Money fans cute baby come to cheat father

Chapter 74 Do your own business!

Chapter 74 Do your own business!

"I never joke like that! Come here!"

Yan Xiaoxiao used to let him do everything by himself in order to accompany and support his son's independence, but tonight it was rare for her to take the initiative to be courteous, but her son suspected the reason why she was so abnormal.

"No! Do your own thing!" Yan Zile rejected her without even thinking about it.

Yan Xiaoxiao didn't agree, so she raised her hand and wanted to grab him in front of her: "Don't be verbose, a man should be straightforward! Tell you, not everyone can enjoy this kind of treatment!"

Hehehe, it seems that no one wants to suffer such treatment, right?

Yan Zile dodged to avoid her clutches, and replied: "Men and women can't get married, I will marry a wife in the future, Ma Ma, you better not mess around!"

Yan Xiaoxiao felt that she had put her warm face on a certain child's cold ass, and she immediately became angry again: "Come here if I tell you to come, why are there so many nonsense! My old lady will wipe your ass herself, so you can have fun secretly." !"

"No, no!" Yan Zile immediately shook his little head like a rattle.

Seeing this, Yan Xiaoxiao rushed forward to arrest people regardless of 21.

Seeing her rushing towards her, Yan Zile turned around and ran away.

As a result, the mother and son jumped from the original sensational embrace to the scene of the eagle catching the chick.

Chu Heng, who was ignored by the side, couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief as he watched them chasing after each other.

Fortunately, he was witty enough to successfully divert the attention of their mother and son.

Fortunately, only Yan Zile saw the scene of his injury, and the child has a great forgetfulness, otherwise, if they asked him about his injury, he would not know what reason to make up to get away with it.

On the other side, Bai Xue was squatting there, staring intently at the gradually weathering corpse, completely unaware that the person standing behind her had teleported into the woods.

When the corpse completely disappeared in the night wind without a trace left, she spoke again: "Ah Heng, did you see it? The corpse just disappeared!"

After waiting for several seconds, she still didn't get an answer. She couldn't help turning her face away, only to realize that there was no one behind her.

Bai Xue looked at the place where the corpse was originally parked in front of her. There was only an empty white cloth left, and a chill immediately shot up from her back uncontrollably.

"Chu Heng? Chu Heng!" Bai Xue immediately stood up from the ground, walked to the side of the road where the car was parked, and shouted the name of a certain boy to the surroundings.

Where did this brat go?Why is there no one in silence?How dare he leave her a girl here, it's really hateful to the extreme!

Bai Xue thought in her heart angrily, and suddenly a bloody and terrifying scene flashed in her mind.

Could it be...Could it be...that serial murderer took Chu Heng away quietly while he wasn't paying attention?
As soon as she thought that there was a possibility that a certain teenager would be brutally murdered in the news tomorrow, she felt a strong sense of guilt.

Yan Xiaoxiao entrusted Chu Heng to herself, but now he suddenly disappeared and his whereabouts are unknown, how should he explain to her?

While thinking about it, Bai Xue had already walked up to the car.

The matter of Chu Heng's disappearance is too serious, she must seize the time to explain the situation to Yan Xiaoxiao, and then search around together.

Thinking of this, she immediately opened the car door, and when she looked inside, she found that there was no one in the car, and the mother and child who were sitting in the back seat had gone somewhere.

The surrounding night was dark, and there was only half a moon hanging in the sky, emitting a pale light.

Listening to the croaking of frogs and insects in the woods in the outskirts, Bai Xue felt as if she was trapped in a terrifying dark forest, with a sense of helplessness that could not be called every day.

"Yan Xiaoxiao! Yan Zile! Chu Heng! Where are you?"

"Has anyone heard it? Answer me quickly!"

She yelled until her throat was about to smoke, but no one responded.

Just when Bai Xue was about to despair, she suddenly heard footsteps slowly approaching behind her.

She thought it was Yan Xiaoxiao and she immediately turned her head happily: "You guys finally come back..."

However, when she saw clearly who was coming, her face turned pale, and she couldn't help but screamed loudly in the next second: "Ah——!!!"

Although the figure standing not far behind her couldn't see her face clearly, those eyes that were blood red in the dark night were like two groups of burning flames, making one's heart palpitate!

Without any suspense, it was not Yan Xiaoxiao who was attracted by her voice, but a blood race!
Even though Bai Xue had the experience of killing a blood race, but at this moment alone, the first thing that came to her mind was the scene when she encountered a blood race at school.

The absolute fear instantly overwhelmed her like a tidal wave. She stood there in panic as if she had been cast with a holding spell, watching the blood race rush towards her, but she couldn't move at all.

Just when the vampire opened its bloody mouth and exposed its fangs, a purple light in the shape of a cross suddenly shot from behind her, splitting the vampire in half like a sharp sword.

The figure of the blood race was frozen less than two meters away from Baixue. In the next second, his body quickly weathered and disappeared in a blink of an eye.

All of this happened in a blink of an eye, and Bai Xue hadn't had time to figure out what happened.

A gentle and clear voice sounded from behind her.

"Miss, are you alright?"

Only then was Bai Xue's soul pulled back, and she instinctively turned around and looked behind her.

Under the faint moonlight, a handsome blue-eyed guy with maroon curly hair was walking towards her, holding a silver pistol in his right hand.

"Student! It's you!" The expression on Bai Xue's face changed from panic to surprise, and she strode in front of him.

It was William who came.Kate, when he was in school, he also saved her.

william.After Kate recognized her, she raised her eyebrows in surprise: "Sister, why are you here?"

He came here to check on the corpse. There have been several blood murders in a row recently. He must remove the corpse from human sight before the corpse weathers. Otherwise, if the corpse just disappears out of thin air,
Unexpectedly, I happened to see the blood race attacking humans, so I rescued them.Even more coincidentally, the one who was rescued turned out to be an acquaintance.

"The recent murder case is too strange. I came here to see if there are any clues to find the murderer as soon as possible. Solving the case as soon as possible can also reduce the number of innocent people dying." Bai Xue has this personality, as long as it is something she wants to do, No matter how dangerous it is, she will try her best to do it.

"Did you find anything?" William asked.Kate had checked at the place where the corpses were parked just now, because she was delayed for some time on the road, she did not expect that the blood clan's corpses had already weathered.

Just as he was planning to look for other clues at the scene, he suddenly heard Bai Xue's scream, so he rushed over quickly, fortunately he arrived in time.

(End of this chapter)

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