Quickly wear the boss, she is always teased by male gods

1010 Chapter 74 Wild Unruly Little Lover [-]

1010 Chapter 74 Wild Unruly Little Lover [-]
And... CP or something, does it have anything to do with his ranking?

Du Lanshan was a little confused.

"Yes, stir-fry cp." Repeated clearly, the chopsticks in the girl's hand turned and flew up, with a casual and natural expression.

Putting down the chopsticks, she smiled and held her chin, "Brother, do you know the fastest way to make a man hot in this era?"


Du Lanshan's eyelids twitched and asked.

"Simple, that's—two men."

"Looking at the entire base, do you have the best relationship with Li Zixi?"

Du Lanshan nodded blankly, "Well... what's wrong?"

"Ask him if he wants to get angry."

Du Lanshan: "..."

Although he didn't know why he asked this question, Du Lanshan didn't even think about it, "Yes, he's been complaining in the dormitory recently about his low ranking and being the last in the final."

The girl rubbed her chin and nodded inscrutablely, "Very good."

Du Lanshan: "..."

He was a little nervous, "Sister, what do you mean by the two men you just mentioned?"

Lian Jue was in a good mood, leaned over and patted his head with a smile, "You're too young, don't know about such things, don't worry about it, I'll take care of everything naturally."

Du Lanshan: "..."

I can't figure it out anymore.

The dazed teenager finished his meal in a daze, and left in a daze.

The girl shook her head, she is really a pure child.

System: "That's because you are too dirty!"

Lian Jue did not admit this, "If I tell Qi Ran, he will definitely understand."

System: "That's the two of you collaborating!"

The system snorted, "Otherwise, how could they get together."

Lian Jue: "..."

Slightly slightly.

Anyway, regarding Du Lanshan's final sprint, Lian Jue already had his own plans.

He is now No.10. Every player in front of him has made his way step by step with the accumulated fan base. It is difficult to compete with others and squeeze one out.

So if you want to rank among the best, you have to take a little bit of an unusual path.

So this shocking idea of ​​weeping ghosts and gods was born-La Lang Pei!Fried cp!Have fun!
Excited just thinking about it.

Although it is a bit of a bamboo shoot, it is estimated to be the fastest and most effective way at the critical moment.

Next, she plans to find a few professional 666 masters of video editing, and edit some short videos of Du Lanshan and Li Zixi's daily and small interactions on stage.

Take the edited video and send it to the big v, let the other party guide the public opinion, the traffic will fuel the flames, the original owner of the short video swipe and give a thumbs up...

Isn't hot search born?
At that time, even if he can't become a new pair of CPs who are popular all over the Internet, at least it can make his popularity rise to a higher level.

It's just that it might be unfair to other players.

But after all, this is not a professional music review program, who can debut depends on the fans' personal preferences, thinking about it, Lian Jue is relieved.

The system is not a modern person, so it doesn't know much about the use of CP speculation, so it poured cold water on Lian Jue, "Are you sure it will be useful? What are the two men worth seeing?"

The girl held her hands together and smiled without saying a word.

three days later.

Looking at the soaring data, the system fell silent: "..."

Facts have proved that the two men are very interesting, not just ordinary.

Countless cp girls rushed into the cp sea, so drunk and dreamy that they couldn't climb up.

(End of this chapter)

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