1107 Chapter 59
Lian Jue: "..."

"Didn't you say that you get up early and stay late in the laboratory every day, and you don't even have time to eat?"

Lian Jue: "..."

"What part-time job do you do?" He glanced at her.

The staring glance made Lian Jue feel refreshed.

"Uh... Actually, it's a laboratory-related subject. It's a side income. It's a psychological friend who enlightened a few patients."

"I swear I didn't lie a word." The girl raised her finger.

Very sincere.


Uh, host, have you noticed recently... that you are becoming more and more afraid of husbands?

Forget it, I guess she might not listen to it if I tell her.

Li Xiyuan lowered his eyes slightly, "I want you to come and accompany me."

A troubled look appeared on the girl's face.

"Now? My class is still full tomorrow and the day after tomorrow, and there are two teachers who are particularly difficult to deal with... Let's go to the imperial capital on weekends."

On the screen, Jun Yan propped his chin with one hand, looking a little depressed, "Then I have to call every day."


This requirement can still be met.

So in the next few days, Lian Jue was busy with the laboratory work, and whenever he had time, he took the initiative to call his boyfriend to comfort him when he was hurt.

A few days later, Lian Jue found an opportunity when his competition results came out and won No.1, and tentatively asked, "Are you in a better mood?"


On the screen of the mobile phone, the young man looked towards the window not far away, his eyes drooping, "It's a little better than yesterday, but... still a little sad."

"Yiyi, if you have other things to be busy with, don't worry about me, go and do it."

A somewhat apologetic expression appeared on his face, "I can adjust it myself."

Lian Jue was about to throw the glass, "How can I do that! I won't let you stay alone unhappy, you don't have to find me boring, we can do homework with the video on."

"Okay." The young man smiled warmly.

Day four, day five...

"Are you in a better mood today?"

The young man nodded, then shook his head again, "I'm very happy to be with me one by one, and I can forget about those unhappy things for a short time, but at other times... I still feel like I haven't come out."

In fact, Lian Jue has a project to do recently, but seeing her boyfriend so pitiful and yet so distressingly strong, all the hesitation he had originally disappeared in an instant, "It's okay, I will accompany you when I have time .”

She turned around and told the team leader that she didn't intend to do it.

When Li Xiyuan heard about it, it was a pity, "I never thought that it would delay your business..."

Lian Jue bit the tip of the drawing pencil, "I was hesitant to go or not. This project is actually not that important, and there are too many handsome guys in it. I'm afraid I won't be able to control myself..."

"Very good." Before she could finish speaking, Li Xiyuan smiled slightly, "You made the right decision."

Finally made it to the weekend.

Even Jue stayed in the capital for two days, taking her boyfriend on a tour of the mountains and rivers.

The two left their heavy schoolwork and tasks behind and played for two days without thinking about anything.

Lian Jue, who has a deep understanding of psychopathology, felt that he was going to get rid of all the bad emotions in his life, so he asked his boyfriend, "How is it? Are you no longer sad?"

Junyan nodded, "Yiyi, I'm much better, thank you."

Satisfied, Lian Jue packed up her package and returned to the capital.

Just when she thought she could finally get serious about her career.

(End of this chapter)

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