Quickly wear the boss, she is always teased by male gods

1035 Chapter 99 Wild Unruly Little Lover [-]

1035 Chapter 99 Wild Unruly Little Lover [-]
Really, why does every plane make such mistakes, to the extent that people call for help...

"In the next plane, I will be reincarnated on the body of a nun who has given up her love and desires! I've had enough!"

She has had enough of the pain of love!

System: "Good host."

The system gave an OK to indicate that there is no problem.

Both populations automatically ignored a problem while they were hilarious.

What identity to reincarnate into is not something they can decide, it has a half-money relationship with them.


Originally, she just came to the kitchen to drink water to moisten her dry throat, but Lian Jue found out that the hero had left her breakfast.

in the microwave.

It's quite rich.

It doesn't look like leftovers, but rather a separate order.

Just warm it up a bit.

After breakfast, Lian Jue decided to go out for a stroll in Hengdian, and look for the male lead to see if he was filming.

In order to avoid the surveillance cameras, the girl specially took Qi Ran's peaked cap and a mask, and armed her face tightly.

Then he was ready to go. He was still happy when he closed the door with his fingers, but the smile fell down with a lightning speed in the next second.

"Click, click, click."

Staring at the motionless door, her face turned green.


"Yes, you are locked."

Lian Jue: "..."

She lowered her head and cursed, "Why lock me?"

System: "This question... I suggest you ask him face to face."

The girl slowly slid down the door, holding her knees, a little depressed, "Is there no other way? The one that allows me to sneak out without being found."

"It's fine for a while." She was a little desperate.

The system sighed, "He is the male lead with the mental power of the male lead, and I'm just a string of codes..."

Don't go on talking about it, even Jue knows it.

The depression in the girl's heart reached its peak.

When Qi Ran came back, he saw the girl lying on the bed with her back to him.

The corners of his lips were raised, and a gentle color flashed in his eyes. Qi Ran walked over, sat on the edge of the bed and stared at the person with only one back exposed: "The sun is drying your butt, are you still sleeping?"

The girl remained motionless and said nothing.

Slowly, Qi Ran realized that it was unusual.

He paused, then reached out to hug the girl's slender figure, "I bought your favorite pineapple rice..."

She stared at him, never saying a word.

"What's the matter?" He smiled and brushed the messy hair around her ear, "How did I offend you?"

"You locked the door?"

The expression on Junyan's face paused, and after a pause for a few seconds, he smiled, "Well, want to go out to play? I'll take you there in a few days..."

The girl waved his hand away, "Stop being hypocritical, open the door for me, I want to go out."

Such a situation where personal freedom is not in his hands is really fucking!

Qi Ran held her wrist, Jun Yan slowly turned to her, and said in a calm tone, "Do you think... is it possible?"

She didn't understand, "Didn't you say that you already believed me?"

"What are you doing now?"

Isn't everything said and done?

Why keep her locked up here!
She still has friends to meet, and she finally has a physical body.I still want to see Gu Lanlan...

"Because I'm scared," he whispered.

Junyan smiled, "You just came back, what if you leave again? You know, I finally got it back."

Qi Ran's voice was still soft, "Even if it's time to stay with me, okay? I just found you back, how could I let you go somewhere else..."

(End of this chapter)

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