Quickly wear the boss, she is always teased by male gods

1027 Chapter 91 Wild Unruly Little Lover [-]

1027 Chapter 91 Wild Unruly Little Lover [-]
But there are other things in her house that are more valuable, so there is no need to steal clothes.

Even big-name second-hand clothes can sell for a few dollars.

Could it be... a pervert?

The girl suddenly felt a little creepy.

Don't let this pervert be found by him, or she will blow his head off!
But... it seems that there are more reasons to buy new clothes.

The girl happily went to take a bath.

Back pain for a long time, but also to clean up, the girl is in great pain.

The bath was also for nothing, and after cleaning up and down the not-so-small home, the girl ran to take a bath again.

Looking at the room with bright and clean windows, the girl nestled on the sofa and finally took a rest for a while tired.

When she was free, she was finally able to take care of what happened after she came back.

Now that people have returned, there are many things to be resolved.

I don't know if she has been treated as a missing person, and I don't know if her parents who are abroad have come back, and...

Among friends, the first thing Lian Jue thinks of is Gu Lanlan.

She must have been worried for a long time. It's time to meet her sometime to reassure her and talk about what happened in the past two years.

But Lian Jue is still not sure whether he will become transparent again, so he just let it go recently.

Let's continue to follow Qi Ran now...

Thinking of what happened in the morning, the girl's face became hot again involuntarily.

Next time, she will definitely not follow other people's bed, what a stink!

After giving himself a day off, Lian Jue asked the system clearly where Qi Ran was filming, and followed him boredly.

Anyway, she has nothing to do now, so let's go and have a look. It just so happens that other fans may not be able to enter the shooting scene.


It always feels like the host has forgotten something.

what is it.

Lian Jue followed him for two days, sometimes watching the other party filming, but most of the time he was bored, so he just wandered around Hengdian.If you have nothing to do, go to the cinema to watch a movie or something. You can get as many buckets of popcorn as you want in the background, and you don’t need to buy movie tickets to watch whatever you want.

Another time, Lian Jue almost broke through the psychological and moral defense line and went to the men's restroom.

Cough, that, she was simply curious.

There should be no girl who is not curious about the structure of the men's toilet. Lian Jue is just one of the ordinary girls, but in the end she didn't have the nerve to go in casually, and finally chose a dark night to visit the men's toilet. one time.

Tsk amazed.

The system said it was very eye-catching.

It is increasingly unable to understand the hobbies of the host.

Lian Jue just followed his heart, taking advantage of his transparent body to do many things that he couldn't do normally.

By the way, Qi Ran recently made a movie called "The Prisoner", which tells the story of a male psychologist.

The heroine is his patient, I don't know why, the plot is minimal.

Even the plot length of the second male lead is not as good.

Because the heroine's participation in the plot is too low, Lian Jue watched it for a long time and felt like watching a romantic drama.

I don't know why Qi Ran fell in love with such a play.

But the story is still fascinating.

His taste is as perverted as ever.

And one more thing.

Lian Jue realized that he seemed to have had a lot of influence on Qi Ran.

For example... When he looked at reflective screens, such as mobile phones and mirrors, his eyes always shot towards her suddenly.

Then he paused, and then retracted slowly, his brows were furrowed as if he could pinch a fly to death.

(End of this chapter)

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