1079 Chapter 31
The first time I sprained my ankle was not because of a fight but because I stepped on the air.

Lose someone.

Just take a spaceship overnight and change your life on another planet.

A slender figure suddenly knelt down in front of him.

The ankle was pulled over by the other party with concern, "Yiyi, where does it hurt?"

The girl was stunned.

She subconsciously looked not far away.

However, the place where he was just now was empty.

Didn't he just chat happily with Xiaohua in the front?

"It's very serious. I have to go down the mountain immediately to find an ice pack." After making a judgment, the boy immediately turned around and squatted down in front of her.

"Yiyi, come up."

The school uniform jacket fell on the ground, a little dirty.

The people around took a step back thoughtfully.

Among them, there are many admirers, wishing that the one who sprained their feet is themselves.

The girl didn't know whether she was stunned or what, but she didn't move.

Not only did he not move, but his eyes wandered.

The people around were almost gone, Li Xiyuan turned around, with a playful arc on his lips: "You won't be shy, will you?"

Lian Jue subconsciously retorted: "How is that possible."

"I'm afraid that your small body won't be able to carry me on your back!"

Mouth King is online.

Li Xiyuan smiled, "When I grow up, will Yiyi see me as a man?"


what with what.

The girl lowered her head and coughed, and frowned, "Quickly squat down, my feet hurt so badly."

Hearing the girl's cry of pain, the boy turned serious and straightened up with the girl on his back.

Lying on top of him, Lian Jue finally realized that he was really tall.

The field of vision has been broadened a lot.

There wasn't any wobbly feeling though.

On the contrary, the boy's footsteps were very steady, and he walked steadily down the winding mountain road.

"Do you remember, you always took care of me when I was a child, and once I fell over the wall and fell to my leg, you carried me back home."

When he said this, Lian Jue had an impression.

She didn't break her waist that time.

It's not as easy as he is carrying her behind his back now.

Can't help but feel emotional.

This kid has really grown up.

"I was the one who would carry you on my back when I was young, how cute you were then." The girl muttered.


"It's nothing."

Lian Jue coughed, and turned his head to appreciate the majestic mountain scenery not far away.

It's okay to take a glance, but it's hard to focus on the scenery.

Lian Jue turned back silently.

Stare at the broad shoulders in front of you.

His figure has gradually grown, not just tall.

It was a subtle feeling between a boy and a man.

Lian Jue's arms around his neck suddenly loosened uncomfortably.

Inexplicably, the skin where the two of them touched was a little hot.

Thinking of something, she lifted her chin and sincerely apologized, "I'm sorry for delaying your time playing with your classmates."

If it wasn't for her, he probably already got the event points.

Li Xiyuan shook his head slightly, he didn't feel any tiredness when he went down the steps, on the contrary he was still refreshed, "Isn't one by one more important than these?"

Lian Jue: "..."

"Don't worry so much about me," he lifted the girl on his body up, letting her get to a more comfortable point of support, "Is my student union score even worse than this?"

Makes sense.

She should be worried about herself.

Lian Jue finally came to his senses.

"But you don't have to worry about yourself one by one. I still have to get the activity point table and so on. As many points as you want, you can add them yourself later."

(End of this chapter)

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