Quickly wear the boss, she is always teased by male gods

1041 Chapter 105 Wild Unruly Little Lover [-]

1041 Chapter 105 Wild Unruly Little Lover [-]
"Miss Ye, you are so happy." The shopping guide on the side said with a smile.

"Mr. Qi is young and promising, and he is the perfect lover in the hearts of countless girls..."

Lian Jue smiled politely: "Thank you."

"I don't know how many fans outside must be envious, and Ms. Ye is so extravagant in buying clothes. It can be seen that Mr. Qi is really a caring person, and he must be sincere to Ms. Ye..."

The girl smiled.

In her mind, how much money is spent has never been the criterion for measuring sincerity.

Of course, it is undeniable that there is a certain value.

The girl said casually, "I seem to have left my phone outside..."

The shopping guide hurriedly said, "I'll go outside and get it for you."

"I'm going to trouble you again," the girl smiled, "I suddenly remembered something and wanted to call my friend, can you lend me your mobile phone?"

The shopping guide took out his mobile phone.

"Thank you."

After unlocking, Lian Jue entered a series of phone numbers on the keyboard.

Fortunately, Gu Lanlan's phone number is a number she bought at a high price, basically 6 and 8, so she remembers it very deeply.

After dialing the phone, the girl smiled and looked at the shopping guide sister.

The shopping guide immediately smiled: "I'll go and get the sets of clothes that Miss just fancy."

The well-trained shop assistants are really extraordinary, and the technology of recognizing winks is first-class, so that people will not feel any discomfort or embarrassment.

Lian Jue looked down at the phone screen.

A few years have passed, and I don't know if she has changed her mobile phone number.


A clear and sweet female voice sounded.

Lian Jue finally breathed a sigh of relief, "Hey, Lan Lan, it's me."

The person on the other side paused.

He didn't speak for a long time, as if he was stunned.

So surprised to hear her voice again?

Indeed... so suddenly, he must have been frightened.

Lian Jue's heart softened, and he was about to speak.

"Who are you?" Strange tone.

Lian Jue: "..."

The girl finally rolled her eyes: "Ye! Rui!"

Hehe, we agreed to be good friends for the rest of our lives. We don't want to be born in the same year, the same month and the same day, but we want to die in the same year, the same month and the same day. In just two years, I have completely forgotten her and I can't even hear her voice.

"Ye... Rui?" After saying these two words, the girl on the opposite side lost her voice.

The air was silent again.

Lian Jue: "..."

She kind of regretted making the call.

There is not much time left, Lian Jue can only regret why he didn't call Du Lanshan in the first place.

"Ye! Rui?" As if he finally came to his senses, there was a scream, "You're finally back?!"

Lian Jue calmly said, "Well, I'm back."

In the company office, there was a pile of documents in front of him. The girl with exquisite makeup covered her lips and twitched, "You, you bloody ghost! You are finally back! You still know you are back!"

Lian Jue: "..."

"You... You, calm down." She persuaded tactfully.

Gu Lanlan didn't care about it, took out a piece of paper and blew her nose, "You damn ghost, I thought you were dead if you didn't show up again..."

Gu Lanlan threw out the ball of paper, speaking impatiently: "Where are you? I'll ask the secretary to pick you up now, no, I'll pick you up by myself."

Lian Jue pressed the phone, glanced cautiously at the shopping guide who was walking towards us not far away, "Hanjiang Huafu, come here as soon as possible in the luxury area on the fifth floor, the situation is a bit special, and the rest will be discussed when you arrive."

(End of this chapter)

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