1099 Chapter 51
What a life saver.

The girl took her chin and rubbed her shoulder on the other's shoulder in retaliation, "Yuan Yuan, you are the one, sleep well and don't wet the bed."

He paused slightly.

Then he smiled vindictively and hugged the girl tightly.

Lian Jue instantly realized what it means to be choked by the throat of fate.

After a while, the young man finally let go of the girl slowly, "One by one."


"Did I tell you?" He said with a slight smile in his voice.


"I'm really happy that you promised to be my girlfriend." Under the night, the magnetic voice was low and gentle.

Lian Jue pressed her cheek against his chest, listening to the orderly beating of his heart.

"I was not as strong as you when I was young, so I was always protected by you, and when I was bullied, it was you who stood up for me. When others scolded me, you taught me to scold me back word by word..."

"My happiest thing is that I don't know when I can protect you."

"I want to protect you for the rest of my life, just like you protected me when you were a child." He said in a low voice.

She was a little silent.

"Would you like me to protect you for the rest of your life? One by one."

"...It's been a lifetime so soon, what if you meet someone you like more in the future?"

She wasn't trying to argue, nor was she criticizing, she just really thought so.

A lifetime is so long.

There are a few people who can really fulfill what promises.

The surrounding air froze instantly visible to the naked eye.

A hand landed on the top of her head and rubbed it lightly, "You don't believe me one by one?"

Lian Jue: "..."

"Don't doubt."

The young man's voice was gentle, "Even if one day you don't want me anymore, I won't take the initiative to leave you."

"You just have to enjoy the preference I give you."

The night was dark.

The lights fall on every corner, and the neon lights are bright and prosperous, illuminating the whole city.

The summer night wind blows through the window.

Lian Jue felt two huge question marks popping up slowly above his head.

It's amazing.

Who can only enjoy the love of others.

how is this possible.

She is also ashamed, okay?

Naturally to respond...

What a thick-skinned person who only enjoys the favor of others without taking any obligations.

With a gentle pat on the back, Lian Jue wanted to struggle to stay awake while keeping a distance, but it was very difficult, and finally she fell asleep in a daze while struggling.

When I woke up again, the sky was already bright.

Lian Jue opened her eyes and looked around, she was the only one on the whole bed.

The time displayed on the phone is nine past ten.

Lian Jue got up from the bed.

She also sneaked a peek at the door.

After confirming that the others were not there, he breathed a sigh of relief and walked towards the living room.

The smell of cooking food hits the nose.

"Boyfriend? Are you there? Your little cutie is starving to death..." The girl was weak.

A handsome young man in an apron came out of the kitchen with a handsome face and raised the corners of his lips: "That can't be done, there is a sliced ​​cake on the table, my little cutie can eat half of the cake first."


There really is.

Probably he took it out in the morning to defrost it, and it is no longer cold.

The cream is soft and full of sweet and glutinous taste.

After eating the sweets, the girl regained her strength and walked over curiously with her hands behind her back, "What did you do?"

"Porridge and side dishes will be ready soon."

"Where are my sister and my parents?" Lian Jue casually squeezed a few blueberries.

"Going to the theater."

Lian Jue felt relieved.

(End of this chapter)

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