1090 Chapter 42
After a pause, she looked a little aggrieved, "This is a video my sister asked to shoot, and it was originally going to be sent to her."

"Give it back to me!" She said angrily.

He took the phone away, raised it to a height that she couldn't reach, and operated it a few times.

Lian Jue: "..."

She didn't know what he did, so she panicked, "Hello? This is my phone..."

However, it was too late. When I got it, WeChat showed that it had been sent successfully.

The girl turned into a puffer fish.

There is no use in withdrawing.

What's worse is that Lian Jue found out that she was messing around just now... I don't know when it started, but she actually nestled into the other party's arms.

Li Xiyuan still had one hand around her waist.

She subconsciously met the other party's focused gaze.

There seemed to be a faint spark in the air.

Those beautiful star eyes looked at her with a half-smile.

"You can't grab me, can you?"

The girl sat up from him, took the pillow and beat him.

One was pulled down.

Where it starts, it ends.

Lian Jue couldn't escape the milk dog's arms in the end.

Sitting on the opponent's lap, she felt uncomfortable all over, twisting and twisting off the bed.

"I'm going to open another room."

There are two rooms in the room I originally booked, but I can't live in it tonight anyway.

The young man leaning on the bed didn't stop, staring at the girl's figure for a while, "Bring your ID card."

He wasn't so cruel that he didn't give her a moment's time.

Let her be tangled up tonight.

Thinking of the girl's thoughts disturbed by him, Li Xiyuan raised the corners of his lips slightly.

Opened a new room, took the luggage and put it down beside the bed, Lian Jue walked to the mirror of the sink and stopped, staring at himself in the mirror.

In the mirror, the girl's lips were red and swollen.


How did things turn out like this?

The girl lay on the bed sluggishly, like a shell without a soul.

Limp all over, he looked devastated.

The system comforted: "Don't you like milk dogs the most?"

"Well, in fact, think about Li Xiyuan from another angle, he is quite handsome, as long as he is not regarded as a younger brother, it will be fine."

Lian Jue complained: "But the key is that he is not a milk dog at all!"

The system shook its head.

It turned out that this was what the host cared about after a long time.

Lian Jue stared at the ceiling, feeling that his peaceful mood had been completely disturbed recently, and felt more and more that this sudden incident was very annoying, and the key point was that it was so tricky.

He asked her to give him an explanation.

The key is what she has to give.

I said nothing about the refusal, and I didn't see him listen.

The girl tossed and turned on the bed for a while, very irritable.

In the end, I decided to sleep, maybe I woke up and found that everything was a dream.

she thought optimistically.

Then fell asleep.

After waking up, staring at the skylight outside the window and the obvious layout of the hotel in the room for a while, the girl sighed when she realized it was not a dream.

Fortunately, she still has plan B.

Lian Jue planned to sneak out secretly.

Of course, it was impossible for her to focus all her expectations on a dream last night, that would be too silly.

The truth is that she carefully designed an escape plan, and then set an alarm clock for six o'clock in the morning before finally falling asleep in peace.

The girl was carrying a bag, and she was wearing a sun hat that must have been extremely wide.

He sneaked along the corner of the wall until he was about to reach the door of the hotel, and finally exhaled slowly.


Sure enough, Li Xiyuan hadn't woken up yet.

(End of this chapter)

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