Quickly wear the boss, she is always teased by male gods

1003 Chapter 67 Wild Unruly Little Lover [-]

1003 Chapter 67 Wild Unruly Little Lover [-]
The girl stroked her forehead with a headache, what kind of interview scene is this.

The food hadn't been served yet, so Gu Lanlan didn't come out, and started the chat mode.

"how long have you been together?"

Lian Jue said casually, "It's almost a month..."

"Did I ask you?" Gu Lanlan looked over with a sweet smile.

Lian Jue: "..."

The corners of Qi Ran's lips twitched, and his tone was unhurried, "It's five days a month."

Remembering so clearly, Gu Lanlan held her chin and stroked it.

She cleared her cough and said in a serious tone, "What do you think about my Rui Rui? Are you serious..."

The arm was knocked off.

Gu Lanlan looked over strangely.

Lian Jue whispered, "You forgot?"

"Forgot what?" Gu Lanlan was at a loss.

Lian Jue: "..."

She had to lower her voice to remind, "Lover!"

Obviously at the beginning, she kept repeatedly emphasizing to her that taking care of the other party and treating the other party as a lover is nothing more than telling the other party for fun, but now she completely forgot and asked her lover if he was serious about the patron.

Even Jue didn't know what to say.

Gu Lanlan didn't understand at first, but after hearing those two words, she immediately realized it.

"Oh yeah, just for fun."

"I'm confused." She patted her head.

Qi Ran frowned slightly, he was sitting too far away, and couldn't hear clearly the whispering of the two girls after they lowered their voices.

Can only wait patiently.

The girl cleared her cough again, showing her extraordinary thick-skinned ability, with a serious expression, pretending that what happened just now didn't exist at all.

"Hey, that's what I mean, you didn't have contact with other girls at the base, right? I'm warning you and my best friend to stay focused during this time." Gu Lanlan's tone was suddenly full of warning.

Qi Ran felt it was funny in his heart, and his expression was light: "Miss Gu has been to the base, so she probably knows that most of the base are men."

Gu Lanlan: "..."

She was silent for a moment, and quickly retorted: "So what if you know? Who can guarantee that you won't get involved with a man?"

Qi Ran: "..."

Lian Jue: "..."

Even Jue was not happy about this, and glanced at his best friend displeasedly, is her charm so bad?Let him be gay?
Qi Ran's tone was unhurried, "It seems that Ms. Gu may have some prejudice against me."

Lian Jue followed closely behind in disapproval, frowned and said, "Gu Lanlan, stop teasing him."

Gu Lanlan: "..."

One or two are staring at her, and now it's like she did something wrong!
Obviously she came here out of kindness to help her best friend test each other out.

The angry Gu Lanlan never thought about it, nor did Lian Jue invite her here on her own initiative.

Halfway through the meal, the two girls went out to the bathroom.

After washing his hands by the sink, Lian Jue took this opportunity to persuade him, "Don't be too hostile to him."

"Who is hostile to him?" Gu Lanlan pressed her forehead, annoyed, "I just asked a few questions normally."

That's normal?

That problem is normal?
Lian Jue has deep doubts about the definition of normal problems.

Thinking of the incident just now, Lian Jue couldn't help complaining, "Obviously you persuaded me to make it clear to the other party that it was just for fun, but now you're talking about whether you're responsible or not."

It's really hard for her to imagine, if Gu Lanlan finished what she didn't finish, Qi Ran's expression after hearing it clearly.

It should be very inexplicable.

Speaking of this, Gu Lanlan, who was touching up her makeup, was silent, with a slightly embarrassed expression, "It's not that I forgot."

(End of this chapter)

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