1100 Chapter 52
"Sister-in-law didn't realize I wasn't in the room, did she?"

"My mother is the same as usual. The door is closed, so I thought you locked it, and told me to let you sleep late and don't wake you up." Li Xiyuan glanced at the girl with a half-smile.

Satisfied, Lian Jue picked the hoarfrost on the blueberries.

"When are they coming back?"

"It's probably noon."

Porridge and side dishes were neatly brought to the table.

"Yiyi, do you think I look like a milk dog now?" Li Xiyuan asked suddenly after taking off his apron.


Unlike milk dogs.

You seem to have that serious illness.

Lian Jue rarely said a word of love, "It doesn't matter, I like what you look like, it doesn't matter if it's a milk dog or not."

Overlord Declaration!

Li Xiyuan paused slightly.

There was a long table between the two of them, and he didn't come over. He just stretched out a hand, held the girl's slender and fair one, and kissed the back of the other's hand lightly.

"My pleasure."

The clothes Lian Jue wore yesterday are still in Li Xiyuan's room.

After dinner, he said he would take her to the library to pick up some advanced mathematics teaching aids, so Lian Jue went back to his room and changed into his pajamas.

It took her some time to find clothes, so she didn't think about locking the door at all.

Concentrated on waiting for a date, thinking about where to eat... Then I took off my upper body and lower body.


Hearing the slight movement behind her, the girl subconsciously turned her head.

Li Xiyuan probably didn't expect to be able to see such a beautiful scene when he opened the door, his eyes were fixed on the girl, and he couldn't even take his eyes off the girl.

The girl finally came to her senses, put the clothes on her head quickly, and said angrily, "You still want to see it!"

The tall and straight young man also reacted, turned the doorknob, and took a step back.

But at last he paused and did not close the door.

Just when Lian Jue thought that the other party had left and was about to put on his pants quickly.

Li Xiyuan coughed, "I'm sorry, but... I seem to have seen it all."

"Yiyi's body is beautiful."

"..." She almost jumped in anger!
Just saw it, and even commented!
The system nodded thoughtfully, got it.

Low EQ: I've seen it all.High EQ: Your body is beautiful.

Seeing that the other party was on the verge of going crazy, Li Xiyuan slightly curled his lips, and closed the door behind him.

I was supposed to go back to the room to get the key...

He changed course and headed for the restroom.

Turning on the tap, the young man splashed some water on his face.

Staring at the hazy mist in the mirror, the scene just now recalled in his mind.

Under the beautiful sunlight, those slender legs were as white as jade, with perfect proportions, and her chest...

A few glaring red drops suddenly dripped from the clean white sink.

Li Xiyuan: "..."

I took a few pieces of paper to stop the nosebleed, and I couldn't laugh or cry.

Can't stand the temptation so much?

I just watched it, and I will...

Yiyi's body was too alluring for him.

I didn't think so much before, so my dreams are very pure, the most is to pull my little hands and kiss my little mouth.

But now together, see you again...

Li Xiyuan, who was provided with new dream material, fell into a deep sense of loss.

I'm afraid it will be much harder to fall asleep in the future.

After a while, the girl came out of the room slowly and had already changed her clothes.

She raised her head and met Li Xiyuan's gaze, and the two subtly moved away at the same time.

She coughed, and tried to pretend nothing had happened, using her acting skills all her life.

It's just that the eyes are still squinting uncomfortably.


(End of this chapter)

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