Quickly wear the boss, she is always teased by male gods

1026 Chapter 90 Wild Unruly Little Lover [-]

1026 Chapter 90 Wild Unruly Little Lover [-]
With infinite remorse and sad tears, she closed the door.


Jun Yan slowly opened his eyes.

Qi Ran rubbed his forehead with some headache.

Lifting the quilt, I saw myself completely naked.


Some fragments emerged in his mind, and Qi Ran's face was a little ugly.

He seemed to be dreaming about that person.

I dreamed that that person was crying under her... and begged him, but he didn't listen to anything, he just punished her severely, so that she would never want to escape again in her life.

He slowly touched the position beside him.

It was freezing in there.

There is no sign of anyone lying there.

After all... it was just a dream.

His eyes turned into a dead silence.

The light that had rarely risen gradually dimmed.

I don't know when the mobile phone that fell under the bed kept vibrating.

Pick it up with long fingers.

Wei Wei's worried voice sounded in the quiet air: "Hello? Brother Qi, I'm going to meet the crew today, are you at home? I've already gone downstairs..."

Qi Ran looked calmly, "I see."

The slender body got off the bed, and the curtains by the window were pulled up, casting a silent shadow all over the place.


Lian Jue regretted it as soon as she left the house because she had no money.

Apart from Qi Ran's baggy clothes, she didn't even have a metal coin on her body.

And her stomach was growling.

She was ravaged all over her body, her calves were still trembling, and her energy had already been exhausted, "System, I'm so hungry."

System: "No borrowing."

Lian Jue: "..."

Who wants to borrow money?hehe.

She reached out and took off a button that looked like silver, and handed it to the shop manager selling buns in front of her cheekily, "Sister beauty, can you exchange two buns for me? I will redeem them with money later, of course, It would be even better if I could have another cup of soy milk."

However, the beautiful store manager walked past her indifferently.

Lian Jue: "..."

She looked down at herself.

Halo, it became transparent again.

Stuffing the button into her pocket casually, the girl felt a little hopeless, "Why am I so unlucky..."

"Wait," the girl paused suddenly, her eyes fell on the steaming steamed buns on the steamer not far away, "I... am transparent now."

System: "...So."

Lian Jue chuckled, "It's nothing, I just think... Actually, the days when I become transparent are pretty good."

The girl secretly took a steamed stuffed bun, and Ah Wu took a bite, her face full of intoxication.


You unscrupulous host.

Lian Jue baji baji ate a full six buns before stopping, looking at the empty area behind the steamer, in order to cover up her guilty conscience, she put the expensive-looking button in it.

Then, before leaving, I took another cup of soy milk.

The system was speechless for a while.

Back home, Lian Jue finally let out a long breath of relief.

Fortunately, this property belongs to her. Even after two years, nothing has changed, except that it is a bit dirty.

From the traces, both Qi Ran and Gu Lanlan have been here.

Both had keys, too, she was missing, and the first of them must have come to her house.

Lian Jue lay on the sofa and didn't want to move, but after smelling the indescribable smell on his body, he finally couldn't take it anymore and took his clothes into the bathroom.

But when she opened the closet to get a change of clothes, she raised her eyebrows.

At least half of the clothes in the closet are gone, where are they going?
She was a little puzzled.

Could it be that he was robbed?

(End of this chapter)

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