1088 Chapter 40
"After all, we are not real siblings."

The girl said naturally.

Pushing her glasses, she reached for two water glasses and poured two glasses of water.

After listening to Li Xiyuan, he seemed to be smiling but not smiling.

With a final sigh.

I like people just like you.

Stupid poor.

It was almost twelve o'clock in the morning when we got back to the hotel, and the girl took out the prepared cake from the refrigerator.

"Sauce sauce!"

"Happy 20th birthday."

"Yuanjiang, please make a wish."

Standing among a pile of balloons, the young man was particularly slender and tall, with a smile on his handsome face, he stretched out his hand to her: "Where's my gift?"

"It's on your bed, I'll find it myself later."

"Quickly make a wish first and blow out the candles! Quickly!"

The girl is jumping up and down.

She can't wait to eat the cake.

Swiss chocolate imports animal cream, and only Li Xiyuan can enjoy this little sister-in-law's love every year on her birthday.

The young man closed his eyes and clasped his hands together.

"Is it over?"

"It's over."

Children's cheers echoed in the air.

Lian Jue couldn't wait to cut the cake, "Go and find your presents. There are also those sent by my sister-in-law, my mother and my father, all on the bed."

Staring at the young man, a more interesting idea suddenly flashed in Lian Jue's mind.

"Wait, put on the blindfold and go find it, I'll take a video for my sister-in-law!"

I called my sister-in-law yesterday, and my sister-in-law told her not to forget to take a picture of her birthday.

This topic is fine.

Blindfolded looking for gifts or something, my sister-in-law must like it very much when she sees her son's clumsy appearance.

Lian Jue happily took out the phone and set it up.

Li Xiyuan stopped and let her cover her eyes obediently.

Lian Jue stood aside, doing video commentary impassionedly.

The girl's sweet voice sounded.

"Sister-in-law, did you see it? Li Xiyuan is looking for presents, I don't know how many he will find, I have hidden them very tightly."

and various error messages.

"Here, a little bit to the right, yes, it's almost there, almost there."

The girl lowered her voice to the phone, "It's really unexpectedly stupid."

She took a few steps closer, and walked to the other party's side with a low waist, ready to scare the other party.

The moment she tripped someone—"Plop—"

Stumbling and tripping, he actually fell straight in her direction.

The two fell neatly onto the bed.

Lian Jue stared blankly at the person above him.

He was wearing an eye patch, and the first thing that caught her line of sight was the straight bridge of the nose.

The air was quiet.

Staring at the perfect handsome face less than an inch above his line of sight, Lian Jue almost forgot to breathe.

"Is this my gift?" The young man pressed her down and asked in a low voice.

Lian Jue thought you were joking.

Just about to push people away.

There are more hands around the waist, and the voice is low and provocative: "Then I... take it apart."


The hand at the waist slowly slid upwards along the curve of the body, and got into the clothes lightly, and he didn't even know when he pinched the buttons.

Lian Jue's hairs almost exploded.


There must be a limit to joking.

The hands stopped lazily and did not move.

"Well, isn't it?"

"Is that here? Or here?"

The long and slender fingers suddenly slid across her eyes, the bridge of her nose, and finally stopped on her lips, "Well... so it's here."

"Li Geyi."

"If you agree, I'll kiss you."

He didn't get any response, so he automatically accepted it as the default.

The cake on the table had already melted, and in the beautiful candlelight, the young man slowly lowered his head.

The girl was completely stupid, the uncomfortable feeling of being stirred up that made her whole body shiver, everything was telling her.

first kiss.

He took off the blindfold and stared at her intently.

"It's you."

 Thank you Master Luo zozi for rewarding 588 book coins!

(End of this chapter)

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