1094 Chapter 46
Boy: "..."

Full of question marks.

"I'm treating you today." Li Xiyuan sat up straight from the stool, feeling the breeze.

"Ah? What good happened?" Several people were puzzled, "Suddenly want a treat?"

"Of course I have to treat guests, after all..." He chuckled lightly, and the light in his starry eyes flashed, "I finally waited for this day, and I got my wish in the first half of my life."

Lian Jue finished her homework.

When I turned on the phone, I saw the last WeChat message of the other party.

[Okay, girlfriend.Remember to change the note. 】

Lian Jue: "..."

The hand holding the pen rested on her chin, and the girl clicked her tongue.

Remind me of all this?
What a clingy little goblin...

Also said no.

The girl clicked on the note on WeChat, tapped the pen on her chin, and the girl pondered for a while.Finally, I moved my little hands to change the word Li Xiyuan into npy.

Although a bit conservative, but in case He Cui sees it, there is still room for explanation.

She still didn't want her family to find out that she was in love.

He Cui was quite strict with her, and didn't want her to find a boyfriend when she was in college.

The traditional concept at home is to go to school hard when you are in school, and after you graduate and find a job and settle down, the family will find a reliable person to introduce.

If He Cui sees any clues, it will probably explode!

After a while, a screenshot was sent over there.

Lian Jue opened it to take a look.

His wechat note has been revised, the original note is one by one, now it is one by one girlfriend.

A few Bulling Bulling stars were added at the back.

Lian Jue: "..."

Good guy, bells and whistles.

After hesitating for a while, Lian Jue didn't send a screenshot in the end, but just told him that he had changed into a boyfriend.

【What are you doing? 】

Lian Jue took a photo of her doing her homework.

[Just finished writing the thesis, how about you? 】

[On the way to the playground for a run after dinner. 】

The next one pops up soon.

[Hurry up and eat, don't starve my girlfriend's stomach. 】

Lian Jue: "..."

After turning off the computer, she reached out and pulled out the light.

A week after I got my boyfriend, life didn't seem to change much either.

That is, WeChat is used all the time, and voice calls are made several times more than before.

Then Li Xiyuan might say a word or two between the lines, "baby, be good"...

But they are still within the acceptable range.

What Lian Jue discovered was that he was much gentler than before.

Also more patient.

Especially when she opened her mouth to ask some advanced math questions, the two of them can sometimes play videos for two or three hours.

Ever since he made a boyfriend, Lian Jue's high math scores have been steadily increasing.

Lian Jue is also based on the principle of not using it for nothing. It would be a waste of such a good resource to not use it.

In the past, I was too embarrassed to bother him, and when I felt that he was free, I would harass him once or twice with high math questions.

But it's different now.

Boyfriend has nothing to see.

Don't be afraid to bother him.

The daily WeChat conversation between the two is that Lian Jue throws out a question anytime and anywhere, and Li Xiyuan takes a photo after seeing it.

There are detailed explanations and various solutions written on it.

The handwriting is so beautiful that it looks like calligraphy.

He didn't find her annoying either.

Lian Jue was satisfied.

She was very satisfied with the personal training.


Weekend, hotel.

"Hey, it's been a long time since I saw Xi Yuan, and he's grown tall and handsome again!" He Cui stood up and said with a smile.

The straight and straight young man smiled and said, "Thank you, Auntie."

(End of this chapter)

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