Money fans cute baby come to cheat father

Chapter 75 The Haunting Monster

Chapter 75 The Haunting Monster
"No." Bai Xue shook her head, and sighed a little depressed, "After every murder, I rushed to the scene as soon as possible, but the murderer was very cautious and left nothing behind."

As soon as she finished speaking, she suddenly thought of the blood race just now: "That's right! Could the murderer be the blood race just now?"

"No!" William said.Kate shook her head, and answered decisively, "He is too weak, and the scars on the deceased's body are definitely not something that low-level blood can do."

While they were talking, several blood races passed by their eyes and rushed to the depths of the forest.

Baixue's night vision is not very good, she can only feel a few black shadows flashing past quickly, but she can't see what it is.

"Did something go into the woods just now?" she asked.

"Well, it's a few low blood races." William.Kate looked at the direction where the black figures disappeared, and was silent for a few seconds, then frowned thoughtfully.

"Wouldn't the blood race take the initiative to attack humans when they see them? Why would they ignore us? Could it be that they know you are a hunter?" Bai Xue's pretty face was full of doubts.

william.Kate slowly narrowed her handsome eyes, and replied word by word: "There should be something in the forest that attracts the blood race."

"Attracting blood races?" Bai Xue seemed to disagree with this statement, "Could there be anything more attractive to them than humans?"

In her eyes, these vampires are blood-sucking monsters without thoughts and souls.They are just disguised with the appearance of human beings, but they are actually terrifying beasts.

"Let's go and see." William said.Kate put away the silver gun in her hand, and took the lead in walking in the direction where the blood races just disappeared.

"Okay." Bai Xue nodded and followed closely.

In fact, these vampires were attracted by the sweet fragrance of Yan Xiaoxiao's blood. Her blood has a fatal attraction for vampires.

Even just taking a sip can extend the lifespan and enhance the ability of the blood race.

Any vampire would want to have a master with such blood, and then pierce his fangs into her body and enjoy it to his heart's content!

The elm forest is quiet, only the rustling sound of the leaves being blown by the night wind.

In an open space deep in the forest, Yan Xiaoxiao, mother and son, and Chu Heng stood there with their backs to their backs.There are five, six, seven, and eight around them, no!If you look carefully, you will find that there is a large wave of low-level vampires gathering from all directions in the darkness, slowly approaching them.

"Damn! Is it over? I killed one just now and now there is such a large group, why do these monsters linger everywhere I go!" Yan Xiaoxiao looked at the red-eyed monsters who were staring at the three of them, Really hot!

She just accompanied Bai Xue to investigate the murderer with loyalty, who did she provoke?Why have I encountered this situation once or twice, leaving myself and my son in an almost hopeless situation?

Yan Xiaoxiao was depressed angrily, and suddenly felt her trousers being grabbed by someone.When she lowered her head, she met the resentful eyes of a certain child.

I saw Yan Zile holding his trouser waist with one hand, grinning in displeasure and saying: "Ma Ma, I haven't wiped my ass yet!"

Just half a minute ago, Yan Xiaoxiao was about to wipe his son's ass. When Yan Zile just pulled down his pants, several monsters with red eyes suddenly appeared from the forest and surrounded the three of them.

So, in order to save his life, a certain child's butt was ruthlessly ignored.

In desperation, Yan Zile could only stand with them with his trousers in his hands, staring at the monster, and at the same time complaining about his family's dereliction of duty.

"If you don't wipe it, you don't wipe it, and you won't lose a piece of meat! Now my life is at stake, do you still care about these things?" Yan Xiaoxiao rolled his eyes back at him, and he was so worried that he was dying of fear. The point of attention is still on wiping ass, really drunk!
"I don't care! Even if I will be eaten by monsters, I will be a clean ghost, don't be stinky!" Yan Zile clenched his small fists to show his unwavering stance.

"Yan Zile, think about it, if the monsters smell your stink, maybe they won't want to eat you?" Yan Xiaoxiao raised her eyes and glanced at the monsters that were getting closer, and continued, "They may think that you The meat is not tasty, isn't that good?"

If not wiping her ass could really make monsters ignore her own son, then she would rather her son just stinky smoke those monsters to death!
"I don't want it!" Who knew that Yan Zile turned her head and rejected her good idea without even thinking about it, "If the monster doesn't eat me, then you and Guoguo will be in danger!"

She didn't expect her son to say that, Yan Xiaoxiao was stunned for half a second, her heart was full of emotion, as expected, raising a son would not only prevent old age, but also warm and caring.

But now, is it time to be sensational?

The blood-sucking monster was within easy reach, Yan Xiaoxiao's expression became serious, and she said to her son seriously: "Xiao Le, if the monsters approach you later, you can deal with them with the beads on your hand, you know ?"

"Then what are you going to do, Mama?" Yan Zile raised her face and looked at her worriedly.

"You forgot, Mama runs fast, so it doesn't matter, they can't catch up with me at all!" Yan Xiaoxiao reached out and pinched her son's fleshy cheek, showing a very confident look.

"What about pot pot?" Yan Zile thought for a while before continuing to ask.

For Chu Heng, he has an indescribable liking and dependence.

"I'll lure them away later. You take your brother and run out of the woods to find Aunt Baixue, you know?" As long as they get in the car, they will be safe.

"What about you, Mama?"

Yan Xiaoxiao bent the corners of her mouth at him to pretend to be relaxed, and rubbed his soft short hair: "Isn't it just a matter of minutes for Ma Ma to catch up with you?"

While the mother and son were thinking about how to get out from under the fangs of the blood race, the boy next to him had already used the cover of the night to slowly release a small part of the purebred coercion, in order to deter those who were attracted by Yan Xiaoxiao's blood of lower blood race.

At this moment, on his beautiful and delicate face, a pair of pupils gradually became as red as blood.

This is also the reason why so many blood races surround them, but they dare not approach them.

At this moment, his ears moved, and suddenly he heard a familiar voice coming from a distance.

As a purebred, his hearing is extremely strong, even if it is a thousand meters away, he can hear it clearly.

After confirming the identity of the visitor, he immediately completely concealed the aura around him.

The next second, when he looked up again, the bloody light in his pupils faded away.

"Xiao Le! Smile! Where are you? Answer quickly!" Sure enough, it didn't take long to hear Bai Xue's calls coming from a distance.

(End of this chapter)

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