Quickly wear the boss, she is always teased by male gods

1022 Chapter 86 Wild Unruly Little Lover [-]

1022 Chapter 86 Wild Unruly Little Lover [-]
Only the stature seems to be a little more withdrawn than before.

After taking off his clothes, he walked to the kitchen and stopped, took out a bottle of mineral water from the refrigerator, and unscrewed the bottle cap, without any extraneous expressions in his plain sight.

The girl watched him drink the water, but she couldn't tell what she felt, and felt a little sore and uncomfortable in her heart.

I always feel... his demeanor is even more out of touch than before.

He was such a kind person before, but now he can't see any fireworks from him.

At home too.

The kitchen decoration is simple and elegant, very beautiful, and there are not even any stains.

She had reason to guess that it might not have been used even once.

Are you so busy at work?

Or that people who have reached their current status step by step will gradually become people who live in isolation and live alone?
Now it can be regarded as realizing his dream and becoming a god on high.

Why is there no smile at all?

Putting down the water bottle, the slender figure sat down on the sofa in the living room.

Then unexpectedly, he slowly leaned on the cushion behind the sofa and closed his eyes.

Fell asleep.

The long eyelashes hang down and droop on the lower eyelid, casting a nice shadow.

so tired?
He didn't even walk the few steps to the bedroom, and actually sat down here and fell asleep.

Lian Jue noticed that the window was still open, and the fingers of the man on the sofa shrank by his side, so he walked over and quickly closed the window.

After thinking about it, the girl took another blanket and covered it with worry.

It was the season change, and although he was in good health, he would still catch a cold if he slept here.

Such an old man, he still can't take care of himself well.

Smoothing the corners of the blanket, the girl paused slightly.

Looking at it from such a close distance, there is actually a piece of gray that cannot be covered by the foundation.

Are you too busy lately?

Feeling a little distressed, the girl subconsciously reached out to touch the other person's face.

Those eyes suddenly opened in front of him.

Lian Jue: "..."

Fuck, I was scared to death.

His eyes stared at the air coldly, and his brows suddenly frowned.It was like discovering her.

The girl clutched her frightened little heart, pretending that she didn't exist, and leaned back a little, and then leaned back a little.

Qi Ran stared at the air for a while, and finally stood up frowning.


She is transparent now, how could she recognize it.

The girl's heart hanging in mid-air fell down, and stroked her little heart.

The slender figure walked to the window, and pushed the window open with a crash.

Cool breeze blowing just after waking up?
After a while, the girl stared at the slender figure by the window, and suddenly realized that she lowered her head and smelled herself.


No wonder he had to open the window for ventilation.

So... the frown was because of a sudden smell of a mysterious stench?

The girl suddenly felt ashamed.

She had been outside all the time, and no one else could see her anyway, so she didn't expect to take a shower and tidy up with her self-destructive attitude.

If I had known earlier, I would have taken a break and packed myself before coming here!
Lian Jue regretted it too late.

But the most urgent thing at the moment is obviously to take a shower first.

But taking a shower now... will there be a sound of water?Even if she is transparent, there will still be a sound when the faucet is turned on.

Just when Lian Jue was wondering whether to leave first.

Qi Ran walked back to the sofa from the window, untied his tie, took a few changes of clothes and went to the bathroom.

After a while, there was the sound of water in the bathroom.

(End of this chapter)

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