1089 Chapter 41
It's you.

The youth's incomparably clear voice was like a small hammer, hammering into the bottom of her heart.


how so.

The girl was completely dumbfounded, looking at the handsome face above her head.

Close at hand.

He pursed his lips, forming a nice curve on his lips, didn't speak, just looked at her quietly.

The mobile phone on the side was still recording, silently recording everything.

"I'm going to tell my sister!" The inexplicable grief and indignation of the girl finally roared out with tears in her eyes.

Just now he bullied her like this!
The air was quiet for a second.

"Sue it," he chuckled, "you can sue if you don't feel ashamed."

The girl was stunned.

The goofy look makes people want to laugh.

After reacting, the girl blushed rapidly from neck to chin.

Like fresh and tender strawberries, pink and moving.

"That's not what I meant, I...Anyway, it's wrong for you to do this, I want my sister-in-law to teach you a lesson!"

"What's wrong?" The young man lowered his head and gently stroked the hair beside her ear, "We are not related by blood."

A few hours ago, her exact words came out of his mouth, Lian Jue: "..."

"It's not right anywhere!"

The girl thought she was really crazy, whether she was crazy or he was crazy.

Even if there is no blood relationship, they are still brothers and sisters for more than ten years...

She paused, and suddenly found a breakthrough.

Persuading him earnestly: "Li Xiyuan, you just went the wrong way for a while. This temporary interest will not last long at all. You are irresponsible to yourself."

"It seems that you didn't listen to what I said at all." The long finger slid gently over the girl's earlobe, and the voice in the air carried a faint smile: "I said, I have liked her for many years."

Someone's pupils trembled: "..."

Completely forgot about this episode... Who would have known that he was talking about her!
Come to someone to help.


In the end, the girl lowered her eyes slightly, her eyelashes fluttered, and she used her nirvana: "I only see your brother."

The person above only paused for a second.

"It's okay," he bent his lips, and his voice was flat: "Don't treat me as a younger brother in the future, don't you like milk dogs the most?"

Lian Jue: "..."

That's not what she wanted to express!

Seeing that the girl was aggrieved, but couldn't find a word to fight back, and finally could only stare with round eyes, the corners of Li Xiyuan's lips rose more and more.

Can't hold back.

It's so much fun to tease.

His eyes slid around the girl's pink cheeks, and finally landed on the soft red lips that had just been bullied.

He was silent for two seconds, and slowly licked his lower lip, with a soft and pleasant magnetic voice: "Yi Yi, is three seconds enough to stop?"


girl puzzled.

until the opponent is pressed down.

"Hey, I don't want to...um—"

His jaw was pinched, and he broke in easily.

Suck and churn.

It was fully filled with his breath.

A familiar feeling of trembling surged up from all limbs.

The half of his face pinched by him was completely numb, and the girl gave up struggling with a dead fish face.

milk dog?


Lian Jue stared at the video recorded on the phone, from beginning to end, "..."

Especially at the end, the young man's hand was almost submerged in the girl's clothes, although only for a few seconds...

Her neck was stained a suspicious pink, and she was about to erase it after grinding her teeth.

The phone was pulled out, and the voice was low: "Why delete it?"

"Why should this kind of black history be kept?"

(End of this chapter)

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