Quickly wear the boss, she is always teased by male gods

1009 Chapter 73 Wild Unruly Little Lover [-]

1009 Chapter 73 Wild Unruly Little Lover [-]
As for how the future will develop, she herself does not know.

At worst, I will just stay in this plane for a while longer.

The little lover has just become a full-time employee. She has been working hard recently and has not been free for a few days. She has not enjoyed anything at all. At least she should put down work and rest for a while.


After entering the finals, Lian Jue's mission was already half completed, so she talked to Du Lanshan again.

In the cafeteria, the boy stared at the food in front of him, his eyes still a little dazed.

Staring at the beautifully shaped chicken breast, he muttered slowly, "Beautiful sister, do you think... did I really get No.10? No.10, is it really me? Could it be... Actually it is I heard wrong..."

A few days after the ranking recording, he was in this trance state for a few days.

Lian Jue: "..."

"What's the matter, can the people in the program group still lie to you?" The girl raised her eyebrows.

The boy sniffed his nose and smiled embarrassedly, "That's not what it means, it's just... why is it so unbelievable? No.10, why is it me??"

"Obviously there are so many people who are much better than me..."

He frowned, with a slight puzzlement and pity on his face.

Lian Jue fiddled with the salad in the bowl slowly, "Fans like you, don't ask why."

"Fans..." Du Lanshan blushed slightly, "I never thought I would have fans, I always thought that only idols like Brother Qi would have fans..."

"Everyone has a reason to be liked." Lian Jue glanced at the boy, she hoped that he would be more confident.

"It's true that you and Qi Ran are not of the same type, but you're still out of the circle."

The reason why he was able to step on the line and enter the finals again was because a small video of Du Lanshan's performance went out of the circle.

It was just a performance on the stage. I didn't expect it to be photographed by a station sister, and then posted on the Internet.

Du Lanshan in the video has a different style from the other contestants, a bit cute and a bit funny, and even made mistakes, but with the increasingly sharp and handsome facial features, the show has accumulated a lot of popularity until now , so it was discovered by many pairs of eyes, and at the same time it became popular in the field of small videos, it was evaluated as the last discovered pearl of the "Singer" program.

Lian Jue felt that it was due to his natural luck, but she really didn't do anything to add fuel to the flames.

Du Lanshan obviously still needs to buffer the matter of suddenly getting popular.

"What do the fans outside say about me?" He has always been curious about this matter, but he doesn't have a mobile phone and can't log in to Weibo to check the news, which is why he has such a sense of unreality for so long.

"It's just cheering up, let you work hard to get a good ranking, and then sign to a good record company."

Although there is no way to read those comments with my own eyes without a mobile phone, Du Lanshan still felt inspired and encouraged instantly, "Sister, I will work hard! I will definitely not disappoint you and the fans!"

Lian Jue slowly turned his chopsticks, "Do you want to get the top three?"

Du Lanshan didn't hesitate a word, "I want to!"

Loud voice.

"Okay," the girl nodded with satisfaction, "OK, then get ready and start frying CP."


A huge question mark appeared on Du Lanshan's forehead, "cp? What is cp?"

He was puzzled.

(End of this chapter)

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