Quickly wear the boss, she is always teased by male gods

1042 Chapter 106 Wild Unruly Little Lover [-]

1042 Chapter 106 Wild Unruly Little Lover [-]
Gu Lanlan only had time to say "Yes" before the phone was hung up.


She was a little puzzled, but recalling the tone of the other party on the phone just now, Gu Lanlan became serious again in an instant, and hurriedly gave the secretary a few words with the car keys and went out.

Qi Ran's eyes fell on the girl, "Why are you so slow this time?"

Lian Jue looked at the new batch of customers coming up in the elevator on the opposite side of the mirror, straightened his hair, and raised a slight curve on his lips, "How do girls get up so fast."

Qi Ran looked it up from head to toe, "That's right, I'll wear this when I go out from now on."

Lian Jue: "..."

Straight guy.

She is only allowed to wear skirts at home, and she is required to wear jeans outside.

There's really no one left.

The two of them put on their hats and masks again. Unlike her, Qi Ran still carried a large bag in his hand.

All her clothes.

Lian Jue only carried a small paper bag with a belt inside.


Qi Ran looked down at the person in his arms.

"Not hungry," Lian Jue hugged his arm sensibly, "Let's go shopping again."

They couldn't leave the fifth floor until Gu Lanlan arrived.

The girl looked around, and finally pointed to a jewelry store, seeming very interested: "Let's go shopping somewhere."


There are jewels everywhere, Lian Jue is not in the mood to watch carefully, but Qi Ran, who followed her in, looks seriously.

The shopping guide lady was introducing something to him with a smile on her face.

She glanced over inadvertently, and found that it was the ring cabinet area.


It's not what she imagined.

She walked over and tugged at the corner of the man's clothes, "Qi Ran."

Qi Ran was holding two pairs of rings in his hands, "What's wrong?"

"Let's go." She had already seen Gu Lanlan's figure coming up from the window.

However, Qi Ran didn't listen to her this time, and said in a calm voice, "Since you're here, you have to buy something."

Lian Jue: "..."

She pursed her lips and had to wait for him beside her.

"Is there any jewelry you fancy?" Her hair was touched gently.

Under the hopeful eyes of the counter lady, she slowly shook her head, "I don't want anything."

"Then I'll pick some for you."


Qi Ran really raised the two rings in his hand, "Do you like it?"

The counter lady rekindled hope and looked over with full expectation.

Lian Jue smiled under the eager eyes of the other party, "I don't like it."

Counter lady: "..."

Do you want someone else to live?

The boyfriend said no to buying jewelry, but he didn't like the five-carat diamond ring either!
Lian Jue directly took off the ring in his hand and put it back, moving quickly and smoothly, "Aren't you afraid that I will ruin your family property?"

So pampering.

"Don't worry, you won't be defeated." His eyes still stayed on the two pair of rings, and his voice was flat: "You can't defeat even ten."

Lian Jue: "..."

The lady at the counter was still not reconciled, "Sir and miss, our brand's pair of rings are very distinctive and designed. Every diamond comes from raw ore mining in South America. It is of high quality and has a perfect meaning. It is the best choice for wedding rings." .”

Lian Jue: "Sorry, we're not..."

Qi Ran turned his gaze to the girl: "When will we get married?"

Lian Jue was almost choked to death.

How did his mind turn so fast!

"Marriage... are you serious?" She felt that the world in front of her was a little dazed.

(End of this chapter)

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