1092 Chapter 44
Walk well, walk wonderfully, walk croakingly.

I hope this train can take people away directly and never come back.

Lian Jue took out his mobile phone and ordered a cup of milk tea, sipping on the straw and relaxing.

Just walked out of the high-speed rail station.

A WeChat message pops up.

"Let's go home together next weekend, uncle and aunt's wedding anniversary."


How did she forget this one?
Want to see this friend again so soon?
She doesn't want it.

The girl wants to cry but has no tears.

Wedding anniversary...why is this time.

Lian Jue almost wanted to send a text message to ask his parents why they chose to get married at this time.

Back in the dormitory, the girl collapsed powerlessly.

The round-faced girl just got off the bed yesterday. Seeing her kidney deficiency, she pushed her glasses in surprise, "What's the matter? Didn't you rest well last night? By the way, where is your handsome brother?"

The round-faced girl forgot to look out the window.

"Let's go." The girl buried her head in the quilt.

"That's it." The round-faced girl nodded with regret, and walked down the last ladder.

"Aren't you going to the lab today?"

The round-faced girl glanced at the sky.

"I won't go." The girl was buried under the quilt, her voice muffled.

"Okay, I'm going to get some report materials later, but I forgot this morning." The man who fixed the makeup turned his head and glanced at the girl, "Do you want to eat something for dinner? I will pass by the cafeteria when I come back, so I can bring it for you. "

The head in the pillow shook slowly, "No need."

"OK." Closing the powder, the round-faced girl put on her shoes and was about to go out.


The girl who was lying on the bed didn't know when she sat up, with a look of hesitation, "I, I have a friend..."

"Recently, I encountered a relationship problem. The matter was complicated. She didn't know how to deal with it, but you know, I don't have any experience in love, so I can't give her any reference..."

The round-faced girl closed the door, changed the shoes she had just changed back into slippers, and pushed her glasses calmly, "Tell me,"

Lian Jue immediately stood up and jumped out of bed, and closed the window carefully.

"My friend... She has a boy she knows. The two of them have known each other for a long time. She never thought about it, but one day the boy suddenly said that he liked her for a long time, and he still had a crush on her."

"My friend was stunned. She always regarded him as an ordinary playmate and younger brother, and never thought about that at all."

"So I definitely refused, but this boy is not someone who is easy to get rid of. After all, the relationship between the two is very close. Since childhood, each other's family is also connected with each other. It's not the kind that can be broken..."

"I see." He Jing stared at the girl in front of her, and nodded thoughtfully.

"That mainly depends on the girl's own thoughts."

"No idea at all!"

The girl's tone was firm, "This girl doesn't have any ideas at all. She just treats her as a playmate and a brat!"

"So you can give me a trick! Ah no, give my friend a trick! Friend! Friend..."

He Jing clicked her tongue.

Li Geyi, you are a happy comedian.

"How's the progress?"

Lian Jue was stunned for a moment, "What progress?"

He Jing blinked, "It's you and... oh no, the progress of your friend and younger brother."

Lian Jue: "..."

After a three-second pause, "Dear..."

"But only kiss!" the girl emphasized.

"Are you good at kissing?"

"Why do you ask this?" The girl glanced away guiltily, "I don't know."

(End of this chapter)

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