Quickly wear the boss, she is always teased by male gods

1018 Chapter 82 Wild Unruly Little Lover [-]

1018 Chapter 82 Wild Unruly Little Lover [-]
She was vague, "In short, since she didn't contact you, it means she doesn't want you to know where she is."

After finishing speaking, she found that the young man was covered with chills.

"She won't." The young man only said indifferently, "If she promised me, she won't leave without saying goodbye. There must be other delays."

"Really?" The girl raised her eyebrows and sighed: "If you really think so, I can't help it."

The girl held her hands and walked past him.

That figure froze in place, and the chill became even worse.

Will not.

There was no way she would leave without saying a word.

Qi Ran still couldn't believe that she would leave without saying goodbye.

Something must have happened.


"System, where is this?"

The girl touched the pitch-black nothingness around her.

It's like walking into an ink pool, everything is black, you can't see your fingers, and you can only see a faint light in the distance.

The car was gone, everything around him was gone, except for himself and the clothes on his body, there was nothing.

She stepped on the ground, and the black nothingness instantly sank into a pit.


"Wormhole." There was no ups and downs in the voice.

Lian Jue stared at the long, rectangular space and fell into speechlessness.

"You are so useless, do you want me to find the exit by myself next?"

The system must have been hit badly, and at this moment it finally recovered a little bit of anger. After a long sigh, he said, "How do you know, host."

Lian Jue: "..."

She rolled her eyes in her heart, this time she resolutely didn't expect the system to have any effect, and looked around to see if she could find an exit.

"You can't help me, at least you can tell me what happened?"

This is still possible.

The system cheered up, "Because of some magnetic field adsorption problems, a black hole will appear on this plane every 100 years, and the location is on the road to the capital."

"This year happens to be the 100-year reincarnation boundary, and guess what? You just met the host."

Lian Jue: "..."

She should have bought a lottery ticket before going out.

"How do I find my way back here..." The girl was full of question marks.

Look left and right, they look exactly the same everywhere, the same pitch-black.

"Wait," the girl suddenly realized something, "If I am in the wormhole now, is the speed of time passing outside the same? Then after I go out..."

"That's right," the system sighed, "The time passing speed of the wormhole is about a hundred times faster than that outside, so host, you have to work hard, if you can't get out as soon as possible, the time outside will just pass by like running water. "

A hundred times? ?

"That is to say, if I can't find an exit here for one day, it will be a hundred days outside?"

Lian Jue's heart skipped a beat.


Qi Ran's face flashed in front of him, Lian Jue: "..."

"System, let's just die together."

She said bluntly, "I'll kill you first, and then I'll wipe the internal seed on my neck."


It is also very helpless.

So it can only remind the other party of a fact: "Host, you have wasted 5 minutes in the time you talked to me, and the outside world has only passed [-] minutes, which is [-] hours..."

(End of this chapter)

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