyes. Although he was only as immature as a teenager, the proportions of his upper body were excellent, and he could already predict his well-proportioned and perfect body shape when he grew up in the future.

Yan Xiaoxiao looked at the skin with no trace of injury, and turned to look at her son: "Didn't you say that he was injured by a monster? Hmm? Where is the injury? Where is it?"

"Uh... this..." Yan Zile was also stunned. At that time, he clearly saw blood dripping from Chu Heng's body. How could there be no wound?He frowned and thought hard for a moment, then replied, "Maybe Guoguo's injury is not here, but somewhere else."

"Anywhere else? Do you mean the back?" Yan Xiaoxiao snorted softly and asked.

"Yes, it's also possible!" Yan Zile nodded seriously.

"Blood on the chest, is it really appropriate for you to say that the injury is on the back?" Yan Xiaoxiao gave him an unceremonious look, "You have to use your brains when you lie!"

Yan Zile pouted: "But, Guoguo is indeed injured!"

When Yan Xiaoxiao lifted his clothes, Chu Heng himself did not expect that the wound had miraculously healed.

Obviously a few minutes ago, he could still feel the pain in the wound.

Why is this happening?

Could it be because he drank Yan Xiaoxiao's blood?It seemed that she was indeed the baby girl who was stolen by the Helan family 23 years ago.

However, this effect is too obvious and immediate, right?
No wonder there are so many vampires wanting to find the daughter of the Helan family!
At this time, Yan Xiaoxiao's mother and son were standing beside him, one on the left and one on the right. Both of them were focusing on whether he was injured, and they were still arguing fiercely about where he was injured.

Of course Chu Heng didn't want himself to be the focus of their attention, as his identity might arouse their suspicion.

Although Yan Xiaoxiao usually looks like she is very nervous and doesn't care much about anything, but in fact she is quite sensitive.

Thinking of this, he deliberately sniffed the surrounding air, and asked loudly, "Sister, do you smell a bad smell here?"

"Is there?" Yan Xiaoxiao immediately stopped arguing with her son, sniffing around, "It seems that there really is."

When she smelled that the source of the smell was by her side, she stepped over Chu Heng while smelling it, leaned over her son and smelled it several times, and finally confirmed that the source of the smell was her own son.

"Ma Ma, what are you doing?" Yan Zile saw that she was staring at her with squinted eyes, and immediately took two steps back vigilantly.

"Yan Zile, have you fallen into a cesspit? Why do you smell so bad?" Yan Xiaoxiao reached out and fanned her nose vigorously, her tone quite disgusting.

"Where is it? I don't smell bad!" Yan Zile is a child who loves cleanliness and has a strong self-esteem. When he heard this, he pulled his face down in displeasure, "Ma Ma, don't talk nonsense and slander my glory Handsome figure!"

"If you don't believe me, smell it yourself! I'm going to faint!" Yan Xiaoxiao squeezed her nose while speaking.

Yan Zile gave her a dubious look, and finally raised his arm and put it under his nose to smell it: "No, it doesn't smell at all..."

Before he finished speaking, he suddenly realized something, fell silent for half a second, and then cried 'wow'.

"Hey, Yan Zile, what's going on with you?" Yan Xiaoxiao looked at her son whose face changed faster than the sky, and suddenly panicked, "Well, why are you crying?"

"Wuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu no answer.

"Okay, I was wrong, I shouldn't say you stink, you are the most fragrant baby in the world!" Yan Xiaoxiao knelt down in front of him, hugged him into her arms, and gently patted his back to comfort him "Hey, don't cry."

Yan Zile raised his head from her arms, looked at her with eyes full of tears, choked up and sobbed, and said, "Ma Ma, I haven't wiped my butt..."

"..." Yan Xiaoxiao looked at this little idiot's crying face, and just felt that his son was so cute.

She remembered that when a certain child was defecating just now, a blood-sucking monster suddenly jumped down from the tree and attacked her. It was he who ran over and dragged the monster regardless of his own safety, so that he escaped from her fangs.

So, Yan Zile didn't bother to wipe his ass because he wanted to save himself.Thinking about how clean and tidy he is usually, how could she not be moved if he did this for her?

"Ma Ma, let me go, it stinks!" Yan Zile struggled twice in her arms, and frowned a little disgusted with himself.

"No way, our little Le is a fragrant baby!" After finishing speaking, Yan Xiaoxiao lowered her head and kissed him on the cheek, then hugged him tighter.

"Mama, can you stop being so nasty all of a sudden?" Yan Zile raised his small head from her arms and whitened her speechlessly. This woman can change her face faster than turning the pages of a book.After being silent for half a second, he pursed his lips and reminded, "I haven't wiped my butt yet!"

"Let me wipe it for you!" Yan Xiaoxiao was overwhelmed with maternal love. After letting go of him, he rolled up his sleeves and took out a wet tissue from his pocket, "Take off your pants."

(End of this chapter)

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