Quickly wear the boss, she is always teased by male gods

1008 Chapter 72 Wild Unruly Little Lover [-]

1008 Chapter 72 Wild Unruly Little Lover [-]
For example, in fact, I don't care about broken resources at all.

For example, you said that you liked me, although it was only a little bit, but I was really happy, I was going crazy with joy, and I would definitely not be able to sleep tonight.

The girl glanced at the time, and said in a soft voice, "Pay attention to your body recently. Although I know I will be very busy, if you can't stay up late, don't stay up late."


"Also, you have to eat three meals a day. I heard that you often skipped lunch when you were filming commercials a few days ago. Now that you're back at the base, you can't do that. I'll ask the staff."


"That's all I can think of for now," the girl looked up at the ceiling, "I'll send you a WeChat message if I have anything to add later."

"it is good."

Qi Ran took the girl's hand, and pressed a kiss on the delicate and fair skin, "I used to think that it would be good to have an overwhelming job, but now..."

Both of them are busy, and they spend less and less time together.

Fame is his vision and goal, being busy is destined to be a state for a long time in the future, and so is she.

If you want to be together for a longer period of time, you must sacrifice your work alone.

He knew he couldn't force her, and she also had things she wanted to do.

Being together does not mean that they will be a couple for the rest of their lives, he can only seize every opportunity now to love her seriously.

Weaving a big net with gentleness, trapping her in it, she will never be able to escape again in this life.

"Ye Rui."

Lian Jue's eyelids twitched.

It's really straightened up, and I always call him by his name.

I don't know what came to mind, but a gentle smile appeared on that handsome face, "I heard...you have been with Du Lanshan all this time?"

Lian Jue: "..."

He wasn't at the base, so apart from being busy with work, she was naturally working with the mission target on how to increase the ranking.

He lowered his head and kissed her again, and said lightly, "Don't really get too close to him."

"Otherwise, if it is photographed, it will not be good for his future development."

"Besides, your boyfriend will be angry too."

Lian Jue: "..."

Good guy.

Just said it was just a lover.

This is to win the championship and be together again?
Why does she feel that he is more conscious of being someone else's boyfriend than anyone else?
The girl really stood up this time, "I know it's long-winded."

I don't listen.

She glanced at the time, "I'm leaving."

After a pause, the girl stopped slightly, turned her eyes, and said seriously: "See you in the final."

It should be the final to see you again.

Even if there is a chance to meet in the middle... She doesn't want to bother him anymore during this time.

"See you in the final." The sword-browed starry face looked at her, and his eyes didn't turn away.

After closing the door, Lian Jue's eyes paused slightly.

Although it seems that the relationship has been confirmed now, no one knows what will happen in the future and what kind of variables will happen.

His fame, as well as her unfinished task, seem to be more than one or two things between the two of them.

"System, after the task is completed, can I leave this world?"

"This is not certain, it depends on the specific situation at that time."

The system asked back, "Do you want to stay in this plane?"

"I don't know." The girl was at a loss for a moment.


We all agreed with others to be together after winning the championship, but now we actually say we don’t know.

Scum girl.

However, what it doesn't understand is that what Lian Jue thinks is that she has passed through so many times quickly, and she knows very well that once she leaves, the world will be overturned and start again, so it has no effect on anyone, including Qi Ran.

She just goes with the flow until the mission is over.

(End of this chapter)

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