Quickly wear the boss, she is always teased by male gods

1040 Chapter 104 Wild Unruly Little Lover [-]

1040 Chapter 104 Wild Unruly Little Lover [-]
She gritted her teeth.

He was very interested.

Although so many people are uncomfortable, she has always been able to blend into any environment, "This one, this one, and this one, give me the trouble."

"Okay, Miss Ye."

Pushing open the door of the dressing room, the girl's eyes fell on the opposite side not far away.

He was sitting on a dark blue sofa with a large glass wall behind him.

In the past two years, his side face has become sharper and lost a lot of childishness, but the same young and handsome face remains unchanged.

The sunlight penetrated through the floor-to-ceiling windows and sprinkled on his milk tea-colored coat.

On the sofa beside him was her coat, which was the same color as milk tea.

——I was forced to wear couple clothes early in the morning.

Lian Jue heard the shopping guide not far away sighing softly.

"I'm so happy that my boyfriend is Mr. Qi."

"Being a top celebrity, he brought his girlfriend out so unapologetically. Who would dare to do that in the entertainment industry now? Eighteen-tier male actors are afraid of losing their fans."

"If such a good thing can happen to me...God, I can't even think about it, anyway, I love love."

"Don't dream, the girls are also very beautiful, okay? The face is so small, and the skin is as white as milk. Let alone Mr. Qi's heart, I love every girl."

"Have you seen the movie Mr. Qi just released?"

"No, shall we go and see together this afternoon?"


The two walked away talking.

"Does it look good?" Lian Jue took a few steps closer.

She was wearing a light white dress that the shopping guide had just introduced to her.

The hair is scattered on the shoulders, beautiful and aesthetic.

Qi Ran put down the book, only glanced at the girl, then glanced at the shopping guide behind her.

The smiling shopping guide nodded hurriedly and went down with a wink.

Lian Jue fiddled with the corners of her dress, feeling as if the identities of the two had changed.

Two years ago, she was the one who was sitting on the sofa reading magazines and waiting for people.

But now, she was the one who went to try on the clothes, and then accepted the judgment of the benefactor.

With a sudden knee bend, the person was pulled into a warm embrace.

"They're still there..." She subconsciously wanted to look back.


Qi Ran lifted her chin with one hand and kissed her.

Lian Jue: "..."

Someone's hand reached into the hem of the clothes at some point, and slid irregularly along the curve of the waist.

Lian Jue pushed a few times, but did not push.

Qi Ran squeezed the man's waist, "No one."

He buried his face in her black hair, "From now on, I can only wear skirts at home."


Thank you, but she doesn't know how to wear skirts at all.

Wearing skirts at home... free?Who is this convenient for?

He lowered his head and kissed her smooth neck.

Lian Jue pushed his face back onto the sofa expressionlessly, "Are you in heat?"

"I still have a few sets to change, don't waste my time."

Qi Ran rolled her Adam's apple, straightened the messy clothes on her chest, and said in a flat tone, "Is this your attitude when talking to the gold master?"

As he wished, the girl said, "Papa Jin, can you let me change clothes?"

He hooked his lips, "Go, I want this dress, wear it at night."

He moved his eyes slightly, and said to the shopping guide who appeared in the sight of the two of them at the right time.

Lian Jue: "..."

Thanks to Qi Ran, Lian Jue didn't choose any more dresses.

As long as it is a skirt, she eliminated everything.

They were all some convenient and nice-looking trousers and casual clothes, and they just tried them on in the fitting room. In order to prevent the situation just like that from being discovered, Lian Jue didn't even leave the door of the fitting room.

 Thank you, Baozi, who is three and a half years old and cute, for rewarding 100 book coins!

(End of this chapter)

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