1104 Chapter 56
"So what message did the phone send just now? I definitely won't say it one by one. Oh, He Jing, just say it."

Combining with the phrase "relationship confirmed on the weekend" just now, He Jing has already reacted, so she asked differently from others, and raised the corners of her lips: "How do you feel about the relationship between siblings?"

Lian Jue: "..."

She pursed her lips, Lan Hua fingers tugged at the corner of her clothes and said, "It's actually not bad."

Then she was beaten violently.

"Say it!"

"Your brother? Bring me a picture of what he looks like!"

"Honestly tell me how you met!"

"He Jing must know the inside story!"

"Tell us quickly!"

"He Jing, you are not kind!"

He Jing calmly sat down and poured a cup of tea, "Let her explain to you herself."

After Lian Jue was pressed to explain the general situation, everyone let out a sigh of satisfaction after eating a big melon.

"Exciting, siblings who have lived under the same roof for seven or eight years..."

"Unrequited love? One by one is charming."

Yet others have not forgotten the point.

"So what is the chat record just now? He Jing would be so shocked? Li Geyi! Explain!"

Fortunately, the focus is not solely on this.

"Also! Where's your boyfriend's photo! We want to see the photo!"

Lian Jue immediately took out his mobile phone to find the photo album, and showed them the photos without hesitation.

Then the girls who study mental illness every day on weekdays go crazy.

"Wow c, he looks like that popular male idol recently..."

"Are you sure this isn't an artist or something? The wide shoulders, narrow hips and long legs... Are you sure you didn't take a screenshot directly from some pure idol drama? Li Geyi, are you playing with us?"

The photo just now was taken by Li Xiyuan at Imperial University.

Lian Jue had no choice but to find another photo with a better life.

The picture is rather blurry, the boy is wearing a sweater and fanning himself.

Although the pixels are not clear, the angular profile cannot deceive anyone.

Scroll down, and there is a photo of the two of them.

Now the roommate has nothing to say.

One by one gasped.

"Li Geyi... You, you, your younger brother is so handsome, why didn't you tell us earlier! Otherwise, it would be your turn to be your own younger brother and sister!"

Lian Jue: "..."

"God, he really looks so much like the one who played the Sixteenth Prince. Do handsome guys look like this now?"

Several people muttered, and the topic gradually shifted to the star.

The matter of chat records was fooled.

Lian Jue exhaled.

She didn't forget to give He Jing some hush money, and took out a snack box directly.

He Jing made an OK gesture, and then zipped her lips.

It's just that the look of the round-faced girl is still intriguing.

Lian Jue: "..."

Forget it, her explanation will not be believed.

Lian Jue went to bed to rest, and turned on the phone again.

Only then did I discover the message Li Xiyuan sent half an hour ago.

[One by one, want to see if you can wear it?Or... do not wear underneath? 】

Lian Jue: "..."

You are so flirtatious.

But why don't you call me sister?
Calling one by one, the oppressive feeling that is only created by boyfriends seems to come out.

Lian Jue shook his head.

While typing on the keyboard, she replied, 【Do you think you look good on top or off? 】

[I think they look best when they are not worn one by one. 】

Lian Jue almost threw the phone out!

There is a price to pay for large-scale question and answer!

This man is too much!

(End of this chapter)

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