Quickly wear the boss, she is always teased by male gods

1004 Chapter 68 Wild Unruly Little Lover [-]

1004 Chapter 68 Wild Unruly Little Lover [-]
"The main reason is that his face is so deceptive. Whoever sees it will think it's just for fun, and he really wants to play for the rest of his life." Gu Lanlan shook her head emotionally.

The girl rolled her eyes, "That's not what you said before."

At that time, it was called one nurturing and one lover, and I was afraid that she would fall into it.

Gu Lanlan shook her head, "The more I look at it, the more I feel..."

Such a talented woman and beautiful appearance, regardless of family background, the two are such a good match.

Strong women and strong men join forces.

If it's really just a love affair, it seems a pity for outsiders to see it.

"Let me ask you, if, after the show is over, you really split up like this, wouldn't you feel sorry for it?"

Gu Lanlan hesitated for a moment, but still asked a question.

Lian Jue paused.

She looked at the girl in the mirror, took out a piece of paper and slowly lowered her head to wipe off the water droplets on her hands.

"It's okay," the girl said in a casual tone, "you can see it too, no accidents, he is going to become a big star in the future, so what if we don't break up, do I have to be chased by fans all the time in the future?" Possibly exposed to a life in the spotlight?"

Gu Lanlan wanted to say that even if he is a big star, so what, my best friend is not bad, okay, you don't need to belittle yourself.

But in the end, he didn't say anything, just sighed softly, "That's right, there are so many good men in the world, if they don't suit you, just change them."

The life of trembling under the spotlight is indeed not suitable for Ye Rui's character.

After returning from the bathroom, the second half of the meal was more normal.

Gu Lanlan was originally curious about the affairs of Qi Ran's family, but thinking of the relationship between the two of them not far from ending, she didn't chat with interest.

She asked Qi Ran about his future work arrangements, and asked about his work situation.

It can be said that they had a very happy conversation, and the atmosphere was harmonious.

In the middle, Gu Lanlan asked him once whether he planned to enter the entertainment industry in the future, film, television, singing, etc., or if he would concentrate on developing as a singer in the future.

Let's see when Qi Ran answers the introduction.

Gu Lanlan nodded. After chatting carefully, she found that the other party was quite thoughtful, and her eyes were not limited to the singer circle. She even showed an expression of appreciation on her face.

After dinner and returning to the base, Lian Jue received a text message from his best friend, "This will definitely be a big monster in the future, you. It made me want my dad to sign him."

She typed a few lines and sent them.

"You have a beautiful idea, but you probably won't be able to grab it."

There will be one coming back soon.


Lian Jue put the phone in his pocket and looked at the person in front of him.

The two of them had reached the downstairs of the dormitory without knowing it. It was late at night, and there were no people there, only the rustling insects from the surrounding bushes.

She tiptoed and kissed the servant's chin, "Kiss good night."

That beautiful chin moved down slightly.

Before he touched her lips, Lian Jue pushed her away, "In front of the dormitory building, restrain yourself."

"You restrained yourself like that just now?" He raised his eyebrows.

Lian Jue: "..."

"Anyway, we kissed each other. If it had been photographed earlier, it wouldn't change anything." He finished speaking in a low voice, and kissed.

Under the night, the girl raised her neck, her eyes seemed to have crushed a pool of spring water, and her eyes were blurred.

Qi Ran slowly hugged him into his arms.

He lowered his head and sniffed the fruity fragrance of the other party.

It took a long time before the deep magnetic voice sounded: "I'm leaving."


Downstairs in the dormitory, the youth's voice sounded again: "Ye Rui."

"Huh?" The girl stopped in her tracks.

"You took me to meet your friend today, didn't you..."

(End of this chapter)

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