1064 Chapter 16
After a while, he seemed to lose weight a little.It seems to be a little darker.

Lian Jue asked, but the other party hesitated, as if he was not willing to speak, so she let him go.

After a while, she handed him a sunscreen.

No matter what he was doing, he couldn't age his skin at a young age.

Under her teaching, Xiaopang carefully puts on sunscreen every day, and his dark skin gradually becomes less obvious.

A year passed by in a flash.

Xiaopang didn't tell the girl that his part-time job was to do some physical work in the convenience store. Although he was small, he was strong and had a lot of strength.

Also, recently he has been running to school every day.

This is also something she doesn't know.

Since you can't change your eating habits, use another way.

Xiaopang didn't know when he started, but he vaguely made up his mind.

——After all, I want to be a firm person like Yiyi.

Working in a convenience store after school every day, he gradually lost a little bit, a little bit, and a little bit.

Lian Jue suddenly discovered the change in Xiaopang, it was on the morning when he just entered the second year of junior high school.

"One by one, it's time for school."

There was a knock on her door.

"Okay, okay," the girl replied, filled in the last bit of eyebrow powder, and hurried out with her schoolbag and pushed open the door.

"The milk is ready." The boy standing by the table pushed the water glass over.

The girl hurried over, picked up the milk and started to eat.

He took the schoolbag from one side and put it on his body, and smiled: "Yiyi, I'll go first."

"Aren't you finished with your club affairs?"

she wondered.

In fact, they didn't go to school together much this year, and he always said that the club had something to do.

When her eyes fell on the young man, Lian Jue realized for the first time that these geniuses had lost a lot of weight, and now standing in front of her was a brand new image of a young man.

The fleshy areas on the cheeks returned to normal, there were no obvious bulges and weirdness on the body, and the look of the whole person was different.

The eyes are full of spirit, and there is a restrained light in the bottom of the pupils.

"There are a lot of club affairs," he smiled, "Be careful on the way to school later, and don't be late."

Lian Jue dealt with it casually, stepped in front of him, she stood beside him, and made a strange comparison, "Why...are you as tall as me?" The girl felt puzzled, "Catch up so quickly Me, did you take any hormones?"

"Maybe it's because I've been exercising a lot lately." He froze for a moment, then smiled.


"Well, football and basketball." He smiled and patted the girl's head, "I'm leaving, see you at school."

Lian Jue: "..."

Soccer basketball?Since when did her little bamboo horse become interested in these things?

She didn't know anything about it.

The girl scratched her head.

Then pause.

Just rubbed her head?

She usually touches his head, when did he start rubbing her head?

She is stupid.

Standing in place for a long time can't recover.

After thinking about it for two or three days, Lian Jue asked the system, "Is Xiaopang taking some diet pills?"

But it shouldn't be so. The way of taking medicine can be seen from his face. He is in a good mental state, but it is really like what he said, he lost weight through exercise.

"Could it be stimulated by something?"

the girl asked.

System: "As long as his life trajectory doesn't go astray, we don't have to overthink it."

(End of this chapter)

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