1063 Chapter 15
After this matter passed, within a few days Lian Jue received a pair of shoes with a certain pair of hooks.

Air Force One.

Lian Jue frowned and raised his head, "Why did you give me this?"

"Also, where did you get the money? Did you get the money from your sister-in-law?"

Xiaopang hurriedly explained. "It's not money from my mother, it's money I earned from working."

"Do you work?" Lian Jue raised his eyebrows, "Where did you go to work?"

Xiaopang hesitated and hesitated, and was unwilling to say anything.

Anyway, he emphasized that he didn't take it from his mother, but earned it himself.

Lian Jue nodded, she quite believed in him.

There's no need for Fatty to lie.

This is the place to work...

The girl hesitated for a while, but said, "Xiao Pang, since you have a place to work, share and share, do you consider bringing me one?"

"Yi Yi," Xiaopang was stunned for a moment, then scratched his head, "What do you do part-time?"

"I want to earn my own books."

She wanted to lighten the burden on He Cui and Li Huawei.

If the person living in her shell is a child, then it doesn't matter.

But she is a grown-up.

Some responsibilities must be assumed.

She put the pair of shoes back into his hands, "Also, please return these shoes, you should buy something yourself with the money you earned, why would you think of buying shoes for me?"

When Xiaopang heard her refusal, he was a little anxious, "Yiyi, you were bullied at school..."

Lian Jue finally understood why he suddenly bought shoes.

"What other people do is their business. We don't need to change ourselves because of other people's behavior."

The little girl patted the other person on the shoulder and smiled: "Little Fatty, I accept your kindness, but I cannot accept your gift. Don't worry, no one will bully me. My heart is strong enough."

Fatty was stunned.

He stood there motionless, watching the other party leave in a daze.

The matter of name and brand name has been resolved.

In a few days, my sister-in-law seemed to remember the children's clothes, and immediately took the two children to the brand store to buy several sets of clothes.

She was still very guilty, and explained to the little girl that she hadn't thought about wearing sneakers in school physical education class before she got dizzy, and made her wear cloth shoes to school for so many days...

The adult bought it for her, and it was a relative, and even Jue was not stupid enough to refuse, so she obediently said thank you auntie, auntie is fine.

Li He felt more and more that the child was well-behaved and sensible, so he felt even more distressed. He bought a lot of beautiful clothes for him, took the two children to eat delicious food, and went to the amusement park.

Fatty is very happy.

Holding Yi Yi's hand, I happily sat on the carousel and Ferris wheel, and there are many rides.

In fact, his mother is very busy, and she seldom takes him to the amusement park, but when they come one by one, they come to the amusement park and visit many places together.

I'm so happy.

One by one is indeed his lucky star.

As for the pair of Air Force One that was not given away, Xiaopang did not go back and return it, although he knew that he would definitely not want it.

He was left alone.

Sometimes just staring at those shoes can go a long way.

He wants to keep these shoes.

When I saw this pair of shoes later, it was like reminding him that he must become a person with a strong heart like Yiyi in the future.

A person who can't be influenced by anyone's ideas.


In the three years of junior high school, Lian Jue has been receiving love letters in different ways, and she is still the goddess praised by everyone, her popularity remains high, and she is cheered when she comes out.

And chubby.

The part-time job he mentioned before seems to be still doing it later, and Lian Jue always feels that he is a little sneaky, as if he doesn't want her to know.

(End of this chapter)

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