1105 Chapter 57
Finally, Lee Suk Won sang a good night song.

Sang Lian Jue in a daze and fell asleep.

It's a song I sang when I was a kid.

When he was a little chubby, he used to hum this song to her in the evenings in the country.

Later, when I grew up, I seldom had the opportunity to hear it.

I didn't expect to hum it now, it was still the same familiar melody.

There seems to be a golden rice field floating in front of my eyes, and the waves of wheat form beautiful ripples. The two of them are running tirelessly in the field.


"Xi Yuan?"

At the door of the bright classroom, someone patted his slender and tall figure from behind, and a handsome face turned around naturally.

"Your father is here. It's outside." A boy with a basketball said with a smile on his face.

The slightly smiling figure stopped, and Junyan frowned, "I... Dad?"

"That's right," the boy scratched his head, "I also brought something, it seems to be food, you should hurry over and have a look."

However, the figure of the young man seemed to be rooted in place, motionless.

The morning sun's rays fell on the boy's shoulders, and he stood silently.

"Xi Yuan."

The middle-aged man has a handsome face, but no matter how handsome he is, his face is still inevitably stained with the wind and frost of the years.

Dressed in a top-notch high-end brand, the middle-aged man smiled slightly: "Xiyuan, I haven't seen you for more than ten years, do you miss Dad?"

The man looked at the boy in front of him.

Tall, with long arms and long legs, sword eyebrows and star eyes, clear eyes, he is his son.

Li Xiyuan didn't show any expression on his face.

There is no wave, quietly staring at a place.

He didn't want to greet him.

From the time he had memory, there was no memory of his father in his mind.

If it weren't for the overly familiar face in front of him, which was almost like the face he saw when he faced the mirror every day, Li Xiyuan might have taken it as a joke when someone told him that his father was coming.

"I am very happy now, thank you for coming back to see me...but I don't need another person in my life."

"One by one! What are you doing? Catch the ball!"

"Sorry, the phone is ringing."

On the playground, the girl put down the ball and hurried to the basketball hoop.


She paused for a moment, put down her phone, quickly packed her bag and put it on her shoulders, "I'm leaving first, children, I won't call today."

"Is it urgent?" Several roommates stopped playing and looked over suspiciously.

Lian Jue nodded and hurriedly got up: "My boyfriend seems to have lost his mind, I have to comfort him."

"Is that handsome guy? Hurry up, hurry up and comfort our handsome guy!"

The girls waved their hands enthusiastically, wishing they could go up and have a few quiet words.

Lian Jue found a quiet place and dialed back the video call.


A slightly deep voice came from the opposite side, "Mmm."

"Your father... went looking for you today? What did he tell you?" Lian Jue's voice hesitated, unable to understand the other party's mood.

Li Xiyuan paused slightly.

"Xiyuan, do you think your mother was the only one raising you back then? She is a woman, even if she earns a good salary, how could she provide you with such a good material life? And buy a house in the city."

"It's the money I provided, Xiyuan. I've been supporting you behind my back all these years."

"It's just that I didn't come to see you after forming a new family. I'm really ashamed of that. I'm sorry."

(End of this chapter)

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