1093 Chapter 45
He Jing touched her chin thoughtfully.

"I think since there is no loss, you can try it."

"Why is there no loss?" The girl disagreed: "The relationship between the two people is so close at home, it will be embarrassing to meet every day after breaking up!"

"Anyway, your parents...ah no, your friends and their parents don't know, as long as both parents don't know and the woman hides a little bit, it's fine."

"And you said it yourself, if you can't get rid of it, then you can play as you like."

"Oh, everyone is so open now, maybe after your friend agrees to him, his novelty will be gone, and there is no other way to say no."

The round-faced girl glanced at the time and apologized, "I'll go first one by one, and the lab will be closing soon."

When they left, Lian Jue collapsed on the bed, still looking sluggish.

She took out her phone and checked to see if there were any unread messages.

He Cui's WeChat.

He casually asked her to bring a cake when she arrived at the hotel next week.

Lian Jue: "..."

Putting down the phone, she buried it in the pillow for a while.

It seems that there is really no better idea.

As for dating or something, as long as the family doesn't know about it, it should be fine, right?Moreover, one of them is in the capital and the other is in the imperial capital. Even if they are not far away, it is impossible to cling to each other every day. At most, they can deal with it on weekends, so that it will not delay her doing the project...

On the contrary, if she doesn't agree to him now, her project may not proceed normally.

Anyway, don't delay her career.

If it delays her career... Kick him out at that time.

Thinking of this, the girl felt much better.

[I have conditions. 】

Li Xiyuan, who was eating with his friends in the cafeteria, picked up the mobile phone on the table, and after seeing clearly who sent the message, he smiled and typed a line.

【What conditions】

Lian Jue kept holding the phone, saw his reply, and immediately sent the edited message in the chat box.

【You can't tell my parents and sister-in-law. 】

【certainly. 】

It's not too late to tell when the relationship is stable.

The person in front of the screen looked very leisurely.

[Also, I have a lot of experiments and reports to do, you can't disturb me while I'm studying! 】

The girl felt that the conditions she proposed were quite harsh, especially when the other party didn't reply to her for a while.

There was some drumming in her heart.

Generally speaking, it is quite rare for a girl to ask for this. Is this being persuaded?
She put down her phone and wrote her homework for a while.

After a while, a new message was finally sent.

[One by one you think I'm a clingy person? 】

Lian Jue stared at WeChat, lost in thought.


Seems like she made a mistake?
After a while, a subtle new message popped up.

【One by one, you overestimated me. You have experiments to do, and I also have projects to do. Even if you want me to stick to you, I'm afraid the time I can squeeze out is limited. 】

That's it.

That's great.

The girl looked pleased.

So she readily agreed.

[Okay, I promise to be your girlfriend. 】

On the other side, the third canteen of Imperial University.

The person on the other side of the screen finally couldn't help but curled his lips and put down the phone.

"Xiyuan, what's wrong?"

Noticing that the other party has been looking at the phone, a boy asked curiously: "Did the professor praise our project?"

Otherwise what would make him so happy.

It can't always be a girlfriend.

"The little white rabbit has fallen into the trap of the big bad wolf." The young man muttered to himself, with one corner of his lips curled up on his handsome face.

(End of this chapter)

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