1065 Chapter 17
Lian Jue decided to let nature take its course.

Gradually her energy was diverted to other things.

I recently joined the student union and met some new friends and thought it was pretty good.

It's impossible for her to live only with the male lead, otherwise it would be too boring.

Time passed like water, and then it was time to ascend.

During the period of junior high school, the male protagonist of the plane has undergone earth-shaking changes at some point.

I don't know when, he has completely lost weight, and there is no trace of his former chubby appearance, and his stature soon surpassed hers.

This was a shock to Lian Jue.

He was a full head taller than her.

And because after losing weight, the flesh on the face naturally fell off.

The squinting eyes from before were finally no longer covered by the folds of flesh, but completely revealing a pair of narrow and long phoenix eyes exactly like Li He's.

The jawline is also well defined and well defined.

Broad shoulders, slender legs...

He turned from a fat man into a handsome boy!

It was at this time that Lian Jue took a serious look at the other person's appearance.

Then a conclusion had to be drawn.

His bones are indeed good-looking, especially with a beautiful mother like Li He, so after losing weight, he is still an out-and-out handsome guy.

Although this incident itself is indeed quite unbelievable.

She is not the only one who thinks this way, many people in the school are more mysterious than her.

Many of his former classmates walked on the road, and they couldn't even recognize him at all.

In all fairness, no one would be surprised by this matter.

At the end of junior high school, Lian Jue even accidentally saw a love letter in Chubby's schoolbag.

Although she was shocked at the time, it was understandable when she thought about it.

After all, he is no longer the chubby guy he was back then, but a handsome guy, and chubby seems to have always had good grades, so it's normal for someone to confess in this situation.

But regarding the love letter, there seems to be no follow-up.

She watched silently again.

The girl who gave him the love letter was a pretty girl, and Lian Jue thought that after he found the love letter, maybe the two of them would be together the next day.

But it didn't.

Whether at home or at school, Xiaopang behaved calmly.

Then she inquired at school and found that nothing seemed to happen.

She wondered for a while, and the incident passed.

It didn't take long for the two of them to enter high school.

Because Lian Jue and Xiaopang had good grades, they were recommended to the best key high school in the province at the same time.

After entering high school, the gears of fate have undergone interesting changes. The situation of the two of them seems to have exchanged fate, which is completely opposite to that in junior high school.

After entering high school, Lian Jue's development stopped, and the girls around her developed rapidly, and soon caught up, and her height advantage was gone.

And then lost the advantage of beauty.

After entering high school, she was no longer called a goddess, and she never saw a boy who approached her enthusiastically to ask for a phone call, and she completely became an ordinary female classmate.

As for why there is such a big gap in appearance, because puberty has arrived, she has small acne on her face, in twos and threes, on her cheeks.

Also on the forehead.

She is annoying every day.

Constantly staring in the mirror is all day long.

And Fatty is Li Xiyuan.

After entering high school, it is rare to see classmates in junior high school, so no one in high school knows that he used to be fat or thin.

(End of this chapter)

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