Quickly wear the boss, she is always teased by male gods

1023 Chapter 87 Wild Unruly Little Lover [-]

1023 Chapter 87 Wild Unruly Little Lover [-]
Lian Jue breathed a sigh of relief and sneaked into his room.

This kind of duplex usually has several bathrooms, and sure enough, there is one in the master bedroom.

But soon Lian Jue discovered another problem—she didn't change her clothes.

Whoever steals from outside is also stealing, and whoever steals from Qi Ran is also stealing.

Finally the girl gritted her teeth and opened his closet.

With so many clothes in the closet, he shouldn't find that one is missing.

All her mind was on taking a shower, the girl didn't look carefully, and just picked up a white shirt.


The door of the master bedroom was pushed open, and Qi Ran came in wiping his hair.

Staring at the slightly open wardrobe door gap, he frowned subconsciously.

This room, the girl in the bathroom tightened her heart after hearing the movement, and speeded up her dressing.

I secretly groaned in my heart.

She was fast enough, even faster than her.Still not a man!
Drain the water on the floor, mop the floor dry, after a series of covering up the traces, Lian Jue slipped out quietly, and saw the other party staring at the wardrobe door that was pushed open, motionless, not knowing what he was thinking .

A minute later, Qi Ran stretched out his hand to press his temple, and finally reached out to remove the clothes in the closet.

He fiddled with it a few times, as if he was looking for something, but after a few seconds, he frowned, and the clothes hangers rattled, showing that the master was in a bad mood.

In the end, an entire wardrobe of clothes was rummaged out.

Some were thrown to the ground in a mess.

It looked as if what was lost was not a shirt, but some jewelry and diamonds.

Lian Jue: "???"

Can this also be found missing?

What kind of luck is she?

Seeing the ugly expression on the other party's face, Lian Jue was really convinced, and had to look down at the baggy white shirt on his body.

Could it be that she just picked up a piece of clothing that he was going to wear today?No, it's going to bed now, don't normal people have to change into pajamas, who will go back to get their shirts, unless...the clothes are very important to him?
I got bored.

Isn't this just an ordinary white shirt?The material is pretty good and it's comfortable to wear, but it's no different from other shirts in his closet...wait.

Lian Jue stared at the logo on the neckline, and suddenly stopped.

A flood of memories came flooding back, and what reappeared in front of her was the young man who stood in the luxury store and walked out of the dressing room that day.

"Does it look good?"

"Okay, it looks great."

The girl seemed to have been put on a mute button, unable to speak a single word.

No... so coincidental?
Suddenly my thoughts were in a mess.

One meter away from her, Qi Ran stood up, picked up the phone, and made a call with a cold face, "Qiu Tian, ​​have you touched my wardrobe?"

The person on the opposite side was stunned for a moment, and his tone seemed to be panicked, "No, Brother Qi, what I told Auntie Cleaning was only cleaning and not messing with things, and there are cameras in the house..."

"I lost something in my closet." Qi Ran interrupted him with a cold tone, "If you can't find it, you and the cleaner you found will resign tomorrow."

Even Jue could hear the trembling emotion of the person opposite, "Brother Qi, I'll come here with Auntie tomorrow to look for..."

The phone is hung up.

Qi Ran threw the phone aside and lay down straight on the bed.

Those cold and deep eyes stared at the ceiling quietly for a while, and then covered his eyes with his arms.

(End of this chapter)

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