Quickly wear the boss, she is always teased by male gods

1036 Chapter 100 Wild Unruly Little Lover [-]

1036 Chapter 100 Wild Unruly Little Lover [-]
"Isn't it okay to stay by my side obediently? Where do you want to go, after I finish my work for a while, I will accompany you there in a few days."

"But I don't like this feeling. I want to go out by myself. I don't need you to accompany me."

"Don't do this, don't make trouble with me." He still stroked her hair with a gentle voice.

Liars, men are liars.

"What about in the future? I won't be allowed to go back to work in the future? In the future, I can only go where you and I will go for the rest of my life?" If this is what Qi Ran wants, she is simply unbelievable.

The young man was calm and calm, and said in a calm voice, "I'll talk about the future."

Lian Jue: "..."

How is this different from direct admission.

Qi Ran looked down at her, his eyes seemed to be dripping with tenderness, "Who do you want to see after you go out?"

There are too many, Gu Lanlan, Du Lanshan, and other staff who have a good relationship...

"You care about me? Anyway, I have someone I have to see."

She answered stiffly.

He is still good-tempered, "Then if you had to choose between me and them, who would you choose?"

She was silent for a while, "I choose freedom."


It hates iron but not steel.

It knows that she likes freedom and must choose freedom, but if she still says that in front of the male protagonist, can't she say a few flattering words to stabilize him first?

What's the difference between this and courting death?
The air was silent.

Qi Ran curled his lips slowly, "Very well, it seems that you took what I said before as a joke."

His tone was cruel, as if he had finally torn off that layer of camouflage mask, "What capital do you have now to talk to me about choices?"

Lian Jue also had a violent temper, "Then you might as well kill me, this way you won't have to worry about someone who wants to run away every day."

The two of them said so many ugly words just now, Qi Ran's expression didn't change much, but because of this sentence, his face became ugly like never before.

"Ye Rui, what am I in your eyes? You have been away for two years, two years, do you have any idea? Not two days! You told me to forget? Tell me not to care?"

"Do you think I've had a good time these two years? In your eyes, I've been bleeding for two years. Can it be cured after spending yesterday, today, and two days?"

"Do you know how I live every day? Do you know that I thought I was abandoned? Do you know that I am the only one in the whole world who is still looking for you?"

There was a mocking arc on his lips: "You want to see that woman surnamed Gu... Do you know that she gave up after only looking for you for a month?"

The girl didn't say a word, but avoided the hand he extended.

He smiled, and the arc of his lips was ironic, "We had sex yesterday, my sister is so cruel."

He nodded slowly, with the same expression as usual, "Okay, now I know where I am in your heart."


"Since this is my position in your heart, it seems that I don't need to lift you up to the clouds."

"Ye Rui, I thought I treated you too well before."

After saying the last sentence, he turned and left the bedroom.

The door slammed shut, and at the same time, a gust of cold wind blew in through the open window.

A few pieces of paper floated up on the ground, which seemed to be some incomprehensible plans made by the male lead.

Finally, the system couldn't help but said: "Why are you being stubborn with the male lead? Have you ever been stubborn to him?"

The girl's voice was very calm, "He satirized my sister."


I am really convinced.

 Thank you for believing in Guangxiaocute and rewarding 5 bottles of Bingkuoluo
  Thank you Gingers for donating a bottle of Bing Kuo Luo.

  Thank you Luci Muruan for rewarding a bottle of Bing Kuo Luo
(End of this chapter)

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