Quickly wear the boss, she is always teased by male gods

1028 Chapter 92 Wild Unruly Little Lover [-]

1028 Chapter 92 Wild Unruly Little Lover [-]
After being reminded by the system, she realized that it was because of the effect of the original magnetic field that the mirror could always see her passing face.


Qi Ran is not mentally weak, she is going to be mentally weak.

The key is that as long as he sees her, he will still turn his head, as if he must be sure.

Once like this, like this again and again.

Really enough perseverance.

Until one day, when he got up in the morning and stared at the mirror, Qi Ran looked at the mirror and saw the familiar face behind him disappear again.

The faucet was still dripping, and he said slowly to himself: "I might be crazy."

"It doesn't matter if you're crazy," Jun Yan suddenly laughed at himself, "This way you won't..."

Standing not far behind him, the girl who was tickling her back with a lazy stick cheered up.

won't what?
However, he just lifted his lips, the arc of sarcasm deepened, and the breath around him became more boundless and low.

The director of the crew also noticed that the other party's eyes were getting more and more dark.

"Ah Ran, why don't you rest for a few days? Are you too tired from the concert a while ago? You can tell if you can't hold on."

The slender man shook his head, "Thank you."

Seeing that the other party insisted on this, the director had no choice.

After observing for a few days, Lian Jue discovered that Qi Ran not only sings well, but also has a good acting skills.

In other words, I missed too much, so I didn't witness his earth-shaking changes along the way.

The people in the crew also admired him very much, and never talked about the other party's acting skills behind his back because he was a young idol.

Perhaps this is also due to his solid foundation, which rarely disappoints.

From the mouth of the staff, she also heard about the fact that the other party won the actor last year.

Still pretty shocked.

There are really people who are born for the entertainment industry.

"Ah Ran, how about this, let's shoot a scene in the morning first, and give you time in the afternoon, so you can go and relax? You haven't walked around since you came here." The director said after careful consideration.

Although the other party's acting skills are superb and I can't find any faults, but I always feel that something is not in place.This kind of situation where you want to find faults but can't find any faults is the most troublesome.

This time Qi Ran didn't refuse, and nodded, "Thank you director."

The director also let out a long sigh of relief.

The filming of the next episode started again.

Lian Jue felt bored and stood outside listening to the fans chatting.

"Why is my brother's complexion not so good recently? Is it because you are too tired from continuous filming?"

"Based on my understanding of our brother, he must have stayed up all night to study the script and slept late that's why this happened."

Lian Jue: "..."

In fact, your brother suffers from insomnia every day, and he never stayed up late to study a script.

"Forget it, I'll go buy a bottle of water. If my brother gets thirsty later, I can just deliver it."

"Don't dream, the staff don't have any water in their hands."

"Leave me alone! I told you that maybe my brother will drink my water."

The girl couldn't be persuaded, so she turned her head and continued watching the filming.

Lian Jue also persuaded him a few words, your brother suspects that he is haunted by ghosts and probably won't want to drink water.

But when I said it, I realized that the other party couldn't hear me.

The girl has already run out and ran away.

She also stood there watching for a while.

For a moment, she was stunned.

The sound heard by the ear is no longer blurred like the tide, but an increasingly clear sound quality.

Lian Jue knew that he was about to recover his body.

(End of this chapter)

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