1080 Chapter 32
Lian Jue was convinced.

Is this the official high-level crushing people to death?
The student union or something, they're really happy.

Not knowing what he saw, Li Xiyuan said, "I planted a cherry tree for you downstairs last year, and now it has grown small branches."

"Cherry tree?" Lian Jue didn't realize it, he was a little confused.

"Well," he walked into the last pine forest with steady steps, "you wrote the letter when you were in the sixth grade."

Lian Jue suddenly realized.

Some long dusty memories have been reopened.

In the sixth grade, the teacher asked me to write a letter to my future self, predicting what kind of person I will become in the future and what kind of dream I want to realize.

Lian Jue, who is obviously a primary school student, naturally dealt with it.

No, it is to let go of yourself at all.

If she remembers correctly, what Lian Jue predicted at the time was that he would be a fruit farmer and mountain guard in the future, and his dream was to plant a mountain full of cherry trees.

She doesn't remember what the inspiration came from, it should be that He Sui wanted to eat cherries and didn't buy them for her.

Anyway, the teacher recited it emotionally in front of the whole class.

It's just a negative teaching material.

For some reason, the little bamboo horse found out about it.

Maybe He Cui said it as a joke at the dinner table.

But the other party actually remembered her nonsensical dream, and even planted a cherry tree with his own hands.

She was a little touched.

"Thank you."

"You're welcome." The little bamboo horse also said politely.

Cherry trees, he had planted years ago.

Only none survived.

The climate here is not suitable for growing cherries.

Until a few days ago, when he discovered that new branches had grown, it was the first tree that had finally been planted in several years.

It's just that there is still some distance to realize her "a mountain full of cherry trees".

The corner of the little bamboo horse's lips curled up.

The school doctor was on the bus. After looking after it, it was confirmed that it was only a slight sprain and the swelling was gone.

With an ice pack on his feet, even Jue was sleepy in a daze, and fell on the back of the seat behind him.

It seemed that he could vaguely hear the voice of Li Xiyuan chatting with the school doctor.

These two people actually know each other.

She yawned, tilted her head and fell asleep completely.

After waking up... Lian Jue found himself buried in Xiao Zhuma's arms, in a messy sleeping position.

There were still some suspicious water stains on the other party's school uniform jacket.

Lian Jue: "..."

This is definitely not my doing.

The boy rubbed his eyes, and Lian Jue realized that he seemed to have fallen asleep just now.

The star pupils were opened, he rubbed his eyes, and said in a low voice, "One by one."

The little bamboo horse who just woke up has a milky voice.

The sun fell on half of his face, and he couldn't see a single pore on his delicate skin.

"Oh." The girl was about to fall as soon as she stood up, and slipped into the boy's arms again.

Li Xiyuan subconsciously caught her.

It's now!

Lian Jue wiped the drool off the boy's chest with lightning speed.

After covering up the evidence, she breathed a sigh of relief, then raised her head to meet the slightly teasing eyes of the other party: "..."

"One by one... Throw yourself into a hug?"


Fortunately, it's not about saliva.

She patted his chest, "Slippery feet, understand?"

Li Xiyuan just smiled, "My chest is numb from your pillow."

The boy patted her on the head and turned back and forth.

"Thank you."

Became a human cushion.

No wonder she slept so soundly that she was drooling.

Lian Jue glanced out the window, the students had completed their tasks and came back down the mountain one after another.

She got up to stand up.

Li Xiyuan pressed her shoulder, "don't move, let me see your ankle."

 Thank you Pistachio for rewarding 200 book coins for the little cutie who wants to paddle!

  Thank you. com for the 100 book currency reward!

(End of this chapter)

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