Quickly wear the boss, she is always teased by male gods

1024 Chapter 88 Wild Unruly Little Lover [-]

1024 Chapter 88 Wild Unruly Little Lover [-]
The girl standing by the bed was also quiet for a while.

Finally, she hesitated and said, "System, what do you think is the possibility that he can't forget me, and still has deep affection for me?"

The system says it chooses to be silent.

Lian Jue: "..."

She sighed, but she couldn't tell what was in her heart. After thinking about it, she was afraid that she was being self-indulgent.

Originally thought that since he entered the entertainment circle, with so many handsome men and beauties in this circle, there must be some fresh emotional experiences, and he had long forgotten her as a person in the past tense...

Although I don't know what he is thinking, but now Lian Jue can at least feel that he is unhappy.

Every time this guy is upset, he likes to put his arms on his eyes like this.

You should be happy... Isn't it already that you have been liked by so many people?

As it got darker, Qi Ran reached out and turned off the lamp beside the bed.

Lian Jue climbed onto the bed.

Maybe this house is just for him to live alone, and he doesn't have any idea of ​​inviting friends to play, so there is no side sleeper, except for the master bedroom which is the gym and music room.

Lian Jue had no choice but to get on the bed in the master bedroom that was big enough to share the same room with the popular niche.

She had nowhere else to go but here.

Of course, there is no such a last resort.

It's still quite...cough, it's a last resort.

Especially smelling the cedar scent on the other party's body.

Qi Ran and her turned their backs, Lian Jue could only see the other's broad back from the angle, and wanted to reach out to touch him, but finally stopped.

Maybe it's a supernatural phenomenon to scare people.

The girl stuck out her tongue and decided to sleep.

But it is impossible to sleep peacefully.

Because her hair was held down.



He just turned over, so her hair just happened to be crushed tightly.

In the past, this person always pressed her hair on the bed, why is this problem getting worse now.

He couldn't let him find out, so Lian Jue could only carefully pull it out.

After a while, it was suppressed again.

Lian Jue: "..."

Handsome guy, you really don't feel sleepy.

Forget it, Lian Jue decided to admit that she was a hot chick, and since she couldn't force him to sleep, she decided to close her eyes and wait for Zhou Gong's favor.

The person next to him was still rolling around without sleep.

After a while, I change my posture, sometimes with my hands behind my head, and sometimes staring straight at the ceiling.

It made even Jue want to pat him on the shoulder to remind him, big brother, that you still have work tomorrow.

In a daze, Lian Jue fell asleep by himself.

Open your eyes again, the sky is already bright.

The girl blinked.

The handsome face in front of him had his eyes closed, his brows were tightly furrowed, his fair face was particularly seductive in the sun, and his facial features looked like the pinnacle masterpiece of God.

After all, the girl couldn't resist the temptation, she stretched out her finger, and gently copied it on his face.

She loved this face before, but after two years, she felt that the edges and corners were more and more sharp, so she could see the extreme.

When her fingers touched those two cool lips, the girl paused slightly.

The Heavenly Man, who was struggling in his heart whether to seize the opportunity to steal something, was caught off guard, and his eyes suddenly opened.

He looked at her steadily.

The girl's fingers on his lips trembled.

Wow, this look, it looks like he saw her.

Although she knew that this was impossible, the girl still felt an unprecedented guilty conscience.

(End of this chapter)

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