Quickly wear the boss, she is always teased by male gods

1019 Chapter 83 Wild Unruly Little Lover [-]

1019 Chapter 83 Wild Unruly Little Lover [-]
Lian Jue: "..."

She was silent for a second, and in that second of silence she realized that several minutes had passed outside.

She is not well.

"Help, how do you get out of this broken place?!"

The girl's wailing sounded in the long and narrow room.


"Have you found anyone yet?"

"Ancestor, who the hell is this? Don't you have enough things to do when you just debuted? You still think about it. I was looking for it seriously, but now there is no news. I'm worried, maybe it's just where I went to play?"

Standing beside the bed, her figure suddenly froze, and her voice was very low: "Impossible, keep looking, adjust the surveillance, all the surveillance near her home, the surveillance of the route to work, the records of the traffic bureau..."

"That's not something we can intervene in." However, seeing the other party's cold gaze, the manager quickly changed his words: "Okay, okay, I will try my best, I will go back to find a relationship, and ask someone to ask if I can get permission. "

He raised his eyes and glanced at the blue and black eyes of the other party. After two seconds of silence, he still couldn't help reminding: "Please pay attention to rest recently. These days will be relatively busy when you just debuted. If you have been working for so many days, it is time for your career to rise. Now, just... don't worry about other things, I will do my best to find someone."

After closing the door, until he was several steps away from the office, he still couldn't help but sigh.

As China Entertainment's top agent, the first task of taking over the new generation of traffic newcomers is actually to find someone.

He has been in the entertainment industry for so many years, and he never thought that he would have today.

But what can I do, I can only find it according to the other party's mind.

No matter how outrageous things are, we can only listen to the wishes of this little ancestor. The boss, the CEO of China Entertainment, can say that this is a person who signed with great difficulty, and has great potential to become the pillar of China Entertainment in the future. They are The resources must be thrown upwards.

Manager Li quickly called out the address book to contact an old classmate from many years ago. He heard that the other party is now working in Guoan...

It wasn't just one person looking for Ye Rui.

Gu Lanlan is not stupid, after making countless calls in a row, she realized that something was wrong no matter how simple she was.

Even if you don't want to contact Qi Ran, it's impossible not to contact her!

So on the second day of the finals, she approached her father.

Gu Lanlan's hand holding the phone trembled a little, "Dad, why don't I call the police?"

"Lanlan, don't be in a hurry," Gu's father comforted, "Xiao Rui's family is not here, so my father will call a friend first and ask them to adjust the video of Xiao Rui's driving across the country. I'll let you know the result as soon as it comes out."

"it is good."


"Bah bah bah!"

Spit out unknown hot mouth dirty water, Lian Jue wiped his mouth, his eyes finally burst into an unconcealable light: "I finally came out, Hu Hansan!"

"Damn it!"

Getting out of an unknown manhole cover in the capital, looking at the bright and beautiful city in front of me, tears filled my eyes almost instantly, "System, how long has it been?"

No one speaks.

No, no one spoke.

She froze in place suspiciously.

A mechanized prompt sounded: "Sorry, the system has fallen into hibernation due to not being used for a long time. If you need to restart, please repeat the activation password 'Old Iron 666'."

Lian Jue: "..."

"Old Iron 666."

It turned out that such a long time had passed.

(End of this chapter)

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