1108 Chapter 60
"Xiyuan, Dad wants to ask you what you think."

In the coffee shop, the aura of the middle-aged man who was in a high position when he came last time is gone, and his expression is the unique tension of being a father.

"I don't have any ideas." The Qingjun boy put down his glass, "I heard that you have a young son who is ten years old this year. You don't need to put all your attention on me. It's not too late to train him from now on."

"Dad didn't mean that," Li Jianyu explained: "It's not for cultivating an heir. It's just that my eldest son and I have been separated for so long. I want to spend more time with him and make up for what I didn't have time to give him before." he……"

"No need." The cold voice said, "Didn't you give me a house and a famous brand?"

"What's more, now that I'm grown up, I also have people who want to accompany me."

"Is your mother?" Li Jianyu was stunned.

"My mother, and my girlfriend. Anyway, it has nothing to do with you." He stood up.

"Have you got a girlfriend?" Li Jianyu was a little stunned.

Li Xiyuan paused, without any expression on his face.

"Xiyuan, that's not what I meant," Li Jianyu quickly straightened his words and spoke again, "It's just a surprise that you got a girlfriend. If you are willing to bring her to see me, I believe I will like her very much."

"Thank you, but I don't think it's necessary." He turned to leave.

Li Jianyu stood up in a hurry, and the chair made a clatter.

On weekdays, the high-ranking people don't know when their faces are full of tired oldness, "If I give you all the property and accumulated wealth of my father, wouldn't you want to go with my father?"

He paused, "No, I sincerely wish you safety and health, but don't look for me again."

He bowed, his handsome face was calm, and when he walked out of the coffee shop, he even waved lightly at the stunned figure inside the French window.

On the other side of the French window, Li Jianyu watched the other party walk away step by step, and finally his figure completely disappeared before his eyes, and his eyes finally couldn't help turning red.

In the afternoon, Lian Jue just came out of the laboratory, and was about to take out his mobile phone and happily order a cup of milk tea.One phone call came.

"Li Geyi."

Lian Jue happened to be fine, so he picked it up, "Why?"

"I'm injured." The young man on the other side said in a decadent tone, "Li Jianyu came to see me again, I'm so sad, please call tonight."

Lian Jue: "..."

She had faintly sensed something was wrong, "He came to you again? What did he say?"

"Give me his money, and take me away, or something. I'm so upset, I didn't catch the rest."

Lian Jue: "..."

After a quiet silence for a while, she finally couldn't help coughing and asked the question, "Li Xiyuan, can you tell me what you are sad about these days?"

Are you sad that you didn't get that money?

Even if he didn't get the money, he didn't lose anything. What's so sad about it?She understood his little emotions, but they were just small emotions when he was a child. She has seen his self-regulation ability before when he grows up.

Simply better than her.

How could such a person not get out of the gentle trap of a strange man whom he had never met before?

The voice on the other side was quiet, "There are many reasons for being sad, do I need to tell you one by one?"

"Sure, you can talk." The girl nodded to show that she had plenty of time.


(End of this chapter)

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