1106 Chapter 58
"You forgive Dad."

Gently pressing his temples with his slender fingers, he said to the other end of the phone: "He asked me to go abroad with him."

Lian Jue: "!"

what's the situation?
"He is doing business abroad now, and he met some very powerful people. He said that he would allow me to study at Harvard, and then learn cooking business from him..."

"I think Emperor University is already pretty good, there is no need to go abroad, and you should live your life according to your own ideas, instead of doing what he wants you to do..." The girl threw out a big question in an instant. pile of rhetoric.

She doesn't want her boyfriend to go abroad!

Wouldn't that be an exotic relationship?
It has to be said that after knowing the intention of this "uncle", the girl panicked.

The conditions proposed here are not unattractive, as long as they go abroad, they are at Harvard, and they hand over the family property to him to learn how to cook... Isn't this almost the same as agreeing to the other party to hand over the family property to him?

She suddenly remembered that she was still doing the task!
Absolutely cannot allow him to go abroad.

Even if you don't think about it from the girlfriend's point of view, you have to think about it from the tasker's point of view!

Li Xiyuan interrupted her with a low voice: "I never thought about listening to him."

He let out a breath slowly, "Instead, I told him not to contact me again, and I will pay back the money owed to him in the future."

Lian Jue: "...Ah oh."

It's a bit ruthless.

Lian Jue felt a little sympathetic to that uncle whom he had never met.


The pain in the opponent's eyes appeared in front of Li Xiyuan.

He pursed his lips, lowered his eyes, without any expression fluctuations: "Just let me think about it."

Lian Jue knew it when he saw his expression.

"Xiyuan," the girl stared at the ground, digging out a hole with her fingers at some point, "I don't know if you will listen to me, but I want to express my own opinion, maybe... the reason why he I just said those words impulsively when I came up, and it was going abroad and it was a family property, maybe I just wanted to express my closeness and love for you, but... I used the wrong way."

Sitting in an empty classroom, Li Xiyuan paused.

He rubbed between his tired brows, and remained silent.

"It was actually very sad when I was a child, you know, being ridiculed, being bullied at school, and no one recognized or approved of it."

Later, he was recognized by many people along the way, and gradually received countless flowers and applause, but he has not changed in his bones, he is still that lonely person.

No amount of famous brands can fill the gap between the word "father" and "father".

The girl really wanted to travel through space, and patted the other person on the shoulder, "I understand."

The reason why he was so popular later on, so likable, was because he would consider everyone's feelings.

It is because he is not considered by others, so when he becomes the shining point in the crowd, he wants to take care of everyone's mood.

People always step on their own pain points and do extra good to others.

"How can you be happier? Tell me, do I want to send you a red envelope?"

"Can 1000 yuan buy you happiness?" The girl stuck out her tongue, "I lost all the part-time job I just did."

Unexpectedly, instead of being amused, the other party frowned, "Part-time job? Li Geyi, you need to explain."

Lian Jue: "..."

"Didn't you tell me not to harass you because you were too busy in the lab?" Jun Yan remained expressionless.

(End of this chapter)

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